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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Friday, June 10, 2005

   talked to Otako on the phone!
I just talked to Otako on the phone! it was very interesting! shes so cool! I like her.^^ shes awsome!^^ hehe^^ well anyways...today...

I am almost finished my dess...I need to go back to sewing to finish it. Hmm...I got to go to the dentist and I found out, that I have a dead tooth. its one of the front teeth. and the one next to it is almost dead. why cause of an old thing that happnened...its probably cause when I frist broke my nose I chiped out my front teeth. or it could have been when I got my front teeth pushed up into my gums...all I know is that I have a dead tooth and about to get another one...oh well.

I love Adam...I miss him...well than when dont I^^ hmm...I may go to Pan's to swim in her pool^^ which is good^^ Probably tomorrow or on Sunday but before I talk to Adam or after...or something...well I am going to go^^ its almost my bday^^ on the 24th! yay! almost 15! well then again I have to go back to the dentist and then some other day so they can do something with my dead tooth...or soon to be teeth...well byebye...love you adam...love yuo otako..(hope you dont mind me saying that)...love you Pan...love you everyone^^ byebye^^ talking to Otako on the phone is awsome! byebye! love you adam!

oh yah thing that I did is wong. I no whit I a lot o things! but no whit! lol canadain an oth,.

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