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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Friday, May 12, 2006

am i sad, or am I happy?
Sad, happy?
What's the difference anymore?
How can I tell if
I am sad, or happy.
I can't tell anymore
Why do I care about him?
Why do i not care about him?
What's going on in my mind?
How can I live like this?
Should I die?
shold i live?
Does he care?
Or does he not care about me?
Even though he says he does.
why am I so confused?
Why do I write when I know
she read this? and gets worried?
does anyone but her get worried?
Does he care?
Do i like him? or love him?
Do i hate him? or dislike him?
Can I live without him?
Can I live with him?
Why am i writing this?
Am I sad or am I happy?
Can you even tell?

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