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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Thursday, August 4, 2005

   I feel like shit right now!
I feel so much like shit right now! sorry for the swearing but yeah. I am very sick.*cough* I shouldnt even be on the computer but I thought I should just post cause I was supposed to *cough* phone adam long ago but I never got to use the phone cause we got many calls and also cause I feel like shit!*cough* I took soo many pills to make me better but its just worse! At aleast my cut doesnt hurt anymore.*cough* Well then again I cant even feel my leg anymore. Oh well...well umm...Kawaii loup sorry for not phoneing you!*cough* please forgive me! I just feel to sick to talk. Well Umm...oh yeah happy birthday adam! I know its early like a day but I wont see you tomorrow and yeah...sorry I cant say it to you.*cough* I feel like shit...I look like I'm dead too! Anyways...I better go. I'll post tomorrow thats if I feel any better. But I highly doubt I will. Well I love you all. *cough cough* shit that time there was...umm...never mind that! nothing is wrong with me! nothing happened there! *cough* shit! gotta go! bye!
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