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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Thursday, December 22, 2005

   Listen to Dream Theater part 1
I love the cd's that Greg gave me this morning as a christmas gift. I havent been updating alot, cause I have been busy with some stuff. Also cause my mom is leaving on the 26th till some day, not sure when. Anyways, Greg is going to make supper for my family tomorrow at some time at night. I'm in computer's class right now, but I am not sure what I am supposed to do. Well anyways, I should be online around 5pm my time, but thats if I want to go online tonight. I may not, but then again I may just go out with Evil for a while. Or I may just go for a long long walk. I dont know. Anyways, I have to now get Greg a gift for his birthday. I'm going to get a new computer soon, probably after new year's, when my mommy is back. My brother Greg is out of town, and he is gone to California, then to Texas, then finally to Meixco with my father. So that means, no chrithmas with my father or oldest brother. Oh well, it always feels weird when my father is around my mom or around my brother Travis. I'm just rambling on and on cause I have no idea what to do. Lol. I am going to go skating soon and yeah. I hope I dont fall to much. Lol. Anyways. class is almost over. I'll talk to you people later. I'll maybe be online. Well talk to you sometime during the break. Merry Chrithmas And a Happy new Year. My computer is fucked up!...sorry. I really got go to go now...oh Evil...dont be sad...you did the right thing...well bye.^^ Have a nice Day or Night, Or whatever.
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