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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Friday, July 1, 2005

   I need someone...
I need someone...I dont want to go alone...but I think I have to...I want Pan to go with me but I highly dont think that she can. Well I guess I should say where I want to go first. I want to go to my cousin's grave...You probably think I am crazy to go to someone's grave...But I need to. I mean it. I havent been able to sleep good or eat really anything for the past few day. I have been putting this off for a long time. Like about 3 months or so...thats a long time...and now its getting to me. Making me think so much about stuff...making me not eat as much. making me just not feel well. You probably think I am freaking crazy, hell I think I am to. but I know in my heart that I am not. that I need to go see her grave. I took my first steps there. she held me only a few hours before she died. I was almost a 1 year old. she died exaclty a month before my birthday. on ummm...the 5th month on the 24th.

I really need to go see her grave...I need to go...I dont want to tho. I have been putting it off so long that I need to go. I look like I'm dead cause I havent been sleeping at all. All I have been having is pop, pop pop. pizza, pizza, and pop again. I am lying to people when they ask what I have been eating or what now. I am lying to everyone that everything is alright. well I need to get some sleep but I cant sleep. I am afraid to sleep. I dont want to see Lori(e) thats her name, but I am not sure if its with an e or not. I dont wnat to see her. I am not crazy you may say that but I am just close to everyone and everything...I am weird dont like then why are you reading this?

Sorry...I just havent been sleeping. its been getting to me.I need some sleep. I need to go some places where someone is with me and to hold me. but there is no one to hold me...I like lost my bestfriend to my brother...I lost my mom...she became some bitch....I dont have any brother cause I dont trust them...I dont trust anyone else...I have no one. Yuki is with her gf all the fucking time. and Adam...to tell you the truth, me and Yuki arint sisters. we used to say that...but not anymore. I never fucking see her. shes like nothing to me anymore...shes just nothing, shes just letters. notes. nothing. nothing at all. I lost all the things I care about...I need to go...byebye...I wont sleep tho. bye..

this quiz is so true cause I love death and I need to go to a grave and I started to walk on one...and yeah...I need to go...need to try and get some sleep dont think I will tho....bye

You scored as Death Angel. *shreek* Angel of Death, All fear you and stay away from you, you hate all forms of life and hate the Elemental and light angels. You have Redish black hair and Black Hell wings, with pure blood red eyes

Death Angel


Dark Angel


Moonlight Angel


Fallen Angel


Hell Angel


Elemental Angel of Wind


Elemental Angel of Fire


Elemental Angel of Water


Elemental Angel of Earth


Life Angel


Light Angel


Sunlight Angel


What is Your Angel Element?
created with QuizFarm.com

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