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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

   need to save up some money!
I got 20 bucks, I need to save up a lot of money.I am gonna give my money to Pan and she cant give it back to me! good plan right? cuase I gotta save till august and hopefully I will like have 160 or so bucks.I need all the money i can get. cause of some reason. No one knows why but Pan cause she is keeping the money. my mommy needs to give me 26 bucks cause I used my momney at the Ex and she is supposed to Pay me back. I should just take it from her purse or what not. I need money! also I need a new swim suit. I am probably gonna get a two piece for once! lol hmm...what else to say. I need money! and for a good reason. wont say why tho. lol oh oh oh! I am a..LITTLE drunk right now! a ltle! lol drunks! awesome! woah! wow! lol oooohhh! eek! arg! ack! wooow! lo *spince in circle* WOW! lol. need money! I'll do anyhtng for it. want a blow job I'll give you one.! lol. jk jk jk jk jk I mis cody, I mis davdav. I mis everyone! I mis...myself! I'm dunk. I love ! ow! oo!loo at all the pretty colors. lol need money fast! I lied to everyoe! wow! I lied nd peope lied to me! wow how inteeing is tat! lol! I so lied I so lied and peple hve so lied to me abot so many things. I wont say who they are but they shoul know who they are. cause yeah, I lied to everyone! being drunksg is like blah maaking me talk.dont ya thingk so? drunk is funty! lol wowkjt! work it work it! lol need money! lied! everyone lying! no one knows tghet truth anynore.w! UI lied you lied we all liered!I lied about something dnig! very big! and bnje people hate me provbbbablyt!I dont want to gtakh wat it is! lol, I'm supper drunnk...byebye...zzzzzz...dunk! go home! bbluah! npwm! lkjdsldjfIlkdjflkdsjfldsLOVEldkjlkadjfldkjfCODY!l;kf;ldk;ldksf;ldskf:LOL! blah! meokd moeny! want a blow job, lapdance or a nked one that would all be like 148 bucks oplace! I love you baby! lol nepowkln I should go befoer UI trell what I lied about...byer..I cant go. I amfd to fun. hahahahahah! mewo cody is hot! lol davdav is hot too. 'm gohot too! mewo! lol nag~ nivcce afss giel! nice thingy guy! lol! bwhahaha! that would be 146 bucks poleae! mepow! I lied about that thing! I'm really amkjkgl gonaa baby! lol lied see well I am ghonna pas out now....byebye.,....passing out...
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