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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Saturday, August 20, 2005

   lalalalala I want pancakes! lol.
I WANT PANCAKES! lol. well then again I want pancakes that greg makes. lol...mmm...what to write. lol oh read my other post that if ya want^^ lol. hmm...going to jamies later today. lol. hmmm...Im gonna have a boring day I just know it. lol hmm...my lip is bugging me! its like meh! but blah. lol...hmm...I'm sooo bored and I cant go to sleep...hmm...what to write. lol well hmm...I hope I get to have pancakes soon^-^.

so yeah...i got no idea what to write. I'm kinda just rambling on. I need to get outta my house and do something but the thing is I dont got anyone to do soemthing with. I mean Kayla is going to a cabin. umm...Rachael is...dont know and dont care....Greg is like....dont know at all...hmmm...yeah...shes a slut and everyone knows it! lol. oh Greg gots something to tell you about that...ummm..."thing"...you know what"thing" I'm talking about...well ummm. OH! Pancakes make me happy! but Gregs pancakes make me umm...wahts the word? lol...I cant think of the word but you should know what I mean...lol..I better go now. I shall talk to you later byebye.

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