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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Saturday, January 28, 2006

   Sister in-law may be having her kid soon!!!
My sister in-law is having her kid today, just dont know when! But yeah I'm going to be an auntie! I wonder if it is gonna be a girl or a boy. But anyways, today is also my family dinner, and my mom is making me take Alex. But I dont even know if my mom will even be there now, for my sis in-law and dont know when she is having her kid and all. but anyways, I will update later to tell you if she had the kid, and what is it. But I should go now, so talk to you people later. cya have a good day. What do you think it would be? A girl or a boy? I will post it all later. cya
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