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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Friday, December 30, 2005

   She left.
Today around 5:30am, she left. She came to see me around 4:30 or so. To say goodbye. Yet she left me even more confused then before. Why you may ask...Cause she KISSED ME! Yes people you read that read. She kissed me! Me as in Fangs, Mika, Raechel. I was so shocked that she even kissed me! not on the cheek but on the lips! And fuck it was a full kiss. She didnt hold anything back! Fuck I was so shocked that she did that, that she almost left without me saying anything. I mean damn! she just had to go and kiss me! I mean it was good...very good but damn it just made me even more confused. Then she told me to wait for her to get used to being Bi. I said I would wait. But I cant wait forever. And then she kissed me again...And left. She left to her dad's. I know I will miss her. I hope I get to see her before school starts. I wonder if she is supposed to be with her mom or dad this year. Anyways, I am still shocked that she kised me even tho its around 7am. I better go. I shall talk to you later...why does she even like me?! Cya later...she kissed me..on lips...why? I'm sad she is gone...whatever talk later. Cya
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