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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Why are you eating my soup?
Arrr... I don't feel very good today. Thanks for visiting me, everyone. ^^
This week has been hectic. I've been dragged places all week and I'm very tired. It was fun, though. I ate some really nifty Japanese cuisine yesterday. Grilled eel and sticky rice. 'Twas very tasty. Grilled eel tastes eerily like bacon. ^^;; I also thought fitfully of buying the first Angel Sanctuary manga, but the one I found was a little messed up and I'm very anal about those sorts of things. ^^;; I was going to post some kitten pictures today, but I forgot, so mebbe tomorrow?
I'm hungry, but there is nothing worth eating. *sigh*
Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm gonna go rest and watch some ancient Godzilla movies. *is an addict*
"What did you see, old man?" "Godzilla, Godzilla..."
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
"Eat bracelet, scumbag!"
[little rant]: I wonder exactly how it is that my computer can never work properly. The internet scews up, I can't see avis, the mood icons don't move, the music won't play, and I was trying fitfully to get an online radio station to work, which succeeded for, oh, five seconds. >.< No one else's computer screws up this much! Why does my luck with technology suck so much?! [end little rant]
Phew, I feel better. I managed to get over my rut and go to all the updated sites today. ^^ So, I feel cleansed. And I even played some .hack today. Level 5, baby! Which, I might add, is pretty good because I was a level 1 when I started. I kept getting lost, though. And the manual camera is a burden. X_x But, I loves it. I shall play more very soon. ^^ I have some stuff in the works for the site. Nothing big, though.
My little sister got glasses today, which is really...weird. I guess I just never envisioned her as the type to ever get glasses. *shrugs* Welcome to the genepool, imoto-chan. XP
Yeah, that's my day. No nifty anime stuff now. *very sad* I am officially a Faust VIII fangirl, though. I mean, sure, he's a crazed psycho that cut Manta open, but he's a snappily dressed German. And the bags under his eyes are kinda cool in a weird way. ^^;;

Of course, Faust can never compete with Li-kun. ^^
Tiger Claws!
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Darn ruts...
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been to anyone's sites. For some reason, I can't seem to do it. I get on someone's site and suddenly blank. I have nothing to say nor a desire to say anything at all. It makes me feel guilty, but I just can't do it. So, sorry. Hopefully by this weekend, I'll have gotten out of this nasty little rut. O__O
Anyway, I went on a hunt for shoes today. See, I only own one pair of beat-up running shoes, so I decided to get a few more pairs. Easier said than done. Now, I'm not really picky, but I found nothing. They were all either not my style or too much money. I just wanted some black loafer-type boots! Is that too much to ask?! *sobs* Yeah, so I'm a little worn out. O__o
And that's about it! I hope everyone had a good weekend and that your week goes well! ^_^
"You may be holding the controller in one hand, but who knows what you're doing with the other!" -Shugo, .hack//DUSK
*pokes Mimmi awake*
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Great flaming stickfigures of chaos!
I never quite got something about the old dinner lecture. You know, when you refuse to eat something your parents prepared for dinner and they say something along the lines of "Be grateful! There are hundreds of starving kids in (insert random third-world country here)!" Okay, why not give them my icky dinner and let me pig out on ice cream? I'm sure they'd appreciate it more than I do.
Okay, so I'm a day late. I meant to log on yesterday, but the homework took longer than I expected. O__o Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I just managed to dig my way out of a big pile of homework. So...many...notecards... X_x
Not much is going on. Been going to school, half-awake and not entirely coherent, coming home, and trying fitfully to do my homework and still have enough time to get some sleep. But, you know, not much that can be done.
Hey, Canadians! YTV is going to start airing Witch Hunter Robin starting September 10th at 10:30 PM. Perhaps even Gundam SEED, .hack//SIGN, and SD Gundam are coming too. ^^ Yay, Canada!
M'yeah, that's it. Sorry for the posts of crap. >.>
"What about my dreams of marrying a woman, not some crazy half-demon?!" -Shippo, InuYasha.
*does crazy dance of not-deadness*
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Friday, August 13, 2004
I ish alive!
And that's all I have to say.
Thanks for commenting, minna! Better post tomorrow, I promise!

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Friday, August 6, 2004
The rat in the box is a metaphor for society's restriants upon us all.
Okay, I'm gonna rant for a bit about a couple laws of the English language that people seem to love to break alot. And it's really annoying. The apostrophe rule, for instance. Only use an apostrophe in a contraction or when expressing possession. It's not that difficult a concept. For instance, 'The cat's crossed the hallway' is incorrect! For the love of soup, learn the apostrophe laws! Sure, there are exceptions, but still. It's especially important if you write fanfictions. I'm so sick of these terrible fics with bad spelling, grammar, and overall terrible plots. [insert sounds of annoyance here] So, in sum, putting your apostrophe in the wrong place sends the Millennium off the edge.
*deep breath*
Today was okay, not nearly as good as yesterday. I had to walk roughly 2km home this afternoon from the bus stop. It was an overall unpleasant experience. Aside from the staggering distance, it was humid, hot, and I was tired from the school day. Lame. Anyway, I'm soo glad it's the weekend and I don't have a lot of work. ^____^ Sure, I have some, but nothing project-like. This first week totally wiped me out. It didn't help that my bus driver changed the stop times so that I have to get up at 5am instead of 5:30. Moof. I was tired all day. O___o But, I'm so glad to be able to see all my friends. They're very...interesting (I'm actually one of the most normal). And one of my friends lent me DNAngel #2 and #3. Plus, I got some anime magazines (including Shonen Jump) earlier this week and they're begging to be read. I read a bit of Shonen Jump whilist waiting for my computer to defrag (it took an hour and didn't get much faster). Anyway, my classes are pretty good. Still a bit intimidated, but I'm warming up to it (and I think my teachers are warmning up to the sometimes shy, sometimes loud and random Millennium). So, yeah, most of the week was me waking up at an ungodly hour, being drilled on the new school rules ad nauseum, getting lost in some classes, walking across campus a lot, and coming home to do homework and go to sleep relatively early. Other than school, not much is going on. Kinda sad, huh?
BUT, I do have some nifty anime news. It's still unoffical, but 4Kids (the western anime distributor of DOOM) is going to be releasing unedited, subtitled DVDs of Shaman King and Yu-Gi-Oh! COOKIES! *random dance* And here I was thinking that I would have to import them or buy all the manga. O____o Anyway, that made an already good day better. ^_^
Uh, that's about it. Comment reply...o' DOOM!
Dark Phoenix: Yeah, going back is a little disheartening. I know my way pretty well around, so I don't get lost, but just getting across campus in the terrible traffic is difficult. X__x Eh, being an upperclassman doesn't really do much. Only seniors get special rights. T-T
chie: The first day is always terrible. I think my teachers try to indimidate us so that we drop their class and they get a smaller class size. Anyway, high school isn't that bad. Just not as fun as junior high. There are more freedoms, though.
rain shower: Yup, I'm glad I still have some of my old friends. I just miss a few of the others, though. I gets very sad sometimes. T-T
rustym: Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get. O__O Glad you like the new theme!
Oookay, that's it. Now for a picture of tasty. ~_^

I always thought this one kinda pretty.
"Undress." "O__O What?!" -Some dood and Daisuke from DNAngel.
*proceeds to have high tea with Mr. Tibbles*
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Everybody do the "Bat-toosie." *boogie boogie* I don't entirely know the point of it, but it's still a fairly entertaining dance.
Moof. I went to hell...I mean school today. It was pretty bad. Late buses (and confusion with the buses that had me running around the bus ramps trying to find a bus that doesn't exist), boring lectures, excessive walking, and overall intimidation. It always takes me awhile to get used to everything. And it doesn't help that I was functioning on three hours of sleep. I hate the stupid intimidation stuff they try on us. Basically, they said that if we don't apply ourselves and try to learn and understand the material, we're doomed to fail the end-of-the-year exams and be cast down into the levels of mediocrity and bring unsurpassable shame to our families. Yeah. In case anyone is wondering, I have no doubt in my mind that they weren't lying when they said that junior year is hell. Bwegh.
I miss my friends that graduated. *sad sad*
On the bright side, I got to see everyone again. ^__^ Tired, hot and grumpy though I was, it still was nice.
I'm glad everyone likes the new theme. The blues are really calming. ^^
Anyway, thanks for signing my guestbook, commenting, and Bluehawk for PMing me. Much love.
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
Heh. Heheheheheh. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, I'm done. On to the post.
As you can see, the new theme is Yu-Gi-Oh! It has little to do with squirrels. But, er...the tail is spikey much like Yugi's head so...er...yeah. Can you tell I just made that up? The squirrel picture was to throw you off. >.> It worked, I see. Muahahahahaha.
Anyway, wow, can you believe it's been a year? It's pretty incredible. I remember signing up exactly one year ago (a day late because I wasn't online when it was launched). Talking on the phone whilist posting my first tentative, nervous post. A year and a couple of themes later, here we are. Over 2000 visits and 112 guestbook signings. I think around 20 Offenders and an average of 8 comments per post. Not to mention countless new friends and interesting experiences. Someguy's amusing stories, rustym's interesting little posts, Chie being...chie-ish (though that's a good thing, trust me), the crandomness giving me the occasional hard time (though I know he loves me and the Spanish language deep down ~.^), and everyone else. Let's take a moment to remember all the good times we've had. *cheesy sentimental music* Okay, enough of that.
Well, I'm finally done with my summer work...one day before shcool begins. *cough* I don't really want to go back because I won't have as much spare time (which means fewer posts) and I heard junior year is hell. On the bright side, I met my teachers at orientation and they seemed really nice. Some of my favourites are there. And I somehow got signed up for art. Which is okay because I don't want my skillz to get rusty. When I do post, though, it'll be pretty random, mostly because I don't get a lot of sleep during the year. All in all, there's good, there's bad, and there's inevitability. And if I whine, my mom's gonna do that 'World's Smallest Violin' thing.
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the new theme. Mebbe we should make a myO New Year's tradition. July 31st shall forevermore be MYOTAKU NEW YEAR! Now scurry off to the shrine and pray for my sanity. O___o

Happy Birthday, myO!
*juggles apples*
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Friday, July 30, 2004
Heh. That's from a Gackt song where he and this girl try to sing 'Silent Night.' It deeply amuses me. ^o^
I'm still alive! Look! Tired, a little grumpy, and busy, but alive nonetheless. My schedule for the next few days is going to be hectic, but I'll try to get the new theme up either tomorrow or Sunday. It's all ready to go I just need to post the pictures and change the colours. MOOOOO! *insert heroic stance here* And my mom was discussing the prospect of getting a wireless router for the internet, so that instead of posting here on the crappy computer, I can post on the less crappy computer in my room. Which reminds me that I need to do some matinence on this thing. *winces*
Well that's about all I feels like talking about now. Behold this picture! It is a clue for the next theme:

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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Real life is not coreographed. If you get into this big fight, there aren't conveniently placed ladders or swords or that strange dust that flies off of everyone's clothes. And has anyone noticed that whenever anyone says that the villian is finally defeated before the smoke clears, that the villian is still there, cackling? This, as always, has little to do with my post, but, well, it was lingering somewhere in my mind.
I just thought I'd post because I don't know how much you'll be hearing from me. I have to finish my homework (nine essays to write and a book to read). Just after I finish that, there's the open houses and school shopping and other things of 3v1l. Then, the biggest 3v1l: school itself. O____o Meh. Summer went by pretty fast, but I guess there's nothing I can do...
Well, other than that, there's not much to say. I doubt I'll get around to many sites, so sorry in advance. I've finally gotten over 2000 visits! O.o So, thanks to everyone who's visited me over the past...wow...almost-a-year. Anyway, thanks!
Random anime musings- stuff I think whilist watching various anime.
=>Hey, Kagura and Sessy use the same eyeshadow!
=>Yo, Sessy, what's the sound of one hand clapping?
=>I wonder how far you can really kick Jaken...
=>I wonder what Vash thinks of all those guys at the beginning of the series that try to pass off as him. 'Stupid cosplayers...'
Wolf's Rain
=>Oh, Hige sounds like Tai from Digimon and Tsume sounds a lot like Spike from Cowboy Bebop, and that little kid in the first or second episode sounds like Tsukasa...
=>How is it that everyone's hair and clothes defy gravity? Domino must have a lot of smog from the amount of hairspray and startch they use...
=>Is is written in the rules that you have to end every move with a dramatic pose? Or lecture people just as they're about to lose?
=>The battles go on for days, so do they take breaks to eat and stuff? I mean, what if you haven't had a bathroom break and went to power up?
*rides off into the sunset on a gigantic Grunty*
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