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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Friday, March 4, 2005

I dont remember what I was going to post. I forgot a lot todat, oh yeah I had to do this project or whatever for schum, god it took all lunch soo I only got to drink my pop and it had to be fast! I hate that teacher! her voice is soo squeeky! god! kill me now please! I dont like that teacher she can go to hell for all I care. everyone hates that teacher. anyways...I had an interesting day...but like me I cant remember a thing...oh yeah! I got 100% on a test! go me go me go me! it was in french and yeah it was on verbs and stuff...well I need to go, cause...I dont remember why...lol oh yeah cause...umm...I...umm..*thinks*...Istill dont remember! ahh *hits my head* all I am thinking about is how much I hate that teacher and that I wanna kill myself cause shes such a BITCH!!! anyways...I may go into singing next year^^ I'm soo happy cause...ummm...I dont know why cause I cant even sing but my friend is making go into it casue I dont wanna be in band anymore so I have to go in that as she says, well I really need to go and do whatever I was supposed to do^^ bye everyone^^ Ja ne! love you all^^
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