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Sunday, March 21, 2004
"Be like the squirrel, girl, be like the squirrel."
Well, I'm back from the realm of chaos...with cookies! Anyway, I'm glad for all the comments (even though I can't remember any of them at the moment ^^;;). Sadly, this is my last day of spring break, so there'll be less comments and more stress and overall chaos starting tomorrow. That and I'll be horribly sleepy (eh, I just hope I'll survive the last quarter without getting a detention for "meditating" in class). So, yeah. I didn't get around to making the Offenders tables for the next two themes yet, but I should have them done by next weekend. The only problem is that the version of the Offenders image that I need is fragmented and won't open, so I have to rebuild the Offenders from scratch. >.< Ah, well. Shouldn't take more than an hour or two.
I read the DNAngel manga Friday night and I realised that it's a bit different from the anime. For one thing, Dark isn't in love with Riku in the anime and doesn't turn back into Daisuke when he sees her. But, hey, I love DNAngel (I think the manga's a bit better, but maybe it's because I understand it better). I liked the little story they had at the end which was a teaser of another work the same manga artist had worked on, but not published. They had the same thing in the Rurouni Kenshin manga, but it was the pilot for Rurouni Kenshin. Yeah, Kaoru, Yahiko, and Megumi were all siblings. Creepy. I thought it was kinda creepy in comparison to the actual published version, but it's kinda cool to see how ideas are changed (or butchered) by editors and the artist over time. ^_^ I also read Fruits Basket #2 and met the guy who's possed by my zodiac sign- the rabbit! Of course, he's an...odd...character who's half-German, half-Japanese. Hem... I was hoping it'd be a girl or a bit more bishi at the very least. ^^;;
Since I don't have anything else of importance to say, I think I'll go now. Sayonara, minna-san!
"If something is precious to you, protect it with everything you've got, even at the risk of your own life." -Kaiza (I think), Naruto.

Ooooo Shiney!
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?
Random randomness about Millennium:
I like macaroni and cheese.
I always carry around an umbrella in my schoolbag. It's kinda because I'm too lazy to take it out, but more because it rains on me if I don't.
I have to outright tell people how I'm feeling because, apparently, I don't express a lot of emotion.
I chuckle, but rarely actually roll on the floor laughing.
I can draw faces, but not anything else. ^^;;
I like the little doods in anime: Yugi, Daisuke, Suichi, etc.
I listen to music from lots of places: Britain, America, Canada, and Japan for the most part. Trying to get into more European music.
Somehow, my socks get a lot of holes in them.
I don't really have a favourite colour. It depends on my mood.
My favourite flavour of pocky is strawberry.
I get really freaked out over ghost stories, even when I know they're not true.
I like supagetti!
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Friday, March 19, 2004
I caught Yuki-sama and Daisuke-kun!
Well, I came back unscathed by the rabid fangirls thanks to this nify SUPER FANGIRL REPELLENT (750 yen, inquire at the service desk)!!! Anyway, thanks for visiting, as always. It really makes my day that much better. Especially since I had killer insomnia last night and didn't fall asleep until 4:30 AM, but woke up at 11:30 AM. So, I'm kinda sleepy. And I slept in the chair in the living room because that's what I do if I have really bad insomnia or I'm sick. Yeah, I had cramps all in my neck and back when I finally awoke. o.O Didn't feel very nice.
But, I got some nifty stuff today that made it all better. ~.^ I went up to the mall and wandered a bit. I bought a DNAngel manga (it's finally out!) and the second Fruits Basket, both of which I have yet to read. Then, I got some coconut pocky, which was part of a two-for-one special, so I got two boxes of coconut pocky for a really cheap price. It's pretty good, but strawberry's still my favourite. :P And I got a few pleasant surprises too. One of my favourite things happened: there was a buy one, get one half off deal with the mangas that I didn't know about, so that was really cool. Aaand the cashier guy was a really cool otaku. He didn't seem to mind my spacy, air-headedness that I acquire once I leave the house and try for some human contact. I think it's the CO2. O.o
I felt like commenting on your comments because I'm crazy like that.
molletta: Yeah, anime men love me. Too bad they aren't real. ^^;;
Mimmi: I won't move you, don't worry. You'll always have a place on my Offenders list. ^^ Yeah, the whole humanity is immature thing is why I don't really go into the outside alot. -.-;;
Rustym: Yeah, I love people of all religions. I just dislike uptight and misguided people. Besides, Spirited Away is from Japan, which has a small minority of Christians anyway, so how can it reflect western society's downward spiral into the sinful pits of hell?
ParanoidPerson: I'm not sure who you mean for me to convince, but I'm sure an electric whip, rope, and a cattle brand will convince them good. XD
Chie: Well, the fangirls didn't get me, so I think I'm okay...for now. That is, until we get into a debate about what exactly that fuzzy apendage that Sesshoumaru carries around actually *is*. I'm glad you like the Offenders table. I'm sure you'll always have a place there, too. ^-^ I don't really believe in witchcraft, but I like to watch magical girl anime and I believe in magic, just not witchcraft itself. You know, I don't think there's a cackling old hag stirring bits of my hair in a cauldron somewhere, casting some sort of curse on me.
masterman: Yeah, I don't think Kurama would gut me if I told him to use less hair gel. I'm a Kurama fangirl anyway. ^^;;
Well, enjoy my quizzes o' doom. That way, I don't have to bother with uploading pictures and doing all that crazy stuff. And they're fun to take, of course. ~.^
"I've been waiting to get you like this for a long time *creepy grin*" -some guy I dubbed 'the rapist,' DNAngel.
 You are an angel of the forest. You love to have a good time and to get in trouble. For you, it's all fun and games. You like to have friends, preferably not human, and can converse with all animals. You love to party, and like to be alone. You are a deep person, but most people miss it. Thinking that you are just childish and young. Which you are not. You are old, and wise, even if nobody can see it. You know what the real world is like, better that your peers. You have a naturally beatiful singing voice, and are a natural with most instruments.
You can often loose your self. But will always find yourself again. For that is just who you are.
Be happy. Never change. Because you are beautiful.
What Type Of Angel Have You Become? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Well, aren't I the blasphemist?
I did an internet search on Spirited Away so I could get another frame to surf the net with and I found this site. It is one of those concerned/Christian parents sites that irk me so. I mean, they ramble on and on about how much witchcraft is in the movie and the phyisical disproportiations of the apparitions. And, they say that Spirited has no morals to it! Like heck! The moral is that gluttony is bad and you shouldn't judge based on appearance! Dimwits. I mean, I respect religion and all, but really. With a title like Spirited Away, it would be kind of a disappointment if there *wasn't* any magic. And they go about pointing out things that are "wrong" with the movie, like when Haku tries to make Chihiro eat a berry so that she can stay in the spirit world and the fact that Chihiro "sasses" her parents. Don't we all? *sigh*
Now that I've got that off my chest, my day has been pretty good so far. Kinda bored, but I think I'll convince my mom to take us out somewhere tomorrow. I've been cooped up inside too long. *compulsive twitch* But, at least the Offenders image is back up and I added molletta. I couldn't think of any others that should be on there, but if I missed anyone, I'll be more than happy to add you on. And, yes, Mimmi, I'm part of a global conspiricy to force people to buy Trigun DVDs, plusies, mangas, and wallscrolls. Soundtracks aren't part of my contract, though. I'm glad you all like the image! Suprisingly, it only took maybe an hour or so, mostly because my stupid photo editor would randomly shut down. Grrr... I'm gonna have to tackle it again, though, so I can make Offenders images for April and May because those are the my busy months. And I already know my themes. I think you'll like them. ~.^
Anyway, I'm gonna go and irk concerned parents some more. Oh, and we used all of those paper towels up, thank goodness. Now we have spiffy dragonflies. Not as good as the blue pandas, though. ^-^
"Why do I get the feeling that our most intelligent team member is about to do something really stupid?" -Koenma, Yu-Yu Hakusho.
After this night, Sesshomaru loves you. He doesn't care if you are a human, but he does sometimes wonder why he feels this way about you. You are smart and beautiful, and that is probably why. Congratulations! ^ ^
Heh, I took this quiz because of the creative title. If Sessy loves me, my Sessy-obsessed friend is going to kill me. *recoils*
You are exactly the type of girl Hiei is looking for!!!Yay. Even though you are not a good fighter, you understand Hiei better than anyone else. You know when he needs you and when he needs his space.That is a thing Hiei absolutely LOVES about you! You and Hiei would be a perfect match!!! Yay ^-^
A date with Hiei (the anime hottie from YuYuHakusho) brought to you by Quizilla
*blinks* Why do they all say that? All my answers involve screaming and pushing Hiei-kun away. M'yeah. Might not want to step outside else I'll be mauled by Hiei and Sesshoumaru fangirls. *scared*
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Te amo, man, te amo.
Whew. Not having a good day...week...month... I think I'll run away and join AMV as a janitor! Yesh! I always wanted to be a janitor!
Yeah, I have to watch my imoto-chan. She's driving me insane...er today. She cut her hair while I was sleeping! Apparently imoto-chan had a knot in her hair and decided that it would be a good idea to cut off a lock of hair instead of waking me up. Hem... For future reference, little siblings of the world, not a good idea. So, bad way to start off the day. >.> Now all these stupid salespeople keep calling our house and distrubing us, imoto-chan is being...imoto-chan, and I'm just really on edge for some reason today. At least it's better than yesterday when I was between having a panic attack and laughing histerically. Hence, I didn't hang around too long. So, what's up with my little emoticon then?
Well, I felt much better after I logged on and checked my posts. People actually *noticing* the Millennium without ticking her off. So, yeah, as a treat of niceness, I followed Chie-chan's advice and got an account with photobucket.com so that maybe you all can see the offenders image. I'm pretty sure I've left some true offenders off, so I'm gonna go rectify that in a little while and post the fixed one tomorrow or a bit later today. So, thank you all soooo much!
My mom picked up some really stupid paper towels with cheesy advice about bonding with your kids better. I'll post some before I use the paper towel to wipe up my vomit.
"Give your child a backrub and talk together."
"Send an e-mail 'I love you' message to child each day this month."
"Hold your child's face in your hands and say 'You mean everything to me.'"
Antacid, anyone? If my parents did any of this, I'd have to wonder who died. Or if they've gone insane. O.o Scary... Anyway, I think I'll go squiggle by some sites today since I'm feeling much better today. ^-^ Sayonara!
"Will we meet again?" "I'm sure of it." -Chihiro and Haku, Spirited Away.
 Apathy, well I can say your lucky, in some ways. You see Apathy is no emotion, basically you don't care. But that does not make you a bad person. Some of my friends are apathetic and I love them, but it wouldn't hurt to care a little more. Trust me life hurts, most people who are apathetic do it cause they were hurt. But don't worry, life is pain, its also pleasure. Good luck. (please vote)
What Emotion Dominates you? brought to you by Quizilla
*blinks* I wonder why people always say that. ?:'
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Watashitachi wa kokku desu!
Well, crap. It seems no one can see the Offenders table. *curses under breath* Sigh, I guess I'm gonna have to find another image server then. It seems the one I'm using keeps crapping out on me. -.-;; Maybe if y'all highlight the web address to my site and hit 'enter' or 'return,' you'll be able to see it. I can, but that might be just because I know it's supposed to be there. Bleargh.
I'm not really in the talking mood today, so I think I'll go read fanfics or find new victims...er...friends on myO.
"Limited time offer for the ladies: Buy one charm at my special price, and your next purchase will be the same price." -Miroku, InuYasha (I had to get this quote from here because I lack creativity at the moment.)

Just felt like some more Spirited Away. Such a good movie.
Hey, guess what. I died three times playing Dark Cloud 2 yesterday! Go me!
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Monday, March 15, 2004
Watashi wa koneko desu!
Hey everyone! I guess it's been awhile, eh? I didn't realise how long it's been since I posted. Gomen ne, but I guess all the cleaning (yes, there was more) and general chaos has kept me from posting. But, I'm here now, aren't I? And I have the Offenders image up now. I think I might have missed some people, but I think I'll let them post and complain. If they're really Offenders, they'll wander here and notice. :P I'm actually kind of proud of my new Offenders. I think it looks rather spiffy. Yesh.
Well, as I said before, there was a lot of cleaning (I still have to go through and clean up my bit of hardrive today ^^;;). I managed to get my room clean and guess what: I've got a microphone too. I forgot all about it. Heh. It took me hours to clean, but I'm really pleased with my clean room. ^^ I just got finished cleaning ye olde bathroom. Eck. My hahachan (mother) made me clean it. T-T It was one of the most frightening experiences of my life. O.o Hopefully, there's no more cleaning for a looong time. I'm worn out...
Some greatness, though, is that I wrote more of my InuYasha fic. You know, the one with Naraku and the brownies. I found it rather amusing. I might type it up and post it on fanfiction.net later today. Which reminds me that I need to see if I can direct link my profile. I don't think I can, but I'll check it out.
I really have little left to say of importance. I think I'll leave you with a picture from...oh, how about Dark Cloud 2? It's a really cool game. ^-^
"How long have you been listening?" "Too long. Your story needs editing." -Faye and Spike, Cowboy Bebop.

Ah, I've died so many times in this game already. Though, I do kick some baddie butt with my giant wrench o' death. This is the one where clowns with kodachi chase you. Great fun. ^-^
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Friday, March 12, 2004
You know when you clean that you'll dig up some old memorabilia, be it that half-eaten sandwich from last August or an old drawing that you're too embarassed to throw away, lest the garbagemen see it. Well, today my mom decided to go on a cleaning spree. So far, she's only managed to clean her room. I, of course, had to help move stuff around (eck, my legs hurt...@.@). Well, she found an old pack of my elementary scribbles. I sat down a flipped through it, curious as to what my teachers said about me in my days of cuteness and stupidity. The comment that kept resounding was that I was a creative and good at working in groups. Now, this is kind of weird for me because I'm not too good with groups as of late. Also, in my random shuffling, I found all those old cards they had us make for our parents and I found the funniest thing. It was a father's day card and it had information like dad's height, what I thought he was good at, etc. One of the parts of the form asked why my dad was so great and I said that 'he knows how to own kids.' XD See? Creativity. I think I meant it as a compliment at the time... Another interesting thing I read was kind of a profile of myself. Once section asked me what I wanted as in a friend and, instead of writing the usual little girl stuff (someone to braid my hair, spite boys with, play with...), I wrote that I wanted a friend to share my troubles with. That struck me as kind of deep for a kindergardener. Shows just how odd a kid I was (and still am ^^;;). I also dug up some old articles that were lying in the giant chest o' death where we keep all our old stuff. I found some old articles with family members. I had no idea that they had an entire article devoted to my uncle in the local paper and that he was once a bad student. I always thought that he was a good student since my mom says I take after him. Weird what you'll find if you look hard enough.
Well, now that you know of the oddness of Millennium, I'm here to say that I haven't even made much headway on the new Offenders, but I'm going to go search for images right after I'm done posting. I just felt like sharing my surprise and craziness with my lovely visitors. Not much else is going on. I managed to get some sleep, so I make a little bit more sense now. Not a whole lot more, but it's an improvement over signing my name oddly at the end of all my comments (Millennium the Angsty?). Don't worry, you all still have the little ball of otaku, randomness, and chaos.
I think I'll go work on the new Offenders so I can get it up a bit later. Ittekimasu!

I just thought that this was kind of spiffy to put up. It's from this really good site called onlineghibli.com.
"I was afraid...I was afraid that I'd lose you." -InuYasha.
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
My brain's out to lunch...please leave a message after the beep...

That pretty much says it all...
As a note, I'm sorry for the chaos that filled your comments for those whom I commented on. My brain is gone. Three tests and a lack of sleep (yeah, big bags under my eyes) makes Millenium random...
~Millennium the Angsty~
"When did my bathtime turn into a spectator's sport?!" -Cleo, Orphen.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
I'm just so darned chaotic...
Today is the day something crazy is going to happen. No, Godzilla isn't going to be unleashed upon Tokyo (again) and Sailor Moon isn't going to pop up, try to save the day, botch it, and get eaten by Godzilla (again). Today, I shall personally respond to the posts from yesterday. Why? Because I loves you all. And because I have little of significance to contribute to the internet wasteland at the moment. But, the first one sounds better.
CRandomHero: Yeah, I know 'brain dead' is the term, but 'funeral in my brain' kinda reminded me of the death of brain cells. Dunno why... See, I have really weird logic that is so logical that it falls off the spectrum of logic and becomes illogical. Yeah...
Rufi: May I just say that I love Kakashi? I used him as my nify little icon during my Naruto theme. Kakashi's the greatest... Anyway, I'm glad you enjoy the fact that instead of annoying your teacher with random DBZ names, you may scream the cool-sounding-ness of Furi Kuri. It rolls off of your tongue. Such a great little phrase. Thanks for the compliment on the theme. I thought the colours were kinda desert-ish, so it reminded me of Trigun.
Chie: Thanks for the compliments! I'm glad you like the icon because it tooked forever. @.@ Okay, not nearly as much as the Kare Kano one, but it took a lot of thinking. I really hope you like the new Offenders image thing. I'm not sure what I'm going to do exactly, but it'll turn out okay, I guess. ^^;;
ParanoidPerson: Yeah, Emily Dickinson was an odd one, which is probably why I like her poems so much. I'm kind of a fan of Elizabeth Bishop at the moment. ^^
Well, not much is going on. I have three tests tomorrow. @.@ But, tomorrow's my last day before a week-long break that everyone needs (even the teachers). Everyone's so darn stressed. >.< Ah, well. I'm really looking forward to my break, even though I'll have a ton of non-scholastic stuff to do. Merr.
Not much else is going on. I think I should get to procrastin- no, studying. Studying... >.>

From:Bishounen Garden
Ah, I had to get my Kurama fix...
"What a shame, such beauty born from someone so ugly." -Kurama, Yu-Yu Hakusho.
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Monday, March 8, 2004
"I felt a funeral, in my brain."
Isn't that the truest quote you've ever heard? It's the title to a poem by Emily Dickinson, I believe, and the second I saw it, I thought, 'Geez, it's like an everyday occurence for me...' You know, like when you sit in class and your brain is completely gone. Heh... Of course, it's talking about having a mental breakdown, but that's also pretty common for me. ^^;;
Anyway, I'm really glad you all liked the site change. I was a little iffy on the colors, but I thought that they worked pretty well together and with the Trigun-ness of it all. I'm really proud of my icon, though. It took forever, but I love it. I'm shooting for Friday evening to have the Offenders image up, so look for that. I think I might add a banner or something with a link to my fanfics, but I need to read over the rules at the fanfic site to make sure I can do that. ^^;;
I was incessently random today in English. We were doing work in pairs on analyzing poetry and my friend kept saying, "Touchy feely, touchy feely...", so I shouted "Furi Kuri!" I found it rather amusing. I mean, it's not odd for me to scream random things, but it was still funny. XD Tomorrow should be worldwide Scream 'Furi Kuri' at the Most Inopporutne or Random Moment Day. Ah, to spread chaos such as this...
Well, I have stuff I guess I need to get done. Ittekimasu!
"Well, uh, I haven't used the 'Death Glare' in so long so *ahem* my muscles are stuck." -Kenshin, Rurouni Kenshin.
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