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Collecting all japanese versions of Fma and Inuyasha
Anime Fan Since
The day I was born.
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Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Slayers, Evangelion
To create a published Manga and to become a famous Manga-ka
Colecting Anime and Manga
Reading manga in 10 minutes and drawing Manga^_^
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Today was my lucky day! ^_^ Some of my teachers asked me to help them thus cutting some work time out of the day. I was shocked how easy today was. Although it is the end of the year(to bad I get out the 20th).
It's flooding outside so i've been playing online games. I'm going to put up another morph(so and so) post eventually. Tell me if you want to see one of a certain charector.
I saw parts of the movie Omen online. It is more funny than scary if you ask me though.("It's all for you Damian!!"lol)
The FMA rpg is going well. I got the charector design page up though i'm still working on the gameplay. It's so hard I need help-_-.
Can't wait till july for my b-day! Anime galore!! I'll ask for some new stuff this time. Maybe D.N.Angel or Gantz.
Again tell me if you want to see some sort of game on the site. I'll try to make it happen
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
I've been busy working on my FMA rpg so I haven't really posted lately. I'm tired today. Today was 6/6/06!!! Omen came out today and I really want to see it. I had some really bad luck today. I haven't posted the weekly quiz result or the weekly poll. This week i've decided to skip them considering i've been working on the game.
Does anyone play runescape? I'm level 60 ^_^
I'll continue to work on the game for a while but i'm looking for games and stuff to put on this site too.
We have to work on a project for Mrs. B(name withheld for the protection of the individual). Tim is my partner and it's do the 9th!!!! That might cause me to avoid the site for a while too.
I'll find some games and post them later today
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
catching up~_~
Let me start by catching you guys up^_^. The past few days i've been working on my project. I will tell you now exactly what it is about. It's an FMA rpg. I know what your thinking, how can you make an rpg out of FMA? Well i'm had trouble thinking that too.
A few days ago I saw the Anne Frank movie(which was actually pretty scary..and wierd). The movie taught me alot about her life but what was really intresting was that they show her in the concentrarion camps(and show nudity in that part
-_-...scary). Anee dies all alone after her sister and her mother are killed.
I finally got to read Fushigi Yugi:Genbu Kaiden volume 2^_^. I read through it slowly to enjoy Yuu Watase's new drawing style.
It's almost my birthday so I can't wait to get some anime and manga(yes that's what i'm going to ask for!) More Evangelion and FMA. I also kind of want the D.N.Angel collection.
My friends have created a small contest among themselves to see who can draw the best manga. I'm guessing Jennifer though because her style of artwork is a mix of DBZ and Naruto with an urban style. I'm the judge^_^.
Today was basically eventless. We worked all day doing class stuff that was really boring. I heard rumors about the Naruto movie coming to the u.s(they are most likly fake though). Tommorow will be fun though because we have gym^_^!!!!!
I've finally read all the slayers novels. The last one I had to finish was the Sorcerer of Atlas. I'll write tommorow^_^
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
Another puzzle
Heres another puzzle for you guys to solve. This ones of Lina Inverse.
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I was reading the eva manga and realized a few differences from the anime version(which came first)here are a few
1.Asuka throws herself at Kaji. Now I know she acts nice around him but I mean literally throws herself at him(volume 6)
2.Shinji knows Toji is going to be the fourth child.Toji tells him striaght out in the manga(volume 6)
3.When Asuka and Shinji have to live together they must dance to trane. But the traning methods are different in the manga. In the manga they learn how to dance to clasical music while in the anime they do a dance dance revolution type thing and pratice on a game.(volume 4)
I went to the library and got some manga today^_^. I finally got the Slayers volume 2!!!. Plus i'm reading up on inuyasha and fma waiting for new movies and dvds to come out for them.
Right now i'm watching the Ah My Goddess movie(yeah!!! beldandy and Keichi^_^)I love it because it's full of funny line and action.
Can't wait to see fma tonight even though i've already seen the whole series a few times. I can't wait till the OAVs come out^_^(Chibi FMA people^_^_^_^_^_^)I've seen the movie with subtitles but I can't wait to see how the english version comes out. Hopefully it will be as good as the japanese dub
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It's saturday^_^
Today is saturday. A day to relax and play and mingle with others. For me it means working on my game and reading manga^_^(what otaku wants more). This weeks poll is favorite chibi creatures.
I will also look for some games for my site.
Today has been crumby so far though. I woke up and tryed to take a shower and there was no hot water!!!!!
I'll post more later^_^
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Friday stuff
I may take a break from my site for a while as well as updating it while I work on my project. I'll give you a hint as to what it is though. It is a game based on fullmetal alchemist.
And now this weeks quiz result is....

What Good Shaman Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
I'll do the poll tommorow then i'll continue work on my project.
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
FMA puzzle
This is a big one. Hope you guys have fun solving it(This may take a while so sit back and relax.
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I had mcas again. We got to take a break for most of the day though. We played games and I worked on my manga(Chapter 1 is done). Mr M created a trivia game and we played boys versus girls(we lost-_-). I also helped my friend create a myotaku account^_^. I realize I haven't wrote in a while so i'll tell you a few things
1. The prodject is going well
2.I got End of Evangelion recently
3.My friend Van is wierd. He can qoute every line from south park(OMG THEY KILLED KENNY).
Over the past few days I was hanging out with Denzell ^_^. Today i'm just going to relax after a hard day of mcas(and I mean hard!!!)
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Wavy Ed
I'm posting rather late. This is fun to try out it's an Ed you can move. Swing your mouse around it and it will shake.
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