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alot, and many more to come :]
Anime Fan Since
7th grade
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Hellsing, Death Note, FMA and Yu-gi-oh!. And perhaps Gravitation X]
world's greatest violinist of all time, master conductor/compser, concert pianist and music major are my main ones.
Music, art, writing, reading and drawing.
Music, drawing, writing, and perhaps smooth-talking haha
| MilleniumRing
Saturday, September 30, 2006
was really feelin it a couple days's a poem i wrote.
When the thought of love comes to my mind,
The fire in my heart burns even more.
The thoughts of love spark my past,
But I really dont care.
The past is the past, I can't change it at all,
So why look back when I can just remember pain?
My hatred burns like the death flames of hell.
While I continue to redeem myself to the darkness.
Pride, my driving flame that was always there for me,
Is coming back, erasing what feelings held me back.
Love was nice, the feeling was good,
But what was really going on?
I loved someone, I loved him dearly,
I'd give my life for him given the chance.
He was the only one I cared for, in fact,
I even wrote with my blood, on stone, "I will not leave you".
But even though he said he loved me,
I was constantly stabbed in my heart, countlessly.
And my love for him began to shatter and break,
Especially when he didn't even want to live anymore.
It sickens me to relize that I actually thought I made him happy.
I thought I could save him, save my one and only love.
But it matters to me not, for the past keeps getting farther,
And the future is tomorrow, so preperations I do must.
Because no matter tough things had gotten,
I tried to stay with him, give him my heart.
But he has stabbed it too many times,
To the point where I could no longer stand for it.
Even though this may be how I feel,
My hatred isn't focused on him.
Maybe, deep down, past those hellish flames surrounding my heart,
My love for him silently remains; I don't know.
But I surely don't hate him, how could I? How could I blame him for this?
It's my fault for falling in love's damned web.
And then I had seemed to drag him with me.
This really makes me feel so pathetic.
But even if I try to mend the pain I've caused him,
There's no doubt that he holds some hatred for me.
He won't admit it, but I know it's there.
If he didn't, then he wouldn't want to end his life.
But I'm tired; tired of all my attempts.
I'll never get through to him, no matter what I do.
So I won't suffer anymore; love is the only spider I truly hate.
I'll break it's web; it will never imprison me again.
So these feelings will soon depart from me...
That's just what I need.
I wasn't meant for being with people, I'm just too cold and apathetic.
And maybe he was suffering more; I truly wish he'd tell me.
But it's time I return to being myself again.
Because that's all I could ever be and live as.
Neutral I will remain, back to my home, the darkness.
Back to close to no feelings at all.
But this is just the way it is with me.
And it's for the best, for the sake of the battle to come.
So I do apologize to those who still care for me,
But I don't regret a single move I'm about to make.
So to the unexperienced and those who are curious,
Love only brings great suffering.
yeeeeeeeeeeea, wrote this a couple of days ago. plz dont ask me if this is true or not. oh, and i'll b at a cookout 2day, so i wont b bak till 2morrow. cyas every1, ttyls ppls.
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