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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

   poems...hope you like them^^
-People all their life-
People all their life
Try to find that other one
Their true love. Somepeople
Find them, some think they have
But they really didnt and some
Just dont even try. So they die alone
Or just find someone who is
"Important" to them to their lives.

People all their life
May love soemthing that
Seems important, something that
They cant live without it.
But they can even find what is
Important. True Happiness.
They think that they do but
They really Dont. They live their
Live thinking that they do.

People all their life try
To make everything their's
But in the end, everything
That they ever had will be gone.
Some people may buy it, or sell
Or something.People all their life
Try to find happiness but in the ens.
They only find it when they die.

I have already found happiness
I already have everything I want.
I have already found that other one.
People all their life look for it. I already
Have it. I have found my true love,Who
Loves me truly. I love my true love with
All my heart. I love everything about him.
I love you.Never leave me please...
Dont make me one of the people that try to
Find true happiness again...never leave...

-You love me-
You love me but you
Dont really know who I am.
You think you do but have
You ever looked inside me?
No, you never have. You never
Took the time to get to really
Know me. You think you do...
You think you love me but
Really you just loving it that
You have someone to finally love.

You love me but you dont
Really know who I really
Am inside. All you see is my
Outside. my shell. not my inside.
I always wonder if you love me for
Just having someone or if you
Really love me. Whenever I ask that
You kiss me and say " I love you for
You." So whenever you do that.
I want to think that you really do.

You love me but I think
That you only love the thought
About you having someone to
Care about you. I think you never
Really loved me or anything. Please
Tell me that you really love me for
Who I am. And dont lie to me
Please tell me that you do
Really know who I am. because
I know I love you and I truely know
Who you are. You are my love.
My true love. My only love. I love you
Do you love me as you say you do?...

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