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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Friday, October 7, 2005

Day 3 + day 4
Well hello there people. i got most of my stuff that i need to get to the place...11 days till i go. I shall tell you all where i go later on. I'll probably write ya'll a letter or something. dont really care.

Well anyways in other news. i'm only getting 16% in french and i gotta stay after school today for math. i'm getting 41% in that class. not sure about the others.

Well anyways, I still need some clothes that are warm, and need some more food...then I'll probably write about some other stuff that i need. oh. i also need to write down the place for some people to know where i am going to go. just in cause they need to call me or something. tho i doubt that i will have time for anyone to call me or whatever.

Well people i must get to my comp class right now. i have a spare right now and yeah...i dont wanna go to math and shit. I'm probably gonna get in trouble in french and shit. dont give a fuck at all. well anyways i better go, i should be home by 8pm...i need to go see someone after i stay for math. if not i should be online earlier then that. well i better go. oh! if i am not online by 8:30pmn then that probably means that i had to stay longer with the person...well i really gotta go. bye.

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