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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Thursday, March 10, 2005

   group thingy.
hello everyone, how are you guys? good I hope. Me? I'm alright, kinda a little I dont really know, just like not happy cause I may have to go in some group thing where I get to talk about whats wrong because on sunday I tired to run away from home. so yeah now I may have to talk about whats wrong. woot! lol I dont like to. its boring and I dont trust them, talking about my feelings and stuff. so yes, I get to talk about how fucked up my life is. go me! yeah right. I hate it, its gay, life sucks. my mom thinks everything is like perfect when it is not. she wont show her feelings and she tells us to, god I hate her for that. she still smokes even tho she says that she doesnt. god everything is just so messed up now. oh yeah my brother cuts himself and he has to do this kinda thing but like one on one thing too, and he said to me, "if yuo wanna wear on of my things to cover the cuts you can" and I'm like "ok cool." cause we both cut (I know, Big bro, I shouldnt be doing this, you hate me now dont you?) anyways...yeah my life is fucked up and there nothing I can do about it. anyways I better get home cause now its like 4:31pm...wait I have to wait for Pan and Greg. OH I`'ll tell you what happened at lunch. Ok, Pan is like my Bitch(jokeing tho) and Greg is her boyfriend, we were running away from him and Pan sliped on ice so we went back to him and the other people. where he picked me up and threw me into the snow, I had to get help out cause i couldnt by my self anyways, Pan made me take off my hoodies(I was wearing 2) and Greg went "wow Fangs without a hoodie! thats a suprise!" and yeah me and pan both jumped back into the snow and had fun...lol not that kinda fun, I mean like getting a lot of snow on eachother...yeah it was mega fun. then when school was over I tried to kick Greg cause he pulled down on my hoodie so I couldnt see a thing. and He took my leg and made me hop all the way to the other end of the hall way. And oh yeah PAN HAf MY OTHER HOODIE!!!! she wont give it back!!! waaaaaa! lol I better go, tell my mom that I have to go to a group thingy someday not sure yet. anyways bye see you later people. oh yeah new background coming on soon.^^ bye^^ stupid group thing...bye
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