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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

   HELO!!! *dances*
I'm fucking hyper!!! sorry for the swearing! lol. well yearterday was the 5th month since me and adam have been tgether!^^ sorry for the speeling stuff! its like 5AM!!! lol I only had 2 hours of sleep yesterday! lol. I went to the mall with pan bought some biniki top, its black with pink i think!^^ and and and some other thingy^^ oh! and I bought a poster for adame!^^ i knew he would loike onve he dsay it! lol. I wasted all my money! all 38 bucks!! we are going back on thurday for moo latte!!! lol yummmm! *drools* welll....umm... oh I was looking sooo awsome! I had pans skirt(mine now) on and it was like blue stuff and stufff and her shirt and her hat which was like old still guy stif. andyeah! it was awasome! lol. oh and then we came back to my house and she hit me in the nose when my cat sneexed! lol. then later on before she went! she gave me a fat lip! lol! well...I better get some sleep!!! ooooHHHHHH!! wait before I go! ok i just re read that all and it seems like i am drunk or something...lol. i wont be drunk till next monday when twiggy is having her party. lol jk jk jk. I wont drink...lol! I promise! well anyways...this is poart of a poem that i need to finish well its my msn name. john said i should put the first part of it. cause i had something else. but theen he say that i should add stuff so. I'll shouw you were its mine stuff and his! he is soo cool!^-^ well...ummm... here be yher thing

lost soul waiting to be found(that be johns thing),(these all be mine) heart waiting to be unbroken. pain of the lost soul waiting to go away.

LIKE IT??? well i better go! oh my mommy doesnt like me using the phone anymore...lol....so meh! byebye...Adam! when do you get on the computer at night or what not??? cause i havent talked to you on msn or whatnot in a lonh time! *pouts* well be

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