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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

   poem I said I would post before
the *'s are the persons name...but not really the right long or whatever. it can be, it cant be? I wont say cause I dont want to do something wrong to make the person mad or anything. ^^ I hope you guys like it^^ if you think you know the person pm me dont comment cause again I dont want the person to be mad or whatever. well love you all^^ see you later today.

-How Lonely?-

How lonely can I get when there are
So much people around me? I can
Get so lonely that I start to forget who I am.
I've tried to hide what I felt about everything
And everyone, mostly you.

You don't know how lonely I can get when
I try to hide my feelings for you. How lonely can
I get around people? I can get so lonely that I start
To scare myself, afraid I will never know who I am anymore.

How lonely can I get just knowning that my
Feelings for you and everyone will never
Be told because I could never trust myself
To tell anyone, not even you the one I love the most.

Do you know how I feel when
I'm talking to you? Do you know
How much I just want to hold
Your hand?To just hold you?
Do you know how much I
Want to comfort you when you
Are sad?Or to have you comfort me?
Do you?Of course you dont.No one
Knows how lonely I feel or how I even feel.

Do I ever try to runaway from this
Lonelyness?Yes I have tired all my life.
I've gave up. I'm to lonely to keep trying.
You, my love, can't even help me
Because you dont even know who I am
Anymore,You dont know if you like me
Anymore, not like before.

I would give it all away just to have you
With me. I'll give it all away just to have
You with me. This is me lying to myself
Cause you will never be with me, your
Love maybe the thing to take me out of this
Lonelyness place, the shadow's so near.

I'm lying to myself for thinking that you
Will every love me the way I love you.
I'm so lonely because I can never get out
Of it. How lonely?So lonely I scare myself.
All I wanted was you to love me but I know
That will never happen. My life be to lonely
To stay here and try to fight it.

I'll give my life because I know you will
Never love me, no one will love me, I know
You were the one, but now I gave up
Everything for you, the only thing I have
Left is my life, Which I will give up also
How lonely can you get with so many
People around you? You will never know
How lonely I would get, you will never get
That lonely like I did, I hope that you will never.
I love you, *******, with all my heart.
Good bye , til we meet again.
How lonely?...

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