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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Thursday, March 17, 2005

   first half of post to Adame, other to everyone^^
Its alright hun^^ I know you didnt mean to do that. I know that you love me and will always love me^^ I is so happy that I have you^^ You seem to make my days go better ever day^^I love you and I forgive you^^ dont be sad or anything. I know you didnt want me to feel that way^^ I love you Adame^^

Ok, Well I should be in bed now cause I have to wake up at like 5:30am cause I have to take a bus at 6:36am to be at school at 7am for a Rugby thing. I am going to join Rugby. I didnt want to this year but Pan is making me go in it. I just know that my back is going to hurt even more once I start to play it always does, I cant even plat basketball without my back hurting! ahh whats wrong with me?! Anywho thank you for liking my poems^^ I have more but am to lazy to put on now lol^^ well I better go and get some sleep dont want to be to tired^^ Well love you all^^ love you adame^^ I is not mad at you^^ I love you^^

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