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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Monday, February 28, 2005

   sick and hating it.
hello...*cough cough* I hate beening sick! I just woke up to. Its like umm....1:25pm now. Thats late kinda. so how are you guys? Good I hope. Well anyways...wow, I just went Dizzy there. I should be in bed now, oh well. I really just wanted to say that...I dont remember...lol. Anyways...I hope yall have a good day, and that ya aint sick like me. I'm always sick now. I hate it, but then again it is good also cause you get to miss school...even tho that isbad for me but whatever...well I gots to go before my mom finds me out of bed...well have a good day yall. see you later maybe. byes.
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