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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Sunday, March 20, 2005

   Watch out...or I will tackle you...Rugby style! lol
I learned how to tackle someone Rugby style! its cool! I also learned how to fall the right way. its knees, hips, then shoulder. The way you tackle is like you go for the other persons thighs and like hug them there and you put your head to the side of their hips and you push with your shoulder and you hold onto them and you guys fall over. its soo cool! I cant wait til we really start to play! I just know that I will break my nose again^^ lol or maybe I will be lucky and I will break something else^^ lol. well I need to go rest my knee. it hurts! well I shall talk to you later^^ I is glad you dont hate me.^^ well bye^^
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