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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Saturday, July 2, 2005

   Damn! I look so hot or what not in my dress!
DAMN! I love the way I look in my dress..that I made! my mommmy got something that goes over top like a sweater but not really, anyways thats purple and DAMN! I love it! I look so hot or what not lol! I really got to take a pic of me in it! I am gonna take one of the front, and the back! and give them to Adam then post them on here^^ hehe^^

Well hmm...I talked to Adam on the phone for like 2 hours. it was funny! cause he was like all tired and falling asleep and stuff! lol^^ hehe^^ it was so cute tho!^^ hehe^^ then I started to fall asleep cause I went to bed at 5am or 6. and woke up like 20 mintues or so before adam phoned! lol. well then again, my mommy woke me up at 12 cause my dad phoned and I had to phone him back cause my mommy doesnt like to talk to my dad. I dont either but whatever. Anyways, he wanted to do something but I was to tired. so I went back to bed.

But before I went to bed. My dad asked if I wold like to go to the Ranch with him tomorrow. The Ranch as in my Uncle's place. He owns a lotta horses! last I remember was like 23 or so! Well I am gonna go all day tomorrow. Normaly we would stay for supper and stuff. But we are just gonna go in the morning and come back around 5pm or so. well I have no idea how long it takes. well I just asked my mommy and now I know. lol. my mommy said "well its like over half an hour to 45 mintues." lol, so like yeah, have no idea when am going to go in the morning. and yeah gonna go there all day..I hope I can talk to Adam if I am back home early. Cause I miss him so much.

I am getting more sleep now. I am eating more now. not pizza pizza pop pop kinda thing anymore. I think...this may sound weird but I think that my cousin who I got to see knows that I am gonna go soon. like very soon...well I need to go cause I have been writing alot and I need to get some sleep. so I can wake up tomorrow...lol! I love you adam. I love Otako, I love Pan, I love Kaile I miss you Kaile too...2 weeks are long...Love you everyone. byebye.

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