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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Saturday, May 13, 2006

going to grandmother's.
I'm going to my grandmother's today, for mother's day, even though it's on sunday. it's only cause everyone is always busy on sunday and yeah. I have to take Josh, Alex is taking himself. Travis is taking his gf Tasha. and yeah. lol. I'm so tired right now. I drank some Vodka, and Sour Puss last night with my friend Ashley. I hurt my leg again, which sucked. I'm fucking freaked out cause I'm always getting burises or what ever, so fast, and at weird places! like I have one on my foot where my leg and foot meet. and it's been there for...almost 2 months! or somethign like that! anyways another poem...

Should I say how I feel?
Can I tell how I feel anymore?
I feel nothing
I feel everything.
I want to love him.
But can I?
should i say who i am talking about?
should i just die?
should i live?
what's the point of talking
when you can't say what you mean
to say to that person?
I want to forget him, but
should i? should i lose my love?
I feel nothing.
She is getting worried again
But does anyone else?
should I just shut up and leave?
should I love again?
Should I tell him that I love him?
what should I do?

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