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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Friday, March 18, 2005

   I is so happy for Yuki^^
I is so happy for Yuki, Yuki and Rin have been together for a month now^^ aint that great? I think so^^

Well anyways to things about me^^ lol. Well today I slept in, and didnt go to school because I am sick. So my mom let me sleep in and stay home^^ isnt she just a good mommy? lol Anyways...hmm...nothing really happened, I have a friend coming over today cause I have to watch her for the whole week-end, but I'm sick so its probably going to be really boring. I hate the meds that I have to take now. I cant swallow though I normal can, its just that for some reason I cant now. so I have to take the thing and like pour it out and then drink it. it taste grosse! Anyways. I hope I get to talk to Adame, we havent talked since 2 days ago...I really miss him. I hope nothing bad happened to him, or anything...well I better go cause I am feeling a bite sleepy cause the meds are...I dont remember, well see you guys later^^ love you all^^ love you adame^^ love you with all my heart. bye

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