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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Friday, August 19, 2005

   I got my lip periced!
HEY! I just got my lip periced! it didnt hurt at all. My brother Luke told me that it was gonna hurt but it didnt...ok well maybe for a second or so but other then that it feels fine^^. My brother travis got his nipples done...ow! he keeps saying that it hurts alot. poor him. the pericing is awsome! oh and the guy who did it said I was the best/ happyest customer to get it done. I was all happy and stuff^^.

I need something to do now! lol. a little hyper now. its almost 4pm and i need something to do! lol. well hmm... oh greg. can I get more or something else? how much can i get for like 20 bucks or so? pancakes! soon i hope! lol. just email me or call me or something.

Well hmm...what to write now! lol. hmm...well hmm...Adam i cant wait to see you in your glasses! you gotta send me a pic or get online soon and show me on webcam!^^ I wish i could show you my lip ring but i dont got a webcam. and yeah...hmm, well emal me greg or phone. lol. i gotta go now. i'm soo bored no one to talk to! lol byebye. love ya all.

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