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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

hey everyone! I sorry about the other post ;-; I didnt mean all that...I was just very pissed at Adam...well I hope you all forgive me. please...Well Ummm...I'm back from camping. I got a really bad burn on my face and uper body but thats already into a tan. Well I had to watch my stupid cousin for 3 hours cause her stupid fucking mom wanted to sleep. I wasnt supposed to babysit any fucking person while I was camping! God! I didnt even get to go horse back riding cause that I had to watch my fucking cousin! Even though she is only 6, she is more fucking annoying then other 6 year olds! GOD!...umm...sorry about that people...just had to get that out. Hope your not mad. Well umm...I have no idea what to write now. So much happened while I was camping...umm...I saw 3 deer! it was sooo cool! oh and we had like a family of ground hogs or something. It was sooo cool! I named so many! There was ..Mr D, Mr T, Mr W, Mr BW, and many more! MR T BITE TRAVIS TOE!!!!!!Twas soo funny! Well...now on to some other stuff^^ but what other stuff? lol I'm bored. lol I'm also hungry! lol^^ oh oh oh oh ho ho ho ho! LOL! I'm stupid! *glomps Adam* I misseed you! I love you all! I love adam!^^ Umm...OH!!! here is some poem that I wrote...


If only life wasnt so hard
If only it didnt take away
The oly thing that I live for.
If only we didnt fight before
It started to rain. I knew once
It did, my life would be hard.
I only wish I got to tell you
How much you mean to me
Before you tried to come
Find me. When you did
I knew my life would never
Be the same and for that
I love you for who you are.
I love you for who you were to
Me. I just wanted to say I love you.

There...I hope you like that poem. I wrote it when we had a big storm...the night me and Adam like...yeah...well umm..yeah there was a big storm and I was sitting on a chair just sitting there...not thinking or anything, then hail started to fall so my mom made me go in to a tent thingy. For once in my life...the same didnt help. It only made me more depressed. You guys probably dont understand but yeah....umm...what now? this is a long post tis it not? Well I got one more thing....Sorry I write so much but I need to like I dont know..lol^^. I'm very weird no? why do people like me when I talk in like different voices? ummm...well here is some thing that I wrote...tis kinda long. I have no idea what it is. its suppose to be a poem but it turned like into a store or something. I dont know. I just hope you like it the same^-^ well here we go!

Title: N/A

I see the sky, its all blue, pink, ren, orange, purple, and many more. I'm sitting here looking out into the light, wishing someone was here to be with me. To see how pretty...how beautiful it looks. But there isn''t anyone. Everyone left me for someone else. You left me because you can't stand me anymore. No matter how hard i tired to make you stay with me, you left. i'm sitting here wishing someone was with me. i'm looking as the sun is setting more. it startes to get blurry as i keep looking at it. i cant see anything anymore. i'm crying for the first time since you left me, since everyone left me. I fell in love with you but you didnt love me. You Loved her! you only wanted to have a nive time with me. you only thought i was a fast way to get "laded". but you were wrong, for that you left me for her. now i'm sitting here all alone. i look away to the right. seeing my family. I look to the lefty seeing all my "friends". I look out to the light again. I see my true love. I stand up. Everyone is yelling at me. But I cant hear them. I look behind me...There you are.Only you...she isnt around you. Your yelling for me to come back. i seem to only hear you. Your telling me to come back to you. After everything you did. Your saying sorry! how can I believe you after yuo said that you'd be with me forever?! I cant believe you. Iturn so I'm facing you. I tell you I love you. That I always will even if you loved me the same way. Even if you could never even like me. I will love you till the day I die and forever. There is tears running down my cheeks. I yell to everyone I love them. I take a step back. I start to fall below to the ocean. You suddenly come jumping after me. I can see you, your so close but yet so far. I close my eyes waiting for the big head spalsh that would kill me. It seems as if I'm waiting forever. I open my eyes. Your holding onto my legs. I try to kick you to make you let go. You wont let go. There is one single tear sliding down your cheek. Your saying"One signle tear for someone very special." I start to cry again. You pull me up so I'm near your face. I give you a kiss with all my love and all my life and say/ " I will always love you. I will never stop." With that. I let go and fall to my death. I finally found peace when I died. Even if it meant leaving the people I love. Even if it meant leaving you. No matter how much I love you. I knew I could never find peace till I died in the ocean, even if I knew you would never know how much I love you.

So yeah...thats it. I hope you like it...I really have no idea what that is about or anything...well...umm..yeah I wrote to much now I am really hungry...soo I"m gonna get something to eat before I fall over! lol oh do you like my new background and my new avi??? well I'm about to faint! so I go now! I love yuo all! I love you soo much adam! oh btw...my leg hurts!!! I got a really bad cut on it right under the knee!Stupid skate! skate as in ice ones! Adam you were right you told me to move it! now I got a bad cut on my left leg cause of it! well I better go. Love you Adam^^ love you all^^

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