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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

   Why? Whats the point?
Why does everyone ask the same thing to me when they all know the answer? They always ask how me "How are you?" They even know that I am not ok. My boyfriend broke up with me. Why would I be ok? Why do people ask me that? Its the same thing. They ask me right after another. Whats the point in asking me when you know that the anwser is that I'm not ok. I wont ever be ok. People say to be happy. I am only happy to make other people happy, but inside I am not happy, I am not alright. I have even had people ask me out because they know I am not with anyone anymore...I dont think I can ever go out with someone else...I will never do anything...I am a bitch for what I did, Why did I do it? why? I'm a bitch, I hate myself. Why the hell did I ever do that?! I hate myself for doing that. I lost my only love and I shall never ove another...I know many people shall say I will get over it. I shall try to...but I dont think I can...I shall at least try to stay happy for everyone...but why does everyone ask me that? They ask me "Are you happy? Whats wrong?" They know whats wrong but they want me to talk about it. I dont want to talk about it. I never want to. I hate myself...why did I do that? why does everyone tell me "You should talk about how you feel. It will make you feel better." But in the end...no one understands how I feel, they think they do but they never will.Why?...They should know whats wrong by now, they should know that I dont want to talk about it, ever. That I am never going to be happy ever again, even though people say that I will, I know I will never be as happy as I was with him..Why?..Whats the point?...
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