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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

   Say what you mean and not say it as something else....
Artist: Project 86
Album: ...And The Rest Will Follow
Title: All Of Me

Been swallowing my debris
Without a trace of dignity
I'm living a fallacy and
Been holding tight to all I can't keep
One memory
One memory
This time's the last I'll second guess
Your legacy
Your legacy
This time's the last I will forget

So can't you take
All of me
All of me
All of me?
Once and for all
Can't you take me?

I recognize the causes
Now I'm cutting all my losses
Severing all the hindrance

Shedding the viral skin of infection
You'd never believe the wolf I became (this time)
In moments of weakness and disarray (this time)
But now they can try to beat it out of me (this time)
I'm welcome to the challenge of emergency

Out of the halls of ruin
The slow burn slow steady climb this time
'Bout to reverse the movement
And I'm quite sure you know just where I'm heading

This is some song that I liked, I just listen to it and I just had to put it on my site. Anyways, I hope you all had a good christmas. I did, I got alot of stuff. Though, I am still waiting for my Father to give me something. But I really dont care what he gives me cause he is a jerk. My brother Luke told my Father that he wasnt aloud to smoke in the house at all. And my Father said "I can damn smoke where the fuck where I want" And then my brother just told him that he had to move out. Cause my brother is going to have a baby soon and he doesnt want the baby to be around smoke, and Fuck my father is a selfish bastard. Anyways, on to other stuff. I am going to get a new computer soon. Maybe by the end of the week. Not really sure. Then I can have my webcam and take pictures of myself for Nex. Anyways, Sorry I havent been posting much, my computer is being shitty and my mom just left so yeah. Been busy kinda. Anyways, its really late, and I must wake up sometime. Well I shall all talk to you later, maybe. Hope you are doing fine, Have a good day or night or whatever. Cya.

All by Stratovarius--awesome people.
Some songs that are from them, tho I cant find Land of Ice and Snow....which is an awesome song. Well that's all. I shall talk to you later. cya

Look around turn around
You just might fall to the ground
Sail away break away
Danage done nothing to say
All my life i've felt like an outcast
But not anymore, a thing of the past
Feel the sun, got to run
Feels like life has just begun
All is new, different view
so many things that i will do
I'm leaving behind the things i don't need
and with confidence i'm planting the seed

I'm still alive
I'm ready to feel the wind in my hair
And i know there are so many things to share
I will write my story again
Masterplan of a new kind
I was lost but now i'm found
I'm still alive


I'm staring at the wall
Sick and tired of all
Manic depression makes me crawl
It makes me small
I need some peace of mind
The prssure makes me blind
The labyrinth of pain, the exit i munst find
It's all inside of me, the answers lie within
And all that i can win i take for myself
I'm the one who holds the key
To all that i can be
My spirit yearns for truth,
It's learning to be free

Through the years
I was doing things the wrong way
But now i've changed it is time to say

Awaken the giant
Don't let it sleep
Awaken the giant
Look deep within

I won't give up the fight
Until i see the light
I won't give in
To the gloominess of life
The end is in my sight
In the middle of darkest night
I see my future's bright
I'm reaching for new heights

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