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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Sunday, December 4, 2005

   Hey people.
How are you? I am alright, though I am in a big bitchy mood right now cause I just got back from shopping with my brother Luke and his wife. I spent the night there with my brother Travis...I hate going there! Luke acts to fucking much like my Father(Ken). While we were shopping, Luke called my brother Greg,"A fucking lazy jerk". Luke said we werent to...damn whats the word...whatever...happy or whatever to get gifts and shit for people. Anyways, his wife kept saying stupid stuff. Fuck then when we were at the gas station, Luke fucking told us that we were"Lazy bastards." Then while we were in the car on the way home, Luke kept saying,"Damn you guys are soo depressing" and stuff like that. He also kept saying that while we were shopping! And He took all the fucking money! I only got one fucking thing! And that was only for Greg(friend)! And Then Luke told us that we should put all of our names into my brother Greg's gift. But yet, we are not going to. Luke and his wife can fucking get their own gift for him. I am not going to see my brother Luke or his wife, unless I have to. If I do then I'll try to be nice and not be bitchy. But I bet that they are going to fucking forget about us for like a year or so then start talking to us again and then its just going to go into a big ass circle. I'm probably not going to have anything with Ken anymore. He doesnt care about anything. Whatever Thats just what my life is like right now.

I went to see Corpse Bride. it was alright. But whatever I would have liked to see Saw 2 but I couldnt cause I wasnt 18 or whatever. Anyways, I found out why I am so quiet all the time or whatever. When I was younger, Ken would always get mad when anyone made to much noise, so I pretty much feared making noise for it would make Ken mad. Thats why. Anyways, I have to go now...I need to do something that wont make me more in a bitchy mood. Well byebye,

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