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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Saturday, July 23, 2005

   Sooo tired.....
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I now know why I sleep so much during the summer. It's because I never sleep during the school year. I mean I would only sleep for maybe 3 hours or only half an hour! So I think that during the summer I get all my rest that I need. Which is very good, cause then it gets me ready for the year again.

Well I am going camping tomorrow. I am leaving maybe in the late afternoon. So I shall be saying goodbye and everything in the day. I shall be gone till the 29th I think. I know I am coming back by the 30th because thats when my brother's birthday is^-^.

Today I went to Pan's because I wanted her to take pictures of my new shoes! lol. Also I wanted to ask her something about when I meet Adam^-^. My cousin Sara is all worried about me meeting him and everything. Lol.

Hmm...What to write now...OH! I was laying on Pan's Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">Bed">bed cause I was tired cause she let me have 2 cups of coffee...with LOTS of SUGAR! and some type of sugar food..lol^-^. Well anyways I was lying down, she came and told me to move but I said no so she went and layed down on me. She said fine I'll lay on you then. I said sure^-^. And she like was laying on me^-^ it was funny^-^.

Hmm...well I like talked to Adam for a while on the phone^-^ I miss him soo much! I'm gonna miss him alot when I'm gone ;_;. I love going camping but I would rather go with Adam. ;_;
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I seem to be writing alot. well thats cause I havent been writing in a long time. I know I forgot a lotta stuff. I'll write more tomorrow. I'll write about what all happened^-^ for the stuff that I forgot^^. Hmm...well oh! Here is a poem/ song that I'm not done but I hope you like^^ Well I must be off now. I hope to talk to some of you some time^^ I love you Adam^^ I love you Pan, I love you Kalie! OH WELCOME BACK KALIE!!!!!! I love otako! I miss you otako!!! I better go now^^ hope you like this thing^^...

Darkness comes ever now and then
Lightness comes ever day and night
At times. Every time the light comes.
It burns my eyes, I live in the dark, I only go out
in the light when I have to. other then that I live
in the darkness cause I cant live in the light.it burns
My skin, it burns my eyes. it burns right thru my clothes
into my heart. I've been in the darkness ever since you left.
The darkness comes ever now and then. I wish that it would
stay here always. that there was no light. It burns all over me
It burns thru my clothes into my heart.

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