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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Monday, August 22, 2005

   Poem? how I really feel?
Hi people. There is going to be a poem in this post. I wrote it cause I was feeling rather depressed and I felt like writing something. With some thought and some help from a certain person, who's name shall go un-named. The person helped me with a certain line in the poem which helped me get started with the poem. I was surprised when I was finised because this is one of the shortest poems that I have writen. Well I shall write the poem now and then write about how I really feel or something like that. I hope you really like my poem. Please dont lie because I can take the truth if my work is ever bad. Well here we go...

Tittle: Lost?

Lost soul waiting to be found
Heart waiting to be unbroken
Pain of the lost waiting to go away.
Lost soul waiting to find true happiness.
Heart waiting for true love to fix it.
Darkness wanting to turn into light.
Ashs wanting to be a fire again.
Lost soul waiting to be found.
Tears wanting to come out.
Heart waiting to be unbroken.
Pain waiting to go away.
Lost soul waiting, wanting to be found.

Well that's it people. I hope you liked it. If not, then please feel free to tell me whats wrong with it. I dont mind if you think I should change something or other. I shall be happy either way. I did that poem on August 14. I know it's been awhile since then; however, I thought now would be a good time to put up that poem now. I really do hope you like it, and that you will tell me whats wrong with it. That is if there is something wrong with it.

Well hmmm, it does seem like I am going to write a long post. I really hope you dont mind if it is going to be one. I just cant help it but keep writing. About anything and everything. I've just thought I really dont write about how I really feel on this site. I mean I write more on my other. I mean I do write how I feel on this site but on my other one. I go into detail about why and stuff...I hope none of you are mad at me for doing that.

Well I thought I should tell you how I feel right now. I feel all numb. Kinda like I'm not really here but I am...I bet you dont get what I mean by this. I just mean to say that I am highly depressed right now. And I know why...cause it seems like I dont have any friends. I mean I got some school friends but its always the same at summer. I never see them. I phone them and they are never there. I'm always alone during every break from the school. And yet no one seems to care about why I am so depressed. I can get more depressed right now but I wont cause I have no idea what I would do if I get that depressed. I really need to get outta my house. I need to see some of my "friends"..whom I bet dont give a fuck about me or my feelings... I highly doubt anyone would wanna do something tomorrow. I'm probably gonna be alone all day again. Just going deeper into this small black hole of mine. Does any of my "friends" care about me? I doubt it. Does any of my "friends" care that I may kill myself one day? I am highly fucking sure that they wont care. The only person who will care is Adam. Thats only cause he loved me. But yet he doesnt know how depressed I am...

I think I should just go now...I need time to think about some stuff. bye people. I shall talk later maybe...*walks away with her head down.*

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