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a world of dreams
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like forever
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Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Case Closed, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Princess,Witch Hunter Robin, Dragon Ball Z/GT,Ranma1/2,RaveMaster,Yu Yu Hakusho,Tenchi Muyo/Universe,Shaman King,.hack//sign,Kikidiar,FLCL,Imadoki,Samuri Champloo
to kill all humans and take this world back from the rechid paricites called humans (also to finish my favorit anime thing sontinued. Outlaw Star, Full Metal Alchemist, Gost in the shell, Gravitation,Alice 19th,HELLSING,X/1999,Bleach,Fruites Basket
well i do Beading and Crocheting
me nono
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Azumanga Daioh quiz result

What Azumanga Daioh Character Are You
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Current mood: chibi happy
ok well i spen a good portion of the day outside which i normaly dont do because i go strait home after school so i had bobs backpack then i went to go find him and he said that he was going to go to toco bell and so yah i looked for him there then gave him his backpack and i end up haining out for a few hours lots a stuff happens but i am too lazy to type the details so then everyone leaves and Bob and Justine are going the same direction so i go with them since i dont have a spacific tim to be home anyways i have his jacket on and i get to wear it till tomorrow yay.....haha u know something i have no emotion right now but i am typing exiting expressed words but i do mean them its just i cant express them at this moment in time so yah....ok so the main point that i wanted to make is that i have Bobs Jacket yay ok i am done later †††
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
school stuff
ok well we have our star exam things tomorrow and thursday so one good thing is that the hw i got today isnt due till friday (because i wont see my teachers exept my homeroom teacher)so thats a plus and on one of those days we get to go home early yay so thats all the news i have not later ppl
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
ok well instead of going to my church sleepover (it got cancled) i went to the bonfire for Japanese class and it was soo much fun i glomped Robert and Jeff ^.^ then we went down to play in the waves...i wrote stuff in the sand then Robert jumped on Jeff and hes like Bianca get on lets see how many ppl he can carry (or something like that) so i jumped on it was fun ^.^ ok we did that a couple of times (fish made us fall all three times) ok then we were all going to play tag.....and bob took his shirt off *gasp* (lol) and so did brendon ok so then they were shirtless the rest of the time they played tag for a while (i would have played too but my feet got nump so i went by the fire) then they were playing ass grab ^.^ lol it was fun hahahaha so i got my ass grabed by Sarah,Veroon(spelling error) and Bob
then i got a ride home and watched tv and now i am writing bout it here lol ok i am going to go to sleep now catch yah later (to the pplz who read this)
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
lost then found
ok well i lost my lil back pack with my cd player and three CDs (Hellsing, Vampire Princess, and JAMI LULA) so i was thinking of the last place i left it so i was searching and so freaking out and i was about to cry (i have issues with losing stuff) but i found it and i was sooooo Happy and i huged my backpack and made my way home and now i know i will be hyper for my good luck on finding it ^.^
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Monday, April 18, 2005
JAMI LULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so yeasterday was the Jami Lula concert ^.^ it was soo awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i got his new CD and it rocks i also saw Jami and i was soo happy yay but ill see him again at camp so now i have all of his cds woot
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
hello friends i just want u to know i got a fishy ^.^ and i love my fishy very much i dont know what to name him yet so i am stuck on that but hell have a name ^.^ yay for the fishy!!!!!!!!!!!!! later ppl
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
happy day
omg today was sooo much fun we had our scuba first time with all the gear then in english i am getting to read my book (its called Cut) then in Japanese i knew the stuff for the sentences yay ^.^ ok then in math it was boring but i got my math hw done in class so yay and then lunch i got to go to Japanese club and got a flyer thingy and i went to go find Chrisand huged him and rubed his beard (hes growing one now but its only fuzz yay for the fuzz!!) then i left to go find Jypsy and i found him and it twas fun ^.^ then i went to Japanese class with him because i had left my backpack in there then i was in there for a while and Jypsy walked me half way to class ^.^ then he thought the three minute bell had rung so he had to go back to class then science came and it was boring...then heres the big yay for me because i went into world Geography and my teacher told me i got a 23 out of 25 on the map test and thats the best i have ever done (i was failing that class so my mom bribed me with the Jami Lula concert so in order to go i must turn in all of my hw assignments and get them stamped and alot of other stuff) and my weekend is planed full of fun stuff yay so lets see on Friday i am going to see Theo and David Saterday i am going to the Japanese thing later in the day so i need to tape those tv shows then on Saterday in the Jami Lula concert ^.^ and thats all more will come when it happens lol bye for now
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
ok well i fell like three times today because my friends ...well first she tackled me then she pulled my jacket and i fell backwards and then she threw back a manga that i had "stole" from colin and i fell off the bench so that was my day....yay for falling down ...thats all for now check u ppl later
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Monday, April 11, 2005
current events
Shool is good and i still need to put the finishing touches on two of my projects and i have soo much hw today i got math,Science(project),World Geography (project and assignment),and Japanese (WB) which is all due tomorrow arg *is stressed out* well since i have so much hw i shall have to be leaving now so ill tty ppl later
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