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Sunday, April 18, 2004
Hey everyone. Sorry to say, this is probably the last post for at least a few days. As the subject indicates, I'm suffering a terrible workload. Even worse, I have two oratory projects. TWO. If you didn't know, I hate oration. I end up standing up there, mumbling and looking at my shoes the whole time. Aaaand I have an essay test tomorrow. I hates essay tests too. O.o I can never get them done in time. T-T Ah, well. I probably should be studying or something, but I'm not. Merely because I'll burn out if I overexert myself. It'll all get done eventually...
"Adults are...so selfish..."
I went to the bookstore yesterday and read a manga called Psychic Academy. It was pretty cool, but obviously aimed toward guys because of all the fanservice. ^^;; It's basically about this boy who just found out he's psychic (normally, you found out when you were very young) and is shipped off to this academy. However, he has an older brother who is famous for defeating the Dark Overlord with his psychic powers. So, obviously the boy, Ai, has a lot to live up to and gets a lot of challenges from the other students to test his still-latent powers. Add in a love triangle and a telepathic bunny and you've got the first novel of Psychic Academy. Yes, all this in the first novel.
"When you're different, everything's your fault."
Everyone seemed really interested in Kagepan, so I guess I'll give more info. on it in case you want to search for it online or something. It's made by this wacky company called San-X. Basically, it's rudimentry graphics with a spiffy narrator and some highly random situations. For instance, the narrator says "He goes to sleep when he's angry" and you see a picture of a disgruntled Kagepan going to sleep. Most of the skits are way funnier than that, but that's the general gist of it. Here's a picture of Kagepan:

"We burned our house the day we left the village."
Well, that about covers it. I'd better actually get some work done or something. Itekimasu!
"One day, he just got fed up with crying."
The first quote is from Tsukasa of .hack//sign, the second is from InuYasha of InuYasha, the third is from Al of Full Metal Alchemist, and the last one is from Kakashi of Naruto. Just in case you were wondering...

theOtaku.com: Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?
I'm running out of quizzes...
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Friday, April 16, 2004
Hey there everyone! I'm finally back after my spot of bad luck and I'm pleased to say that I'm doing much better. Thanks for all the posts. I've been having computer troubles lately, so sorry for not posting or anything. Sadly, 'computer troubles' translates to my computer crashing from a virus and having to find a way to hook up our other computer to the Internet. So, I lost all my e-mails, pictures, writing, and addresses. *sigh* But, this one is much faster, so I guess it's okay. ^^;;
I had one of the craziest days ever. I staged a sit-in in Spanish. I sat down in the middle of the room before the bell and people just followed suit. My teacher was cool about it and let us sit around on the floor to do work instead of in the desks. Then, for my writing class, some of the students annoyed the teacher enough so that we spent the period outside in the sun. It was kinda crazy. Then, of course, I had anime club and that was fun. I saw this crazy animated short about a piece of depressed and burnt bread called Kagepan. It was insanely random and funny. So, yeah. Highly random/unpredictable day.
I really can't think of anything else to say. Thanks for visitng while I was away, minna. Just wondering, can you all see the avatars because I can't... Erm...I'll catch ya around later.

theOtaku.com: What Anime Rose Are You?
"You must give something of equal value to get something in return. We believed this was the law of the world when we were young." -Al, Full Metal Alchemist.
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Saturday, April 10, 2004
Sorry to say, but if you hated my last post, you'll hate this one even more. My luck has, if possible, gotten worse. Nary twenty minutes ago, I tripped over my dad's foot (which, by the way, was sporting a huge boot), nearly fell to my doom (okay, I was just really embarassed), and hurt, of all things, MY PINKY TOE! And I've discovered moldy food twice this week from the same store. Once was a block of cheese with some mysterious white mold and an expiration date of December 26th that haha-chan claimed to have bought a week ago. The other was my meal yesterday of sweet and sour chicken with blue and white mold. I mean, gimme a break! I'm already stressed, I don't need bad luck and moldy food! To make matters worse, I was chatting online with one of my good friends whom I haven't seen in almost a year and I think I said something stupidly insensitive and offended her because she logged off without a word. Even worse, she doesn't get online very often, so it'll be months before I can apologise. Of course, her logging off may have been a computer glitch... Now the computers are against me too. T-T I guess it's raining bad karma for me (good thing I don't have too much of it), which is weird because I usually have relatively good luck. It must be a gypsy curse or something.
"Wusses! Wannabes! You could never do something this low!"
At least there's Easter. That way I get a ton of candy so I can stay up until 3AM doing homework until I crash at 5AM (yeah, when I'm supposed to wake up). Sorry. Not really a ray of sunshine today, considering I was screaming at my ray diagrams earlier today for not being right.
"You're supposed to be at the !#$#@ center of curvature! What the !#$#@% are you doing at the focal point?! I'm your creater, why the @!#$#@$ do you #$#@#! betray me you $%!#$!"
Yeah, I pronounced all the number signs and exclaimation points.
"...some deny you even the right to exist"
Griping aside, thanks for all the posts. It made me feel a bit better (along with some chocolate and an hour out with haha-chan). I'm no longer on the verge of tears or preparing to lock myself in the broom closet for the next three millennia. Maybe only two millennia now. ^^;; Well, sorry I couldn't be more optimistic or cheering or anything. >.> At least enjoy the quiz.

theOtaku.com: What Anime Clover Are You?
"Just try to keep up, dunce."
Quotes in this post are from Naruto (except the rant about ray diagrams ^^;;)
Happy Easter!
Happy Passover!
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Thursday, April 8, 2004
...I just had to scream. I think the end-of-the-term stress is getting to me. My AP teacher is breathing down our necks and prodding us to study (yeah, as if I can stay awake. I can't even stay awake to take notes from the book). Everyone's tired, there are projects out the yin-yang and finals and the AP exams are looming. O.o Hence, my posts will probably be irreperably frazzled, filled with big and misspelled words, and increasingly random. But, well, that's part of my charm, I guess.
Hey, you all remember my crazy toaster rant last post, right? Well, ironically enough I've found a site with a "news" report about a possessed toaster. Behold! I just thought it was kinda ironic.
Anyway, not much else to say now, especially since I keep getting distracted by sites of nift, so I'll go. Thanks for all the posts, though!
"Kaoru-dono's cooking gets better every day." "I suppose it's an acquired taste." -Kenshin and Sanosuke, Rurouni Kenshin.
It was just so random, I couldn't resist. :3
 Katana, chop enemies down with skill, speed and accuracy. Katana's were made for warriors that wanted to be fast and deadly like samurai warriors. The Katana is very sharp and takes a long time to blunt. (Please Vote)
What sword would you use (info and pics on swords as well) brought to you by Quizilla
Katanas are the best. Buah.
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Monday, April 5, 2004
Holy carp of carpness! Nine posts? Okay, one of them was mine, but eight?! Wow, that's alot for me. @.@ Anyspiff, thanks bunches for all the posts. I mean, I was expecting, like, three. Especially pleasant after a stressful/tough day. It wasn't really bad, I was just out of it with the math/scienceness and more tuned to the English/artsyness. Which, of course, presented a problem because I had a physics test today. O.o Oh, and I nearly fell flat on my face when I tripped over someone's backpack. ^^;; Other than that, I'm pretty cheerful, I guess. It might be because I don't have a super-huge ton of homework and it's a four-day week here, so I get a three-day weekend.
Pumpernickle of death!
Well, not much is really doing anything on my end. I mean, an hour of staring at your toaster and expecting it to do a trick gets boring after awile. It's probably laughing and mocking me now that my back is turned. I know my toaster is possessed by a vengeful spirit. At first, I thought it was kind of like the Bone-Eaters Well and I could travel through time in it. But, when I stuck my hand into it and pulled down the lever, all that happened was that my hand got severely burned. When I put bread in it, however, it spits it back out, so I know it's possessed by a vengeful spirit. That's the only answer.
I just spent an entire paragraph rambling about my toaster. Kinda sad, huh?
I'm gonna go and...be Millennium-like. If you don't mind, I think I'll practise some Japanese on you. Even if you do, you really don't have a choice, do you? Anyway, itekimasu, minna!
"Why is there bacon in the soap?!" "I made it myself!" -Zim and Gir, Invader Zim.
Random Japanese ramblings:
Hmmm...let's see...
Watashi- I
Kami- hair
Kao- face
Hoho- cheek
Hana- nose
Mimi- ears
Kuchi- mouth
Kuchibiru- lips
Shita- tongue
Ago- chin
Kata- shoulders
Oya-yubi- thumb
Yubi- finger
Te- hand
Ashi- leg/foot
Me- eye
Mayugi- eyebrow
Ha- tooth
I think that's all I can remember now. I need to study more...

theOtaku.com: What CLAMP School Detective Are You?
Suoh's the best one. ;3
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Saturday, April 3, 2004
Hey everyone! I finally got around to making the Offenders table. I think it looks rather good. Nice and spring-ish. Thanks for all the posts, everyone. In gratitude, I'll be replying personally to your posts because I got a couple of questions that I feel I, as a dutiful otaku, should answer. :3 I hope you all like the site colours and the theme. I figured that Chobits would be a good spring theme because CLAMP usually colours things very prettily and kind of pastel-ish.
Anyway, to the replies!
Demonsprite: Yeah, you actually do get tax cuts for donating to charities. Kinda cool, huh? Triangles are evil. Actually, geometry in general is evil. O.o Thanks for visiting so much. I'm going to add you as an Offender next weekend (I'm waiting a week to see if any more Offenders surface so I don't have to re-do my image a bagillion times. ^^;;).
rustym: Yeah, I really can't wait for myO 2.0. I like to be able to customize almost everything (I customize my computer's settings all the time ^^).
SomeGuy: There is a cognate for stupid in Spanish: estupido(a). I use that word alot. ^^;;
Mimmi: Go you! Two posts for one entry! I have outstanding outstandingness? That's almost as suprising as being told that I'm a good artist. O.o I'm really glad you like the new layout. Hope you like the new Offenders image. ^-^
CRandomHero: I actually calculated how much sleep I should be getting each week as opposed to how much sleep I'm getting and found that I'm missing out on fifteen hours of sleep a week on average. I do get about 55 hours of sleep a week (including weekends), so I guess I shouldn't complain as much as I do. ^^;; Aww, you know you love Spanish deep down. >.> But, hey, I'm learning Japanese, too, so I deserve some cool points for that.
chie: Ah, false cognates are always funny. I'm glad you liked the old image and I really hope you like the new one! Hope your weekend's going great so far!
dark_sephiroth: Thanks for the FF info. I've got next to no experience with Final Fantasy, but my friends all squeal when they talk about Sephiroth-sama. Yeah, I'm actually rather anti-social outside the internet (heck, even inside the internet I'm a bit wary), but I like people in general. I rather like to chat, but it's really hard to do in a chat room. O.o Thanks for visiting. ^-^
Girsalias: I know. I hate when the subject box cuts me off. >.< It seems like everyone's rather excited about the new version! I'll bet it's gonna be well worth the wait! ^-^ Arigato for the post!
Eck. Imoto-chan is having friends over today. So, yeah, four hours of three screaming seven/eight-year-olds. O.o They're soo loud. Girlish giggling, screaming, loud music, and general chaos. Don't get me wrong, chaos is good, but not their kind of chaos. But, hey, they're leaving in less than half an hour, so the house shall be relatively quiet yet again. And they managed not to pull pranks or disturb me too much (though imoto-chan punched me; I slapped her in the back of the head for her impudence >.>). Other than that, not much is going on. I'm feeling kinda iffy today, but I'm sure some sleep, ramen, and anime could fix it all. ^.^ Anyway, I don't have much to say, but I do have a lot to do. I'll try to zip by your sites today if I can. Ja ne, minna!
"Ha! You fell for our ingenious trap, foolish human!" "You threw me in a sack!" -some random aliens and ZIM, Invader ZIM.

theOtaku.com: What is Your Anime Zodiac?
I'm actually Capricorn in the Western zodiac...

theOtaku.com: What DragonBall Guy Are You?
Box of what?!
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
If I were playing nerd police today, I'd have to arrest myself. >.< And, yes, my hypotenuse is equal to 2x because it's a 30-60-90 triangle. Buah. Learned some nifty false cognates in Spanish that amuse me. I think I'll post some at the end. I'm actually awake now and catching some of my typos before I post. Mad skillz. I'm not entirely sure why I'm posting because I don't have much to say except ALL YOUR RAMEN ARE BELONG TO ME!! And so it is. ~.^
Is everyone excited about myO version 2.0? Sounds like pure, unrefined nift to me. We should applaud Adam-sama, for through his generous donations to complete strangers he is making the anime community a better place. It's like a donation to a charity, but I don't think you get tax cuts from it. Alas...
Yes, CRandomHero, we should replace all homework with sleep. And, Mimmi, please burn only my incomplete homework; I kind of want a reward for my efforts. Anyway, thanks to everyone who posted. I feel loveded. Which, by the way, makes me feel guilty and makes me want to work on the Offenders more. If only I hadn't lost that version with layers I needed so I don't have to type all the offenders over again. Sigh...
Well, I think I'll go spread me some chaos. Ja!
"Get your mind out of the gutter!" -Kagome, InuYasha.
False Spanish cognates of nift
constipado(a)- acutally means sick, not constipated.
estenido(a)- this means constipated :3 Pronounced es-tren-yido.
embarazada- means pregnant, not embarassed. Kinda funny when a guy says it. XD
avergonzado(a)- this is embarassed.
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Sensory overlord.
Well, I'm back and alive, more or less. Seems it was fated that I wouldn't get as much sleep as I needed during the weekend, so I've been wandering around like a zombie, trying to stay awake in Spanish. -.-;; Really tired today because I had to stay up later than I really wanted to finish *coughwritecough* my English essay. Bweh. Also tried to work on the Offenders. Stupid program kept randomly closing without saving. Ah, well. I wasn't really pleased with what I had anyway.
I stayed after school yesterday or I would have posted. I had to go to a really boooring meeting (anime club is waaay more fun), but I got to hang around with my friends and got my aura read. Apparently, I have a blue aura which means that I work hard, but reluctantly so. I guess that true since I'd much rather go sleep right now than post or do homework, but I'm posting anyway because I figured that you'd want to know that I'm still alive and because if I sleep now, I'll be drowsy the rest of the day. At least I have less homework tonight. =^-^= Not much less, but a half hour less is something, though.
I think I'm gonna go and probably read some fanfics to mellow out a bit, then do some devilish homework. Ja ne!
"Joey! Don't cook the candy bars!" "I know what I'm doing, Yug." -Joey and Yugi, Yu-Gi-Oh! (yeah, that's all I could think of off the top of my head...)
I couldn't fit this as an icon, but I thought it was cool anyway. It's from Magical DoReMi.

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Friday, March 26, 2004
Mis caracoles son muy bonitos.
POOF! I appear. Ask and ye shall receive MORE INSANE MILLENNIUM-NESS! Yes, yes, a lack of sleep and too much time to think in school makes me ponder and/or say odd things. My latest phrase to freak people out is "I shall eat you with my mighty spork o' death!" Which is brilliant, if I say so myself. Or I say really out of character things. Oh, before I forget, the title of this post says "My snails are very pretty." Indeed they are. I think I'll add some odd Spanish and Japanese phrases at the end of my post for your enjoyment/use/admiration.
"Call my name," that voice of someone calling
The deep sadness of the darkness
Your pale skin fills me with light
Anyway, besides the slow deterioration of my sanity, not much is really going on here. Just looking up crazy words in my Spanish/English dictionary, procrastinating on homework, sleeping when I'm supposed to be doing my homework, gazing absently at the board during class, and, of course, working on the Offenders table. Oh, and reading some manga. And sleeping. A little. Very little.
Without knowing if it was black or white
I wonder if this type of love is old-fashioned?
For the entire day
We just waited for the sunrise
Thanks a lot for the posts, guys! I got SEVEN, which is pretty good since my average is four. So, woot. On another note, I should have the site change up either Sunday or sometime next weekend. Yeah, I'm really busy tomorrow, so, you know... But, I have the picture for my Offenders and I have my avatar done, so I'm almost done. ~.^ Don't die of suspense, now. ^^;;
Even if you could shatter tomorrow
I won't run from this place
It cures the fatigue of my body
Your smile
Well, that's really it. My mind kinda shut off a few minutes ago, so I don't have any witty remarks or weird observations or anything to contribute to the world right now. There's enough stupidity in it anyway. ^^;;
Lonely heart, feelings beyond my control
It's like a wide hole has opened
Unable to control myself, I became angry at something
Here's the rest of the song I was posting called "Voice" from the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. It has Japanese lyrics, but I didn't feel like posting them:
"I can't forget that love"
That's what you had said when we first met
Your face hides your true intentions
Is there any redemption for me?
Even if you could shatter tomorrow
I guess that I'd still keep wandering
Loving you, I discovered for the first time,
That fear of losing you
Even if you could shatter tomorrow
Even if I should lose my sight
We'll start walking
In those times, when we were at peace
It's a ghost of you
Random Spanish and Japanese phrases:
Un mono que le gusta pocky vive en mi nariz...A monkey that likes pocky lives in my nose.
Machetate!...Cut yourself with a machete!
Hay un gato enojado en el vater...There's an angry cat in the toilet.
Tengo una gallina de goma y voy a rescatarlo tu gatito del arbol...I have a rubber chicken (well, it's really hen) and I'm going to rescue your cat from the tree.
[now for some Japanese]
Watashi wa gohan desu...I am rice.
Watashitachi wa koinu desu...We are puppies.
Anata wa baka desu ka?...Are you an idiot?
Watashi wa kokoa desu ka?...Am I hot chocolate?
[em...I think I've exhausted my language skills for the day. ^^;;]

theOtaku.com: What Flame of Recca Character Are You?
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
illegally insane
I was wondering about something yesterday: if you're not declared legally insane, then are you illegally insane? And what's the punishment for illegally being insane? I was also wondering how to say 'platinum blood' in Spanish while I was studying in Spanish class. I just thought that'd be a cool title for a fanfic or a poem. I think it's 'la sangre platina,' but I have to look it up. Crud. I was hoping for the easy way out.
"Thundercats, ho!"
It's been okay so far. I mean, going from getting ten to eleven hours of sleep to getting six or so hours is kinda hard, but I'm getting used to it. And it's nice to see my non-internet buddies. Class has been kinda boring, though, but I'm enjoying it because I'll be depressed at the end of the schoolyear because my senior friend is leaving me. T-T I'll also miss everyone over the summer because no one really invites me anywhere, so, yeah.
"I have the power!"
Thanks for all the posts, guys. I really enjoyed them. And, someguy, don't worry. I do this because I want to, not because I have to. I doubt there'll be a mini-riot if I don't change the Offenders image on time. It's really something I do to thank everyone and to accompany my site theme colours. The colours will *definitely* be different, so I *definitely* need a new image. =^-^=
If you're wondering about the quotes between my paragraphs, those random transformation-y quotes. The first is from Thundercats, then He-man, and, of course, Yu-Gi-Oh! I felt like randomly shouting them. So I did. Ha. Well, there really isn't much else to say and I kinda want to read some fanfics before I'm forced to go do some homework. Sayonara, minna!
"I think we'd *both* be happier if I could be massaging Lady Sango instead." "That's what *you* think." -Miroku and Sango, InuYasha.
Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure Angels always appear when a child is born, when a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and show their love to everyone in the world.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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