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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Sunday, March 13, 2005

   so freaking funny!
I just spent the night at Pan's house, god was it so freaking funny! so many things happened that I cant even say them all! lol! we keeped saying things that were right and stuff but they sounded wrong which was soo freaking funny! it wasnt really a sleepover, it was kinda a wakeover...lol I mean...we didnt really sleep, we were talking and stuff way to much, then finally she got tired at like 2:30am or so and I went to bed at like umm....3:30am and didnt really sleep. I like only slept for like an hour or so. and then like dozed off here and there for like only 10mintues or so. and we didnt really wake up til like noon and stuff. lol it was so freaking funny! lol anyways...good news! I found my poem book! yay! *smiles* I is soo happy now! hehehehe!! I is so happy^^ I love Adame! I better go now. I cant stop laughing! lol hehehehe^^ I shall see you guys later. bye. love yas all. love ya adame.^^
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