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East coast baby!
Member Since
High school student
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Most improved in Field hockey 2003, coach's award for field hockey 2004, honor roll
Anime Fan Since
third or fourth grade when I saw my first Pokemon episode!
Favorite Anime
Too hard to choose!
To graduate high school and go to art school
Drawing, reading, videogaming, playing field hockey, making origami, and flag twirling
Drawing, dancing, staying out of arguments, packing away food, extreme hyperness
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Four day weekend! Squeeeee!
Okay, yesterday I got up at the usual time (quater to six), got ready for school, and went to the bustop. After standing in the cold for about five minutes with my sister and a couple of other people, some guy drives by in his jeep and says out his window that we have a two-hour delay. We all basically screamed "WHAT?!" There was absoulutely no ice, no fog, no snow, and nothing to keep us from going to school. So I went home and played some DDR for a while since I was up and wired anyway. Then about an hour later, my sister comes to me and says we have no school. NO SCHOOL FOR WHAT? NOTHING!
Later I found out about a squall or something that dumped a bunch of snow in some parts (but not mine!) and caused some accidents on the highways. Okay, now it makes sense.
Scary thing is I actually WANTED to go to school because I needed the research day in the library for my term paper. Oh, well.
Another sucky side effect is that they cancelled the dance that was supposed to be today T.T Hopefully they'll reschedule it. Or else I want my money back. Money better spent on manga.
So since we had no school, I babysat my stepbrother and earned some cash. W00t! I also played some Halo 2 with my sister, stepbrother, and father before I came back to my mother's house. I was talking to Erin at the same time and she was laughing at me the whole time I was playing it. Daniel (my stepbro) kept on getting the friggin sword and slashing people with it, but I got him a couple of times, so it's okay.
Today I went to the public library to do some research for my term paper and read some of the America book by the Daily Show peeps. Really funny book so far, but there are parts I don't quite understand ^.^;; I'm a bit slow on the uptake sometimes.
Tis all that has gone on right now. Toodles, I'm out.
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