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Friday, July 23, 2004
I hate thinking of subjects.
I do. They're evil. I'm supposed to come up with something witty or random at the drop of a hat? Come on, really. So, they annoy me. Aside from the fact that none of my subjects have anything to do with the subsequent content. Nothing.
Anyway, thanks for all the comments. Sorry for not posting in awhile, but I've been busy trying to wrap up my summer obligations (I go back to school in about a week O.o). Of course, my plate's full because I'm a notorious procrastinator. I really should work on that. I did, however, get my avi and offenders image ready for next month. Rawr. ~.^
Still sleepy. But my insomnia's getting better. ^^ On the anime front, I've been watching a bit of Betterman. It's a bit confusing (mostly because I watch it with the volume as low as humanly possible, so I miss a bit of the dialogue) and it uses a lot of science-y stuff. And I'm not that great at science. ^^;; I have a spiff-tacular picture for you to observe at the end of the entry.
I think I'll reply to your comments. Because I have little more to say.
Mimmi: It's a bit strange for me to plan ahead. O.o And I always seem to get sick on outings. Dunno why. Thanks for the anti-insomnia blanket. It seems to be working.
Demonsprite: The Void is a big empty swirling mass in the middle of the internet. It is where all the lost journal entries end up. I hope you like the new theme! *poke*
Chie: The Void is doomish and evil. DOOOOOOM. Anyway, thanks for the anti-insomnia wishes and such. I think they're helping. And the picture-hunt is over! At least until next month. O___O
Dark Phoenix: Yeah, but the insomnia's bad for me because I have to reprogam myself for the imminent doom of school. I'm naturally an insomnaic, too. T-T Meh, the internet doesn't love the Millennium.
SomeGuy: 'Sokay. We all have our guilty pleasures. Some guiltier than others. Not that I'm speaking from experience. >.> Yesh, we shall have a slumber party. Or we could go Mexican and have a time every day (I think it's from 2PM to 4PM) devoted to sleep and relaxation. I always liked that. ^^
Anyway, thanks for all the comments. I hope you enjoy the pictures. I'm gonna go play with the new toy...I mean feature of myO. Mweheheh.
Keita! He reminds me so much of Keitaro (of Love Hina) that it's not funny. Image from: http://www.betterman.8k.com/
*falls asleep on keyboard"
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
The internet of stupid.
Hem. I had a post here, written, finished, ready to go to the site. And you know what? I got kicked off of my account somewhere along the line. I think it had something to do with stopping halfway through the post to watch a show for about half an hour. But, that's not important. What's important is that it disappeared into the Void. Ah, well. It sucked anyway.
I had a lot of fun with my friends last Saturday. It was a goodly outing (even though I felt a bit sick after consuming a large soda and some candy during the movie). Woo. But, lately, I've had some horrible insomnia. Must try to fix that. >.>
I loves my Ai Yori Aoshi soundtrack. It's almost as good as X. It's making me calm after the internet of stupid ate my entry.
Guess what! I have all of my themes planned out through December. I wanted to gather all my pictures now, but getting pictures for my next theme is giving me trouble. O.o Oh, and I'm going to add a link to my fanfictions in my introduction. Because they need some lovin'. Yeah, that's about it. Lots ter do!
(Anime) hack//SIGN: Key of the Twilight (N/A)
Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past
Take me back to the land
Where my yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now fly me there
Fanatics find their heaven in never ending storming wind
Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth
Consolations, be there
In my dreamland to come
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there
I believe in fantasies invisible to me
In the land of misery I'm searchin' for the sign
To the door of mystery and dignity
I'm wandering down, and searchin' down the secret sun
Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past
Take me back to the land
Where my yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there
to the land of twilight
Contributed by Maria Antonescu
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
Da no da!
Answering machines are totally useless in a Millennium society. I hate speaking to someone's parents, so leaving messages for everyone with access to the machine or voicemail. In conclusion, messages are stupid. As are those stupid survey e-mails. Why does anyone need to know what colour my toilet is? How will that strengthen our friendship? I should just keep a copy of the answers and paste them into the stupid message. Don't even get me started on those stupid forwarded messages. DIE! *kills message with toilet brush*
Anyspiff, I've been very busy the last few days. Lots of cleaning. See, my mom had this party, so I had to clean lawn chairs for extra seating, wash dishes, clean both bathrooms, move furnature, wrangle misbehaving animals, and mop...a lot. I was especially drained yesterday. So much so, that when I tried to update, it was just me babbling about evil and such. On the bright side, I had one of those foot-soaky things that relax your feet and I managed to make a dent in de-callousifying my feet. Of course, there was a lot of coughing involved because the salts were really strong in smell and there was a spray that blew back into my face. Bleargh. X.x I also got to see a bit more of .hack//Legend of the Twilight. It is indeed spiffy and not as melodramatic as .hack//SIGN or .hack//LIMINILITY.
I'm actually going out with some friends later today and I'm super-excited. We haven't goofed off with each other since early June. So, w00t to the eight billionth power. ^_____^
Oh, before I forget, KITTY UPDATE! She's doing waaay better. Acting far more like herself, eating and drinking without being coaxed, sitting with us, coming out in the main house more often, and mewing for me to pet her. She's still a bit thin, but much better. Her brother, though, was caught biting an old wound on his tail that was just starting to heal, so we had to put one of those cone things around his neck. He tries to rub against me and ends up hitting me with the edge of his cone. YAY KITTIES!
I haven't done a Japanese lesson in awhile. I shall teach you how to ask what day it is. BEHOLD:
Kyo wa nan yobi desu ka?
What day is today?
How to answer:
Kyo wa (insert day here) desu.
Today is (insert day here).
The days of the week:
getsuyobi: Monday
kayobi: Tuesday
suiyobi: Wednesday
mokuyobi: Thursday
kinyobi: Friday
doyobi: Saturday
nichiyobi: Sunday
Okay, hope that was informative, if not totally useless. Impress your friends! Use it while chatting! Randomly scream it in the halls! Prance in a white dress through fields of fake flowers! And remember: If a girl in white tries to give you a spiffy golden bracelet- run.
![]( http://img39.photobucket.com/albums/v120/MillenniumChaos/LShugoRenaDuskBG.jpg)
Shugo and Rena from .hack//DUSK (Legend of the Twilight).
*boogies with a giant inflatable Kakashi doll*
P.S. Glad you all liked my life philosophies. I actually live by those most of the time.
P.P.S. Wow, my advice has been really good lately. I'm glad I could help, Chie!
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Super-concentrated spiff.
Thanks for the support, everyone! Glad to say that my kitty's doing much better. We managed to get her out from under my parents' bed (it took two people and a golf club with which to prod, but it worked). Now, she's drinking water a bit more and even ate a bit of food earlier. Kitty's taken refuge in a nearby chair and tolerates me hovering over her and petting her. She's still thinner than usual, but looking far better and acting a bit more like herself. So, I'm very happy. ^__^
Anyway, I found out some nifty stuffs you all might want to know from Anime News Network. There's actually going to be a Fullmetal Alchemist movie (to be released in summer 2005 in Japan) and they've made a replica of Ed's automail that is currently on sale in Japan. It's pretty nifty looking. I don't have the picture link, but it's in the article. Er...what else...? Oh, they made a custom computer based on one of the Gundam Wing boys (can't remember which) as well as a video game system. They're going to make another with a different character. Concentrated spiff, ne? For more of the spiffy and weird, visit the aforementioned site using the link I provided.
Comment answer-y time!
Tally: Just the cover for XXXholic was interesting. ^^ I think it'll be a very entertaining series. And CLAMP's art is usually pretty nice.
Demonsprite: Usually, cats don't act this stange when they have little colds, so it's probably something a bit stronger. Like a stomach flu. Nothing horribly major, though.
momentime: Wow, that was a lot of comments. I myself love the Daisuke because he's adorable. Look at that! How is that not adorable? I don't mind Dark, though. Oh, the code I use is img src="(insert image address here)" You have to put the little greater than/less than things to close it in.
chie: When don't I take care of myself? *shifty eyes*
SomeGuy: Yesh, she is Osaka. My friends think I am more like Sakaki, but I disagree. I'm too random. ^^
Dark Phoenix: I loves the CLAMP artwork. The Card Captor Sakura artbook is soo pretty. My little stickfigure drawings have low self-esteem because of them. Eh, I dunno, my life is pretty lame...
rustym: It is indeed strange cat behaviour. O.o
moldy headbread: Acutally, she can't be pregnant because she's been fixed for a very long time and all of our male cats are fixed too. Her stomach doesn't feel different either. But, we shall let her relax and rest just the same. ^^
Mimmi: We'll take her to the vet if she gets worse. Luckily, she's improving, hence the Millennium happy session. Woot!
Jinku the Kitsune: Down with lameness and bad toupees! >.<
Anyway, that's about it. Thanks for all the comments everyone. I'll try to visit a few sites before I get off.
Random life philosophies by MillenniumChaos:
->If it's not working, kick it.
->Just because it smells good does not mean it's edible.
->Procrastination solves everything.
->Don't tick people off. They may be a villian in training.
->A large crowd of idiots is very dangerous.
->If it says 'Warning! Contents may be hot,' it means 'Warning! Contents may be hot.' Not a difficult concept.
Beware my can of super-concentrated spiff!
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Monday, July 12, 2004
Bruised apples...
Not doing so well today. I'm a bit worried because one of my cats has taken refuge under my parents' bed and hasn't come out in almost two days as far as we can tell. I've tried everything to get her to come out. I petted her and drew my hand away to get her to follow it (which usually works), the kittens ran around her and she barely flinched, I tried to lure her out with cat treats and string, and even the big stick prodding didn't get her to move. I gave up and put some food and water under the bed, which she hasn't touched. I dunno. My mom managed to drag her out this morning, but she just ran back under. It's really strange. I think she might be sick or something. T-T
Not much has happened since my last update. I ran errands with my mom Saturday. We stopped by the bookstore for a bit and I noted some new manga from CLAMP. I shall tell you a bit about them.
XXXholic is about a boy named Watanuki who is granted a wish by a strange witch named Yuuko. However, she forgot to mention the service fee- he has to serve her for an indefinate amount of time! So, he ends up her assistant in this strange shop where all sorts of crazy things happen. ^^
Tsubasa Reserviour Chronicle is a crazy crossover manga where we see Syaoran and Sakura in a different dimension, known as the CLAMP kingdom or something. The thing that makes this interesting is that characters from CLAMP's other works make appearances, like Chi from Chobits and Primera from Magic Knight Rayearth. It's well worth a read for any of you S+S or CLAMP fans. ^-^
Well, that's about it on the anime/Millennium's totally lame life front. I'll leave you with some XXXholic and Tsubasa art. ^__^
This is from XXXholic. A nifty site to check out is: Exotique
Yup, that's Sakura and Syaoran. But, the image is from Tsubasa! Interested? Check out: Tsubasa
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Friday, July 9, 2004
I was flying...until I crashed into that tree...
Well, today is officially 'Bad Parking Day' and 'Gaggle of Giggling Girls Stalking Millennium Day.' I went out today. Yes, I know, how stupid of me. Anyway, at one store I saw two people who don't seem to understand the concept of between the white lines. Even I know better. Then, at another store, there was this gaggle of giggly girls. They were annoying in and of themselves. But, lo and behold, one actually comes in contact with the Millennium. I like my invisibility, dammit, and I don't like it when people break it. And break it she did because some strange woman began rambling to me about how her granddaughter loves composition notebooks. I was caught totally unprepared. Normally, I shy from such conversations because I never know what to say. I can't even smile convincingly. So, awkward moment there. >.> In conclusion, trying to engage me in conversation is entirely pointless.
Anyway, thanks for the links. They greatly pleased me. Well, I'm gonna go do muchly evil. Ja ne!
![Lonely](http://images.quizilla.com/A/AnimeTeen/1063317009_JpgQLonely.jpg) Your Anime Personality is Lonely
What type of Anime Personality do you have? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
You know, there are a lot of pointless things in life. Like giving me instructions. I never read them. They're a waste of paper. But, people will insist upon giving them to me. Another pointless thing in life is this post. I have nothing to say. Excitement is foreign to my life. I can only spell 'excitement' by means of some sort of error in the school system. A glitch in the Matrix. Something of that sort.
What was I saying?
Er...anyway, since nothing vaguely interesting seems to occur, I shall respond to the replies from my last post. Why not?
Mimmi: Yeah, my head is often in the clouds. Hey! There you are! *waves* Thanks for the sugar, by the way.
dark sephiroth: I like to make up words. In mulitple languages. ^^;;
Sara: I like kitties. Because I'm one of them of course. ^^ I do pretty well for myself, seeing as how I don't have a thumb.
CRandomHero: If it bothers you that much, I can move you to the clouds. Yeah, the background doesn't quite go, but I'm too lazy to find a better one. Besides, it's a watermelon theme according to Dark Phoenix. ^^;;
rustym: Glad you like it. ^^
KanuckGrrl: Thanks! I think the Yami picture was from the cover of a Japanese manga. They may have used it for Shonen Jump, too.
Demonsprite: I keep your toenails in this jar. I shall sell them on Ebay when you make it big. Muah. Thanks for recommending me to one of your friends. ^-^
Dark Phoenix: Sorry, again. I'm sure your luck will change. Just align your printer nozzles...er...wait...never mind. Yesh, the Yami picture is officialy yours. Now that you mention it, this theme is far too optimistic for me. >.>
Anyway, thanks for all the comments. I've got nothing better to say. Oh, does anyone know any good webcomics worth reading? I already know about Megatokyo. Please keep them PG-13, though, okay? Behold the quotes of stupid and quizzes. Behold, I say!
From Good Quotes.com
Japanese information booklet about a hotel air conditioner: Cooles and Heates: If you want just condition of war in your room, please control yourself.
Hong Kong supermarket: For your convenience, we recommend courageous, efficient self-service.
Hong Kong tailor shop: Ladies may have a fit upstairs.
Istanbul hotel corridor sign: Please to evacuate in hall especially which is accompanied by rude noises.
Japanese hotel room: Please to bathe inside the tub.
Majorcan shop entrance: English well talking.
Majorcan shop entrance: Here speeching American.
Rhodes tailor shop: Order your summers suit. Because is big rush we will execute customers in strict rotation.
Roman doctor's office: Specialist in women and other diseases.
Rome laundry: Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time.
Sweden: in the window of a Swedish furrier: Fur coats made for ladies from their own skin.
Swiss mountain inn: Special today -- no ice cream.
Thailand: an ad for donkey rides asked Would you like to ride on your own ass?.
Tokyo hotel: Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not person to do such thing is please not to read this notice.
Tokyo shop: Our nylons cost more than common, but you’ll find they are best in the long run.
Vienna hotel: In case of fire, do your utmost to alarm the hotel porter.
![wolves](http://images.quizilla.com/N/nightfox572/1088341464_ntalwolves.jpg) A favorite and very common wolf is the Air wolf. Playful and friendly are two perfect words that describe this confused being. A wolf of air loves to hang with his/her friends. They have lovely powers and deadly teeth. They are sad most of their time. Maybe people just misunderstand them. Since being the wolf of air they are the only wolves in their species to summon hurricanes and tornadoes. To envision the air wolf you must picture it as a wolf with wondrous silver hair and stunning yellow eyes with spread out blackish white wings. Always with a loyal heart all they desire is a compassionate human that will never leave them. Go you if you got this result!
What Elemental Wolf Are You? (with pics/read memo) brought to you by Quizilla
I didn't know there were wolves in the air. Might explain my allergies.
theOtaku.com: What Wolf's Rain Wolf Are You?
*runs about in a poorly drawn ninja costume*
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
Yay, sugar!
I don't know exactly why, but if I don't get enough (or consume too much) sugar, I can't think properly. It's strange... I'll babble and babble and babble until I'm blue. I like blueberry pancakes. They are tasty. Er...sorry. Not enough sugar/caffiene today. ^^;; Anyway, tah dah! My site is prettyfied by Azumanga Daioh. I probably should have reduced the number of options because everything I suggested got a vote. Actually, I have an apology to make about the voting process. Dark Phoenix's vote didn't get counted because I'd already closed the voting. Sorry! I should have announced when I closed the voting. ^^;; To make up for it, I give you Yami-goodness.
![Yami no Yugi](http://img39.photobucket.com/albums/v120/MillenniumChaos/yami01.jpg)
Muah! My claims to cat-dom are true! Behold:
theOtaku.com: What Neko Are You?
Like I said, I'm Millennium, the amazing typing neko. ~.^
Anyspiff, I've got nothing particularly amusing to talk about today. Gonna surf the net a bit. I may pop onto your site. Be warned! >.>
"What's so amazing about being a pervert?" -Kyo, Fruits Basket.
*steals Demonsprite's toenail clippings* Muah! Behold my evil!
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Monday, June 28, 2004
What? WHAT?!
*wakes up from nap* Agh! Now Mimmi's seen my true identity! Nooooooo! Yes, visitors of my site, I'm really...a neko! *meow* I'm Millennium, the amazing typing cat! Okay, not really. >.> For all you know, I'm a fifty-seven-year-old man who posts in his underwear and is only friendly to the females of myO so as to seduce them. No, I kid, I kid. Or do I? *shifty eyes*
You know, I was pondering something earlier today. I established the Offenders last September. As far as I can remember, that was the first sort of club for myO. So, does that mean that I helped bring about the clubs (like THAT or the Phat Kats) that are here today? Or was it just inevitable? Hmmm... Probably inevitable. And I was also wondering: in the US and Canada, Sunday is the first day of the week. But, wait, it's part of the weekend! How is it that Sunday is both the beginning and the end of the week?
Okay, down to business. Heh. You guys aren't going to believe this, but the theme I'd forgotten that I'd done was Naruto. Silly me. ^^;; So, how about this, we vote for the next theme (I'm torn between multiple themes). Lesse, the choices are things off my manga shelf: Magic Knight Rayearth, Azumanga Daioh, DBZ, Angelic Layer, Planet Ladder, Fruits Basket, Kodocha, Bandit King Jing, Shaman King, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pita-Ten, and .hack//Legend of the Twilight (aka .hack//DUSK). Lotsa choices, ne? Maybe I should narrow it down to the more popular series...You may vote for the following:
Angelic Layer
Fruits Basket
Shaman King
Azumanga Daioh
Well, get crackin'! You'll find out which won when I change the theme. Yesh, I'm pretty evil. ~.^ I think it's something in the water...they're working on the pipes next door, so I'm not sure I'm supposed to be drinking this giant cup of water next to me. Ah, well.
I'm glad everyone liked my little joke-makey session. I was half-expecting angry posts, either from being insulted or from not being on the list at all. I picked people off the top of my head since I don't have a friends list on my update page. And guess what: I passed math with flying colours! I was worried that I did bad on my final exam, but I actually did pretty well. I guess studying pays off sometimes. But, alas, I'll probably never do this 'studying' again; it's boring. ^^;; I also got some new manga-y goodness (I had to use up my giftcard). Lesse, I got the aformentioned .hack manga, #17 InuYasha, and #3 Fruits Basket. Yesh, I'm addicted to those three manga. ^^ They're all goodly, I recommend them (psst, if you don't have money, then just sit in the bookstore and read them. I do that when I'm broke. >.>). Anyway, I'll check you on the flip of the side, homie g dog slice...of doom pie! ^-^
"Yuki-kun is really...A WOMAN!" -Shigure, Fruits Basket #3
*passes out from dangerously high levels of hyper insanity in water*
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Friday, June 25, 2004
Is the Internet supposed to spontaneously combust?
Needless to say, my browser decides to spontaneously freeze, disconnect, and do other strange and irksome things. And it annoys me. I've had to re-open my browser at least five times today. Hem.
Well, it's almost the end of the month and we know what that means. No, not that. My theme shall change. The only thing is that I have no clue what to change it to. Any ideas? I've already done...lesse...DNAngel, Trigun, Ruroni Kenshin, InuYasha, X, Card Captor Sakura, Serial Experiment Lain, Chobits, and...the other one I can't remember. So, any suggestions would be appreciated. I have to plan out all my other themes for the next few months because I never have time to do my Offenders image during the school year.
Other than that, not much happened. I made absolutely no headway in my summer tasks. I did, however, get batteries for my digital camera, so I can now take pictures of the kittens at 9 weeks. Or is it 10? I lost count.
As of late, I've been pondering about what people do when they're not on myO. All 15 minutes of it. And here's the insane, random, and probably slightly insulting things I've pondered about some of my friends...
CRandomHero: Probably running down the street, knocking old people over and laughing as the futilely try to get back up.
Chie: Trying to help up the old people that CRH knocked down.
Rustym: Clipping his toenails whilist watching Pokemon and secretly obsessing over Misty (Kasumi).
someguy: Sleeping. Most people think he doesn't sleep, but he secretly does. *scandal scandal*
JadeLin: Crouching in some bushes, dressed as Kakashi and throwing crawfish at passers-by.
Number 5: In her secret shrine dedicated to Heero Yuuy, cuddling his lifesized cardboard cutout.
Willow: Stealthily stealing someguy's shirts. How's that for alliteration?
Okay, I've done enough damage. So, what did we learn today? No, not that. We learned never to let Millennium's mind wander...ever. And, yes, I made all of that up. And, yes, I probably need psychiatric help...if I wanted to be a functioning member of society. Which I don't.
"As long as you don't die, you will continue to live. Heed my words!" -Korukano (sp?), Yu-Gi-Oh!
*jumps stealthily into Mimmi's room and proceeds to take a nap on her bed*
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