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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Saturday, June 4, 2005

   song and why I am depressed all in one day! lol
Artist:Uncle KrackerAlbum:Double Wide Title:Follow Me

You don't know how you met me
You don't know why
You can't turn around and say goodbye
All you know is when I'm with you
I make you free
And swim through your veins like a fish in
the sea
I'm singin'

Follow me everything is alright
I'll be the one to tuck you in at night
And if you
Want to leave I can guarantee
You won't find nobody else like me

I'm not worried bout the ring you wear
Cuz as long as no one knows than nobody
can care
You're feelin' guilty and I'm well aware
But you don't look ashamed and baby
I'm not scared
I'm singin'

Repeat Chorus

Won't give you money
I can't give you the sky
Your better off if you don't ask why
I'm not the reason that you go astray and
We'll be all right if you don't ask me stay

Repeat Chorus

You don't know how you met me
You don't know why
You can't turn around and say goodbye
All you know is when I'm with you
I make you free
And swim through your veins like a fish in
the sea
I'm singin'

Repeat Chorus

I like that song up there^^ dont you? I am going to dance with Adam when he is here to it^^ it helps me when I am down. so I am listen to it now^^

Okay, many people have been wondering why I am so depressed lately mostly Adam and Pan. Hmm...well alot of things have been reminding me about some old stuff. And I guess its just been getting to me. Been making me very down. Well, why I said I wouldnt talk to Pan. Is because yesterday she went outside when it was raining with no shoes on. I dont care about that, however she went down a backline...with no shoes...That made me think of one old friend...Jessica was with Pan..and I dont like HER! I told Pan it wasnt safe to do that and jessica told me to lossen up! I just wanted to yell at her. I dont want to lossen up! Last time I did...I...(damn this is hard)...last time I did...I had to watch...my best...friend...bleed to death...but she didnt die...but...I havent seen her in over a year...her family wont let me see her anymore...just because of that. Fuck! I hate jessica so much. and I miss my best friend...I'm crying..can you believe it? I really am crying.

Also other things have just made me think about other stuff...well umm...some of you know that I am scared of Greg alittle bit. Well you want to know why,(well Adam does) anyways. I'm scared of anyone who is bigger than me. Why is cause I used to have a boyfriend that would hit me. I learned not to cry. But then he would hit me more when I didnt cry. So I am scared of anyone bigger than me. Well one day I couldnt take it anymore, so I hit him hard on the head. He had to go to the hospital for stichs, I stayed away from where he was after that. But at that time I didnt know that he was scared of me too. But I am still scared of anyone bigger than me. Umm...well...there is more stuff...but I dont really want to say them right now. I dont really like to talk about some of the things...I dont realy like to talk about any of the stuff. But I should. I know. I'll post some of the other stuff tomorrow.

I'm sorry I worried everyone. Mostly you Adam. I'm very sorry. I dont want to ever leave you. I wont. I promise. And I am going to keep that promise. I am sorry to Pan cause of the fight we were having. I am sorry to everyone. I just need to learn to trust people more. I just need to learn not to be scared of anyone. Not to let other people try to run my life. I dont want to be pushed around anymore. I wont. I promise that to myself. I am still depressed a little but not as much, I just think I need to go outside or something but I kinda cant, Cause I am so sick right now. *cough cough* I hate being sick...god. I feel like I am about to pass out! Well I am going to go now^^ I am sorry and I promise I'll try not to be so depressed anymore...I love you everyone! I love you Pan, I love you Adam...byebye *kiss kiss on the check to everyone* *kiss kiss to adam* bye...

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