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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Yummy! I went to Greg's early today and had some! Yummy! oh and OOOOHHHHH Shinny! lol. you guys dont get it other then greg. lol. i'm to lazy to type whats shinny and what not. I'll tell ya when i wanna. lol. im acting stupid now lol. well then again when dont i act stupid? lol. hmmm...what to say?! oh my fav cd is all strached! or whatever! lol. I mean my bruned cd! :( It had the best song ever! blue eyes or whatever! i love that song! it helps me when im sad or whatnot^^ when i hear it I get all happy and blast it! now i cant *cries* well I dont really wanna type much on this site, I still gotta type on my other one before i forget!lol. hmmm well i should at least type a little more or should i? oh! I gots a poem but Im not done it yet...it should be done by tomorrow or soemthing lol. well I better go. I probably gots alotts mistakes with my spelling.. lol i go now. byebye people! pancakes are good! lol
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