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Quiz Results
Yoshiki's gigantic mansion in Beverly Hills... yeah right I wish >_<
Member Since
Real Name
Well, as everyone knows, Mike or MikE are my nicknames in real life and on the compy, but by real name shall stay secret, so call me either Mike or MikE
Winning trophies and medals at judo tournament, Artist of the year at school, blah blah blah etc
Anime Fan Since
age 5, when I watched Sailormoon, and Tenchi in Tokyo
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Shaman King, Naruto, Tenchi Muyo, YYH, FMA, OP, Death Note (I wanna see the movies! XD), Orphen, DNAngel, Furuba, Cowboy Bebop, Kingdom Hearts, oh and so many others
Publishing my first manga before age 20
Singing, dancing like a lunatic, drawing, rocking out, listening to music (not rap), and I love my dog. ^^ Me born the year of the dog, too!
Rather not say, maybe you can tell from my other statistics thing-a-ma-bob
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/26/05:
wut can I say? i prefer fake than real.
Result Posted on 11/22/05:
^__^ if it were Risa, then...*starts loading a nearby musket* you get it. ~_^
Result Posted on 11/13/05:
kewl. Konoha's kewl, but I like Gaara from Sand Village. weird ^^;
Result Posted on 11/12/05:
yeah, I can take em down, but I'm a martial artist....
 You're Yusuke. The leader of the pack. You've always gotta have your friends around to back you up. But then again, you can always take someone out with your bad ass Spirit Gun if they're not around.
What Yu Yu Hakusho character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/12/05:
I act like him alot. TT
 You are most like Yusuke Urameshi. The main character of the show. Your family is mean to you, and in return, you are crude, selfish and uncaring. You are a good fighter and people know you for that. Even with the selfish and somewhat evil outside, you tend to do good without people knowing it, and when they find out, they won't believe it.
Which Yu Yu Hakusho character are you most like? Results may vary brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/12/05:
Your soul is vengeful.That is the driving feeling you have in your life right now. Someone fooled/betrayed you really bad and now you are after them to make them pay. Your heart and mind has been blackened by your hate for this person and it's on the line obsession. You need to let go, but that is something you just are incapable of doing. Betrayal is something you don't take very lightly and you can easily make new enemies. People often see you as a cold and harsh person who may be in need of anger management, but they don't know what you're going through and can't understand. On the bright side; you don't give up that easy when you've decided to do something. Hopefully you will have your revenge, if it is within reason, and get your honour and dignity back.
How is your soul? [pics] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/12/05:
i guess...
 Your soul is bound to the Rose Petals: The Wronged.
"'ve come undone and all hopes of mending me are gone because the pain took my soul. Can't you see? The only one who can put me back together again is me."
The Rose Petals are associated with sorrow, reflection, and wisdom. They are governed by the goddess Persephone and their sign is The Teardrop, or Broken Love.
As a Rose Petal, you are always self-reflective and may be hard on yourself. You probably have been hurt in the past by other people and can sometimes distance yourself, as a result. You don't usually let other get too close to you, but you are very good at mending your spirits back together by yourself.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/12/05:
 You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/10/05:
yeah, that's me.
 your a dog like to fight for fun, but when someone pulls that tail its game dont take crap from anyone and tend to get an are very stubborn and care only for yourself,unless you have very close people
::*which demon type would you be?*:: brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/06/05:
lol, yeah, Rock's mor like it. ok, so it's revealed, my name's Megan.
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