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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

   W00t! Today was the last day of school. Yes, I did have to sit my Geometry test *flinches* and I will be vastly dissappointed if I did poorly. I actually studied. For four hours. That never, ever happens. I usually don't bother to study. But, now I can devote a bit more time to posting and such (I don't guaruntee much improvement, but I'll try).

The con I went to was fantastic! I had soo much fun taking photos of the cosplayers, watching anime, partaking in the anime-related events, and hanging with my friends. Lots of fun! And I was inspired by the vast marathons of Full Metal Alchemist that I watched to change the theme to FMA. W00t. I'll grab some pics tonight and will definately have my Offenders ready this time before I have my theme change up. Heh, sorry about this month's. I have the Offenders done for Lain, but the text colours are off and hard to read, so it never left my computer. Gomen-nassai. I'll be better. I hope. O.o

Yup, BlueHawk, that subject is from the ending song to Wolf's Rain, called "Gravity." I had it stuck in my head. O.o Now I have "I am" stuck in my head. Yeah, I got a few import CDs at the con. The downside is that I can't read the song titles or lyrics unless they're English. Heh. ^^;; I've just started to make up names for them and improvise lyrics. >.>

Hate to break it to you guys, but Fullmetal has been licensed (by Funimation of all companies). That's why I'm doing the theme, so that I can say I knew about it before Funi produced/screwed it up. *sigh* S'okay, though. Funi's pretty good with releasing unedited, subtitled versions. *crosses fingers*

Blah, enough of the babbling. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!


"Your majesty, is your buttocks in peril?" -some dood from Kyo Kara Maou.

The voices tell me that you're crazy and I shouldn't believe you.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2004

   I'm feeling kind of unloved at the moment. T-T No one's visited me since Friday. Am I not random enough for you? Fine. XP Yeah, it's really hard to pull off that fake-hurt tone on the internet. And, yeah, I can't talk because I don't really visit others that often (which will change once summer is here...hopefully...). But, I had a great weekend. First the anime club party Thursday (where I saw the angsty and nifty Metropolis. I loves Ken-ichi). I got Friday off (and consequently got absolutely no work done). Then, there was a party on Saturday where I played chess with this super-interesting person (yay! New friend!), hung out with some of my friends, and watched some funny AMVs and flash animations, not to mention Kill Bill Vol. 1. Lotsa fake blood. O.o And Sunday sucked because I had to do a weekend's worth of homework in one afternoon/evening. But, other than that, it was cool. And I get to go to my first con ever this weekend. W00t.

Physics practical. *compulsive shivering* Trig at 7AM *curls up into fetal position* Math exam next Tuesday. *rocks back and forth* I hate the Greeks and their Algebra.

That about covers it. I took a bunch of quizzes to post. Lookie:

You're an Etch-a-Sketch!! You're the creative,
artsy type who doesn't need to actually utilize
a single muscle group in order to have fun.
Doesn't matter though, you're still cool.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Etch-A-Sketch. Better with those than Slinkies. So...much...tangling...

It isn't a poem
Non curo. Si metrum non habet, non est poema.
"I don't care. If it doesn't rhyme, it isn't
a poem."
You are a type A personality. You like bright
things, you don't call in sick to work, and you
have devastating opinions about art.

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I thought of someguy while taking this quiz.

Which Wolf's Rain Character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Woot. I'm one of my favourites!

You're a Plot writer!

What kind of writer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I actually start out with a main character before a plot...

You are most likely to be the Vampire

The Chevalier personifies the vampire that acts
with noble intentions, despite what it is
capable of. Taking a conflicting nature and
resolving its issues, the chevalier both
embraces and yet keeps the vampiristic nature
in check; the hunt and taking of blood is
enjoyed greatly, yet is restricted to those who
willingly give, 'wrong-doers,' or is taken in
self-defense; its powers are also embraced
willingly, yet while it blatantly and proudly
uses them, those that harm are only used in
self-defense or in the defense of others. The
vampire charm is used in full, and the
chevalier appears as one of the most alluring
of all vampires, often lordly in appearance as
well. Because of the open embrace of its powers
and seemingly royal stature, the chevalier
often is an immensely powerful vampire.

Dominant personality trait: Pride

Dominant color: Gold

Fictional Vampire Examples: Meier Link ('Vampire
Hunter D: Bloodlust'), Jean-Claude ('Anita
Blake: Vampire Hunter')

Curious to see how you would fare as a creature of
the night? Come this way...

Vampire Classification Quiz (w/ Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

I ownz you vampires. :3


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Friday, May 14, 2004

   Quest for the burnt bread.
"If you haven't noticed, my eyebrows have grown back."

So, here we are again. Just you, me, and the internet. I suppose I should write something profound or life-altering since you came all the way here. But, no. I'm just rambling. Cookies.

"The last thing I need is for you to light my knees on fire."

It's been going okay, I guess. Still a lot of work. Still a fair amount of stress (physics practical..noooo!). Still rather tired. But, at least there isn't much more left of the school year. And I have today off, which is pretty nice. Unfortunately, I have to spend half of my summer watching imoto-chan, which will get old fast. *sighs* Somehow, I'm not totally stressed out. Rather, I'm pretty calm, considering. Dunno how.

"Why is it 'follow the spiders'? Why can't it be 'follow the butterflies'"?

Thanks for all the posts by the way. I'll try to hang out a bit today, but I don't guaruntee much (I have to do some homework this afternoon). Anyway, CrH got the song I was listening to. 'Twas "The Scientist" by Coldplay. It's a good song. Speaking of good songs, I heard this nifty little song by They Might Be Giants called Particle Man. Take a gander:
Particle Man
by They Might Be Giants


Particle man, particle man
Doing the things a particle can
What's he like? It's not important
Particle man

Is he a dot, or is he a speck
When he's underwater does he get wet
Or does the water get him instead
Nobody knows, Particle man

Triangle man, Triangle man
Triangle man hates particle man
They have a fight, Triangle wins
Triangle man

Universe man, Universe man
Size of the entire universe man
Usually kind to smaller man
Universe man

He's got a watch with a minute hand
Millenium hand and an eon hand
When they meet it's a happy land
Powerful man, universe man

Person man, person man
Hit on the head with a frying pan
Lives his life in a garbage can
Person man

Is he depressed or is he a mess
Does he feel totally worthless
Who came up with person man
Degraded man, person man

Triangle man, triangle man
Triangle man hates person man
They have a fight, triangle wins
Triangle man
It was made into a Rurouni Kenshin AMV where Kenshin was Particle Man, Aoshi was Universe Man, Gen-ei was Triangle Man, and Sanosuke was Person Man. Ah, humor.

"Hearing voices isn't a good sign, not even in the wizarding world."

Yup. That about covers it. I'm gonna go look for a Lain pic for the Offenders. I hope I can get it up tomorrow. Until then, sayonara.


Quotes from random scenes in the Harry Potter movies.

theOtaku.com: What Metal Gear Solid Character Are You?

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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

   Pass the asprin.
Hey again everyone. I'm back again, but for a limited time only. For only 19.95...wait, no, um...I'm not for sale. I know, what a disappointment. Sorry for my a-wall-ness. I've been super anti-social lately. >.<

Meowr. The kittens are up and walking. They happen to like wrestling with each other. What's funny is that they don't quite have their balance down pat yet, so they fall over and roll around. It's the cutest thing.

Other than that, it's going okay. I'm still a bit busy (but it's slowing down a bit), but I'm sure the new image should be up this weekend. I have to figure out my next theme so I can get that image out of the way too. And I have to figure out if I have new offenders or not. *sighs* I'm tired. Very, very tired.

I'm gonna go finish my homework so I can go to sleep early tonight. Sayonara.


"I was broadening your horizons!" "I don't want my horizons broadened!" -I'm not sure where this is from, to be honest.

"Don't be silly. God likes pudding." -random friend.

"I'm gonna burn this stupid textbook." "Don't do that! It's an indispencible source of knowledge!" -Millennium and a teacher.

"Questions of science, science and progress do not speak as loud as my heart." -song I'm listening to (if you can name it and the band, you get a virtual cookie).

And don't forget...

I am my homeboy.

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Saturday, May 8, 2004

   "Satan is my masterrr..."
Gads, that's such a funny music video. It basically consists of Sailor Moon singing "Satan is my master." It is humor beyond compare. ^o^ Anyway, I've got more pictures of the kittens (I'm only posting the best one, though). Look!


In case you're wondering, I'll be changing the Offenders pic next weekend (I have an English paper to write this weekend. ^^;;). My posts have been pathetically short. Maybe it's because I'm devoid of my usual ponderings. Hmm...alow me to ponder... Ah, yes.

Weird History facts
The Mongols made jerky by placing the meat between the horse and their butts (they rode bare-backed). As they rode, the meat was tenderized and the sweat from the horses salted it. Thus, you have butt-jerky.
Ancient Egyptian pharaohs and their wives would perform blood sacrifices using a thorned whip on their genetailia. Doubt you wanted to know that.
Alexander the Great had both a wife and a gay lover.

Well, that's enough oddness for now. Oh, and about that 'InuYasha is my homeboy' thing- there are these weird shirts that say 'Jesus is my homeboy' 'Mary is my homegirl,' etc. So, I proclaim InuYasha my homeboy, even though he doesn't know what that is. Come to think of it, what does Jesus think?
"Another 'Jesus is my homeboy' shirt?! I am not your homeboy! Wait, what is a homeboy?"

Yeah, now that I've made a mockery of established religion and secured my place in hell, I'll be off.


"This is no time to be fantasizing." "I'm strategizing!"- Kaiba and Joey, YGO.

theOtaku.com: What Golden Sun Adept Are You?

Kiba is my homeboy.

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Friday, May 7, 2004

   mEntAl cHaoS
I've returned, alive and...er...about the same as before, minus about a thousand years of history. I feel much better now, though, since the exam's over. I decided to change the theme to Lain because I guess I wanted some black to my site. ^^ I was going to use FLCL, but it took too long to find pictures. Yeah, I'm lazy.

Thanks for all the posts. I'm still having technical difficulties, so I can't see the icons. Really sucks. And it's only on this site. Weird. Nothing really big's going on here. Still busy. Sorry for the boringness that is infecting my site. I'll try to come back with some more kitten pictures later. Utnil then, ja!


InuYasha is my homeboy.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2004

   I think I lost feeling in my brain.
This site changes every time I log on. And my background disappeared. And I can't play music nor can I see the avis. Curses. Just a brief post.

2. GIR quote: "MONKEY!"
3. Random quote: "Nobody can beat me!" "Sit!" "Agh!"
4. My goldfish can beat up your goldfish.
5. Wish me luck on my exam tomorrow. O.o




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Saturday, May 1, 2004

   Good ol' internet pasttime.
Behold the renowned internet pasttime:


Studying update: Heh. Let's just say I need to study a lot this weekend.

Kitten update: Eyes open and crawling.

Overall update: My breath is minty. The InuYasha game is funny. I like fanart. I'm being lazy.



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Saturday, April 24, 2004

Hey everyone! Nice to hear from all of you. I'll respond individually to them later.

Today was pretty cool (boring history notes aside). I got up early enough to catch some shows. Then, I made a reasonable dent in my history work. I went to the store and bought some video games (the second and third part of the .hack series and the InuYasha game). All I need to do is wait for summer so I can actually play them. ^^;; The rest of my time has been spent online doing whatever it is that I do. That's about it. Boring, I know.

Okay, now for the responses:
ParanoidPerson: Yeah, I hates them mood swings. They annoy me and everyone else. Fortunately, my head is no longer staticy. ^^;;
Chie: I'm pretty sure every student reaches that point sometime during the year. I'm always borderline on it. Oddly enough, when I have enough time to sleep, I'm an insomniac. O.o
CrH: You see, I do the history homework, but I don't study (I try, but I fall asleep). So, essentially, I do wing it. Besides, I'm in an AP (read: college) course, so I have a super-stressful test I have to take so I can get the college credit. With Americans, anyway, it's not really a fascination, it's just that they get on us more about it. Besides, the textbook is so boring *whines*.
Blue Hawk: They're rather cute, but, then again, aren't all kittens? Yeah, I'm soo glad that project's over with. Just about a billion more and I'll be home free. >.>
Mimmi: Well, the thing about me is that people can't usually tell if I'm tired, happy, sad (even close to tears), or angry. Somehow, I have one of those personalities. So, when people tell me that I don't look well, I must really look terrible. O.o I'll try to post some pictures today of the kittens.
Taki: Thanks for visiting. If it makes you feel any better, I'm far worse at visiting people. It's usually few and far between. I am kinda busy (almost totally lost it this morning when I thought of all the stuff I had to do this weekend). But, well, it'll all be worth it in the end. ^^
SomeGuy: Well, I got some sleep last night, so mission accomplished! I'll try to rest (I'll probably end up sleeping on my history book).

Thanks for the posts everyone! Here's the long-awaited picture of the kittens with their mother:

Heh. I just realised that my cats are having a staring contest. The girl won. Very entertaining. Then again, I'm easily amused.


theOtaku.com: What Inuyasha Hero Are You?

71% of people get this? Aw, and I thought I was special...

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Tuesday, April 20, 2004



Yeah, sorry. I felt like screaming that. Did you know that there's actually a point at which you're so tired that you're not tired anymore? Well, there is. I'm very close to that point. Everyone kept asking me if I was okay all day, which I translated to "Millennium, you look like crap." Apparently, I look really out of it and more indifferent than usual. Minimal sleep (and poor at that) will do that to ya. >.> But, hey, at least one of my oratory projects is done. Now all I have to worry about are the ceaseless history notes, an English paper, passing the AP exam, getting all my points for the honour society, the impending doom of a math test (though I loves my sensei for moving it to Thursday. I would have failed it if I took it today. O.o), history tests, and probably other random projects that are bound to pop up. On the bright side, I'm almost done with school for the year, so that's always good (sleep and anime yay! :3) So, don't worry or anything. I'll start posting more during break.

Green tea and meditation...green tea and mediation...green tea and THE BERLIN CRISIS! *compulsive twitching*

Anyway, I had an...interesting day. I got balloons rubbed on my head as part of a physics lab (apparently, it's good at charging particles >.>), nearly walked into a tree, was told that I look terrible by pretty much everyone (possibly complete strangers), and had a group geometry cram session before first hour. So, yeah. Actually, it's surprisingly not that odd...

Pio-pio sounds like a cool name. Like Kagepan's sidekick or a background character in Hello Kitty!

Well, it finally happened. One of our cats had her kittens last night. They're so cute when they're not covered in mucus. Unfortunately, she had them in my bathroom, so I have to use the other one until we can find a safe spot for her (our other female cat doesn't like her and they'll probably get in a ton more fights than usual). I'll try to post a picture when I can get a good look at them. ^^;;

Why is he naked? Are you sure this is a learning tool?

That about covers it. Thanks for all the posts everyone. I'll try to post on Friday or Saturday (depends on how tired I am) with whatever random update I can. I have to go study some history. Sayonara, minna!


"We're like a nucleus of weirdness with normal people floating around us like electrons." -random friend (oh, we'll call him Yuki, even though it doesn't suit him)

theOtaku.com: What Happy Lesson Teacher-Mother Are You?

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