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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Monday, June 13, 2005

   This post is just to say how much I love Adam^^
Helo^^ this post is going to be a interesting post^^ well its mostly just for Adam^^ why you may ask. Well to tell you the truth I dont know why^^ I just wanted to write a WHOLE post just for Adam^^ hehe^^ to say how much I love him. how much I miss him. how much I wish he was here right now. Okay..well I love him so very much. I miss him every mintue of the day even when I am talking to him. Yeah I really wish he was here right now...cause I need him to protect me. I wish he was here cause I miss him so much. I wish he was here cause I love him so much. Well I dont know what to say right now^^ All I know is I am way in love with Adam and I wish he was here.^^

Anyways I missed the morning cause I was and still am sick a little. Well I am about to go home now^^ see you all later^^ byebye^^ love you Adam^^ I am kinda scared and I hurt a lot! but...well byebye...love you Adam...love you Kalie^^ and Love you Otako(if its alright I say that)^^ byebye

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