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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Thursday, December 29, 2005

That is what time it is right now. I've been awake since 2pm yesterday. Will I go to sleep? I have no idea. I really dont want to go to sleep, but whatever. Anyways, how have you guys been? Good I do hope? I've been alright, tired but yet not that tired to go to sleep. Yes I am weird. My life is messed up right. Why you may ask? Well it is because some girl likes me. But she wont tell it to my face. I just said most of it on my other site. the one lost thingy so if you know it then go read it. Lol. Anyways, I have finished a 2l of A&W root beer. It was good. Anyways Fuck I am about to pass out. Why am I tired when I am just writing this? Lol Anyways I should be online by 2pm my time. if not 3pm lol. I will probably fall asleep soon so yeah. Well I shall talk to you all later Cya. have a good night or day or whatever. Cya. it is now 8am. Have a good day! byebye. CYA! LOVE YA ALL WITHT THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!! Love ya till the end of men! bye cya
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