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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Saturday, November 19, 2005

I hate like!...I hate Love!...I hate feelings!...
Feelings are pointless, that's what I say. I was all happy and everything, till him came on!! Fuck! I will not say who. Don't even ask me who he is Greg. I hate feelings. You start to love or like someone, and all of a sudden...they fucking break your heart! Then you start to like or love someone else, then they just don't do anything to be with you. They just act as if you are not alive! Fuck, then someone else starts to fucking like you, but the thing is that they live to fucking far from you! And you start to like them back, but it's kinda hard to fucking be with them when they fucking live very fucking far away from you! I hate feelings cause they just fucking mess up your life! If I couldn't have feelings, that would be good. Cause I wouldn't feel love, I wouldn't feel sad. I would just be calm...I wouldn't have my heart fucking be broken ever time! You know what...I just hate everything right now! I try to be happy. I was happy till this all happened. And Of course, the guy that I like that lives pretty damn close to me. Won't even talk to me anymore, I probaby will never have anyone cause everyone that I fucking like, lives to fucking far, or just doesn't talk to me anymore or something like that.

I will probably be in a fucking dark mood for a fucking while...so please don't fucking try to make me fucking happy...or say that you love me...cause I will go to your place and kill you...Now I am going to go...Don't like what I am saying...well I don't care, you can go fuck yourself for all I care...

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