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East coast baby!
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High school student
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Most improved in Field hockey 2003, coach's award for field hockey 2004, honor roll
Anime Fan Since
third or fourth grade when I saw my first Pokemon episode!
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Too hard to choose!
To graduate high school and go to art school
Drawing, reading, videogaming, playing field hockey, making origami, and flag twirling
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Ehhh too lazy to for a quote and actual update. So- random quizzes!
Your Deadly Sins
Envy: 40%
Gluttony: 20%
Pride: 20%
Sloth: 20%
Greed: 0%
Lust: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You will die a boring death. While dying, you will be jealous of those who die dramatic deaths. |
Your Dominant Thinking Style: | Exploring
You thrive on the unknown and unpredictable. Novelty is your middle name.
You are a challenger. You tend to challenge common assumptions and beliefs.
An expert inventor and problem solver, you approach everything from new angles.
You show people how to question their models of the world. | Your Secondary Thinking Style: | Visioning
You are very insightful and tend to make decisions based on your insights.
You focus on how things should be - even if you haven't worked out the details.
An idealist, thinking of the future helps you guide your path.
You tend to give others long-term direction and momentum. |
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. |
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
Your Japanese Name Is... |
Yoshiko Kawashi
You Are 9 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Quote of the Day: This is a waste of a day
- Jen-chan
So I haven't updated in a week.. jeez I'm a slacker. Anywayz, I'm updating from my chemistry class.... the current situation right now is that it's HSA's week, so if you don't have to test, then you go into school around three hours late for the joy of only having two classes. Waste of a day if ya ask me because no one's actually learning anything this week.
Nothing major has happened. Just kinda sad theat the seniors are leaving, but I'm really only going to miss a couple of people since I don't know a lot of seniors.
Did I mention that I finished my self portrait? I did and it's done in oil pastels. I got a 100 percent on it and it's in the showcase in the school lobby. I've gotten lots of compliments for it so far and I'm super proud of it!
Oh I went to a birthday party for my friends Trianda and Katie on Saturday. It was really fun and there was a moonbounce that was flipping awesome. My father made fun of me for it though after I got home because moonbounces are apparantly only reserved for little kiddies. I think not. Anyways it was like this massive "orgy" of people all tickling each other and messing around. Great fun. *insert laughs of Jen-chan as she watches me type*
This morning before I went to school, I was watching the sci-fi channel and they were talking about some absurd idea that humans are descended from neanderthals mixed in with aliens. WTF?! They said that the ancient Egyptians didn't come up with their own technlology and that they took it from extraterrestrials. That's crap. Can't they give the ancients more credit? I don't think it's that hard to believe that they came up with ideas how to build their pyramids and light them with electricity by themselves. Thomas Edison did it! Why couldn't they? Does anyone else thing this is seriously stupid?
That's all I feel like typing now. I have some pics back from prom I might post, but I still need to develop some so I might wait.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Take the quiz: "-What Band are you!?"
![]( You are Nsync! (yay?) You sad bastard...
Quote of the day: "This sh-t is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!"
-Gwen Stefani
Okay, seriously this is really bananas.
So today I broke up with my boyfriend. Yeah I bet half my friends are like "WHAT BOYFRIEND?!!" But yeah, I broke up with him. I think I liked the idea of having a boyfriend more than the actual guy (and I'm REALLY sorry), and I discovered thanks to the help of a friend, that I can't really see him as anything more than a friend.
The people on the bus today were being really dummies though and making faces and gestures at him (his bus is near mine). So he was kinda staring and... yeah. But this is for the best.
Anyway, prom was flipping awesome. I danced all night and didn't eat a thing! Which is weird for me. Doing the cha-cha slide was hard though because people aren't coordinated enough to do it right and I was stepping on their feet. I danced with a couple of guys, including super cool Paul, but I didn't want to dirty dance like everyone else. Which is why I was compelled to do something silly every five minutes.
The after prom party was really fun and I won a super cool lava lamp in a raffle. I suck at bowling in a dress and we were all kinda delerious by two in the morning when the party ended.
A bunch of us went back to Heidi's house and crashed on the floor of her basement. In the morning, we had a tickle fight with RJ, which he mentions like everyday.
So yeah, there's the random update of my life.
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Quote of the day:
"You're 'spedcial'! Errrr!"
-Michael, then I ensued with kicking him hard in the shin
Sorry that I haven't been on in a while! Lotsa stuff going on right now. So hopefully I'll be around to everyone's sites sometime.
Yesterday we really didn't do much of anything during school because of Progress Reports. I had an interview during first period for the Sigma Xi math and science award. Only three people in the school get nominated for that! Fingers crossed that I get it!
Gym was interesting and I was messing around with this guy in my class named Michael, who is a sophomore. Softball sucks, or at least, I suck at it.
Anyways after Spanish class, Michael asked me to go out with him sometime. *blush* ^_^ So of course I said yes! I guess that messing around with each other is us showing affection...? Yeah, anyway I do like him. He's funny and I can be myself around him without worrying what he might think of me, which is totally great.
Prom's today! So excited! I have to call my friend Jessica about it but she's not answering her phone! Waaah. T.T Hopefully I can catch her later.
I'm out.
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Time for a quickie update!
Yesterday I took the AP United States History exam all morning, which royally fried my brain. Totally b.s.'ed the essays though. It was like 'here, recall specific events that happened in this time period that you won't remember at all from the beginning of the year'. Yeah, I studied but I don't think that if I studied any more than what I did that it would help me.
I stayed after school to work on my self portrait for art class and had a very nice akward moment with a certain someone, who I found out later, is taking some sophomore to the dance. 'Sall good though, I'm over him anyway.
When I got home, I worked on my painting some more for a good couple of hours. And OH! All of the pieces I submitted to my school's art show got accepted ^_^ So hopefully I at least won an honorable mention!
Today I took my SAT's all morning for five flipping hours. Why do teenagers deserve to sit in a tiny test room for almost an entire school day? Anyway, I took it at Bel Air and a couple of other people from my school were there like Trianda, Diana, and Jonathan. Bel Air, by the way, isn't much better than my school and I cannot believe they get away with calling my school ghetto! Hypocrites. I also saw a couple of people that were counselors with me at Harford Glen, but I didn't really talk to them.
My younger sister, my mother's fiancee, and I went shopping for mother's day gifts this afternoon. We stopped by Best Buy's first and Justine and I bought some CDs. I bought T.M. Revolution's Seventh Heaven CD and Polysics or Die by Polysics (two really great JPop/rock bands). We also bought my mother the Dirty Dancing movies. We stopped by Kohl's after that and we got her pajamas and cute slippers ^_^.
I should get back to unloading the dishwasher now. One Piece at ten and Full Metal Alchemist at eleven! Squee!
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Quote of the day: "Whoever commands the ramen, controls the world."
-the ramen guy from Super Milk chan
So my band geek friends and younger sister have come back from their Boston trip! ^_^ I was so very lonely... (so lonely, mr. lonely.. i have nobody.. grrr stupid song!)
My sister bought me a cute penguin stuffed animal from the aquarium in Boston. It's name is Perry and is so adorable!
My friends had tons of fun, but I was kind of sad that they got to have bunches of fun without me. Oh well.
I gave my term paper presentation in English today, but I think I talked really fast and all over the place. I was so in love with my topic though, so I knew it pretty well.
That's just about all for now. My pen pal in Japan wrote me back so I'll have to write her back eventually and I guess I should to my homework....
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Back from the Glen!
Quote of the day: "We're trying to make Humpty-dumpty a verb. Hey guys, let's go humpty-dumpty!"
-Chris (?), fellow counselor.
So yeah, I'm back. Poo-on-a-stick that most of my friends are on their way to Boston right now with the school band. Oh wells.
Anyway, my week at the Glen definetly had its ups and downs. The kids were nice, but there was so much DRAMA going on between girls in the class I was counseling. I also found out that fifth graders know a lot more nowadays than we ever did at that age.
The first day (Tuesday) it took us forever to unload the buses. These kids packed like they were going on vacation a week to Disney World! The kids I was assigned to look after during meal times at my table were an interesting bunch. There was Sam with his many scabs, Kimberly who didn't stop laughing unless she was tired, Darlene who was extremely attached to me, Sam and Erin who were attatched to each other at the hip, and cynical Chris. Cynical Chris was very interesting in that the first day we were there, he basically announced he hated everything. Until I started talking to him about videogames. Yeah. That really opened him up and I found out that he is a flippin genious! I had arguments with him about evolution and the big bang theory.
The counselors there were pretty nice. I mostly hung around with Ali, a tenth grader from Havre De Grace. I was the only one from Edgewood there, so I felt kinda left out coz most everyone else knew each other pretty well. There was funny Frank, whom the kids say they hated but he was super popular. Then there was Jen, who all the kids thought was going out with Frank. There was Chris or something who was a lesbian I think or something. Griffy, as I explained before, is the younger sister of Jake, my sis's ex boyfriend. She's pretty funny, but she called me Anastasia once on the first night (which is my sister's name). Ashely and Kate were attached at the hip and Amber was really good at taking charge along with Rachel and Rachel. Andrew was plain beautiful, but kinda quiet but I wasn't around him much since we were assigned to different classes. David was nice and sorta cute. He braces off today and I am soo jealous.
I had some homework time while I was there and my longest was around three to four hours long. I got some homework accomplished but definetly not all of it. During one of our homework times before the nightly campfire, we were trying to figure out a skit to do after the fifth graders did their skits at the campfire. Five minutes before the campfire, Ali remembered this nusery rhyme rap that she learned at a camp she went to. So we did that. The kids fell in love with it and we taught it to them Wednesday night. We also sung it for the parents on Parents Night Thursday night. I don't feel like typing the whole thing, but my friends at school will be hearing it from me excessively.
We did lots of fun activities like a four-mile hike, fishing in streams for bugs, and composting (which I got to miss because of homework time). Overall I had a pretty good time and I will be singing those camp songs we learned even when I'm senile and have forgotten my children's names (and I don't know if I still want to have children anymore! Those kids were evil durning bedtime!)
I'm going to miss everything though. The kids somewhat, but mostly the counselors I met because I realized that I'm probably never going to see them again. Which is probably why I started crying when I got home. Don't laugh at me! I'm a very emotional person.
So that's all I feel like typing now. I need a nap.
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Quote of the Day: I'm WTI! White TI! I'm HARD! *crosses arms* wait, I didn't mean it like that!
- Mr. Morgan, High school chem teacher
Okay, I'm going to update real quick before I start on my homework. Not that you'll notice, but I won't be around the next four days coz I'll be counseling fifth graders at Harford Glen. ^_^ So that means lotsa work to do! But I can handle it.
During Spanish class today, there was this whole big argument on how we should identify people from other races. It started when this obnoxious girl named Ashely made a comment to a boy named Joe about his "chinese" girlfriend, who is really Korean but being her ignorant self, couldn't tell the difference. And then she was saying 'what's the difference' and all that and we got into this whole heated discussion that included how to identify black people. It lasted for a good portion of the period and I was just sick of the ignorance eminating from that girl!
Anywayz, I stopped by Shoap's (ap us history teacher) room to get my homeowork and ended up missing my bus because it took a while. But that's okay. Heidi stopped by breifly during our discussion and said "Shoap are you being mean to Melanie? Cos she's the sweetest person ever!" Mr. Shoap agreed and I was just "Awwwwwwww!" Hugs for Heidi!
I stopped by my art class after that and got help for my painting that I have to work on at home until I'm back in school on Monday. After that I sat outside and called my dad, who wasn't all too happy about me missing the bus XD Oopsies! I talked to Chantal a bit before padre picked me up.
So yeah, that was my day. Hopefully the Glen will have internet access so I can check to see if my spanish teacher posts assignments online....
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
Saturday, oh Saturday...
Quote of the day: "We had to hold you back so you wouldn't rape the screen!"
Grrr.... I'm kinda mad right now because my mother did this whole computer rebooty thingy so ALL of my files have completly disappeared and she didn't even bother telling me that she was going to! So all of my favorites, my pictures, and music are all gone. AIM is gone as well. Grrr! Raaar! Random angry words!
Anyway on a lighter note, I had a super fun time with Erin and Danielle today. We spontaneously decided to go to the movies today and had no idea what we were going to see. While we were waiting for Heidi, I kinda broke tow of those trinket dispenser thingies... T_T S'all good though coz Danielle gave me hers ^_^. We called Heidi after a bit (or rather she called us). We had a debate for a good ten minutes about what we were going to see. Heidi wanted to see the Ring 2 and I really didn't. So she didn't come. It was just Danielle, Erin and I (me?).
We decided on seeing the Pacifier. It didn't start for a while, so we walked across the street to Putt-Putt and then we walked to Target.
Anyways, The Pacifier was really good! I wasn't a fan of Vin Diesel before, but I have been converted. All I have to say is "yum". Erin and I both grabbed Danielle and held her back during the towel scene so she wouldn't "go rape the screen" as Erin put it. It was a really funny and clever movie! Heidi sure missed out.
Afterwards, we went to Taco Bell. Danielle treated us to some tacos and nachos, which was really super sweet of her. On the way home, we had a very interesting conversation that I won't even talk about in here. Let's just say I'm very blunt and don't fancy stuff up with innuendos.
I've got some homework to do so I'd better go. Gotta painting due Wednesday and it's calling to me!
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Quote of the Day:
Morgan: Adam, are you okay?
Adam: I'm in a dress holding my nuts on a street in Japan.... let's go play Yu-Gi-Oh!
Morgan: OKAY!
- Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb, X-Play
So today was rather interesting. Had plenty of clumsy moments attempting to do a chem lab today. XD Butterfingers!
I had a Spanish Honor Society meeting after school that I knew nothing about until fifth period cuz I wasn't in school last Wednesday. We're having new inductions this week and I have to be there for the ceremony. Jenny gave me a ride home, which was great and I haven't talked to her in SO LONG! Waaah I miss my friends! Apparantly she started a xanga, so I'll have to check that out.
I had an interesting weekend. I had four days off of school and was listening to Music Choice while I did my homework, so I now have "Mai Ya Hi" by O-zone (also known as Dragostea Din Tea or the Numa Numa Dance) permantly stuck in my head along with Hollaback Girl (Let me hear you say this s*** is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!)
Saturday I went to get my permit to drive, but I didn't have my birth certificate T.T HUGE fiasco because I forgot to get it from my mom, who gave it to my younger sister to give to me, who forgot that she had it. T_T So yeah my parents are pretty PO'd at me right now. But on the upside I went out to dinner with my dad and etc and got a new XBox game! (Guilty Gear.. haven't played it yet)
I also did some major Halo-2 gaming. Since we have 2 Xboxes that both have XBox Live, I just used a separate profile from my sis and we played together with a couple of her friends and random people we met.
Eh that's all I feel like typing. I'm in the middle of reading Remote, so I should finish that before I go to bed.
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