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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

At work today I cleaned over 70 shelves in 2 hours. My back and neck hurt from that now. I dont really got anything to say, Other then that my eye is fucking killing me! I did something to it and now it hurts! I just dont know what I did. Anyways, I am almost done all my work that I have to do to get caught up with my classes or whatever. I am now listen to Iced Earth, their a good band and everything. I am going to try to wake up every day at 5am so I can go to Greg's place. Oh when I am at my school and I do my work, they let me have coffee^^ I had about 6 cups of French Vanille coffee today^^. And tomorrow, if I am done with all my Geo stuff and I read my science thing I can leave early if I dont want to start the science work. Cause The teacher person I work with, wont be there tomorrow and I need her to work with me on the science stuff, and She said that If I am done my Geo stuff, I can leave early. Well I better go, though I dont know what I am going to do but anyways, I shall talk to you people later. byebye...
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