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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Thursday, March 3, 2005

OMG!!! today was such a funny day! GOD! I still cant stop laughing! lol. I was scaring everyone at lunch! lol. I was all like jumping up and down, I scared Pan, Yuki, Tohma, Colin, Andy and others! lol ok first off...I was sitting on a lege thing where we normaly are, but it was only me there anyways...yuki and everyone came after and I was drinking my pop can. I put it down so I could get something from my backpack. and I took out a book things, were I write everything like poems, and I gave it to Pan so she could read it, she pushed my bag, and she made it hit my can drink and it went everywhere! I was sitting where it all went! I pushed Yuki out of the way cause he was in the way and jumped down before I could get anything on me and yeah...after that...I just went crazy! lol I jsut went crazy. I cant tell yuo how I was it was just soo funny. I scared everyone! lol anyways...god I cant stop a laughing! lol I got called fangs today by my friends new bf cause that was the first things he noticted...lol so for him I am called Fangs cause his gf has same name as me but in french so yeah. anyways...I better go^^ see you later^^ if you wanna see a pic of me go to my site Rae-san and you shall see my school pic...well byes. love you all^^
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