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Saturday, December 27, 2003
Hey there. I'm really not in much of a mood to post. I had really bad insomnia last night (who knew quizzes are right sometimes?), so I'm a bit sleepy. I also have some muscle pains, so I'm a bit uncomfortable. *sigh* Ah, well. I'll feel better tomorrow. ^^
I came up with a layout for my future anime shrine site thingy while my muse was all hyper. .hack//infection= coffee for my muse. I also made this really pretty picture last night, which I actually finished. Oh, and if you want to pen your drawings, use a calligraphy pen. They work really good for details! *spins in chair*
I managed to set up my PS2 last night without any help. Another tip, the reset button should be green if you want to play a game. Red is standby. It took me fifteen minutes to figure that out. Eck. I almost took a mallet to the stupid thing. The good thing about having a PS2 (well at least for you all) is that the PS3 will probably come out within a year. That's just how things work with me. I got my Playstation, the PS2 came out a year later. I got my Gameboy color, the Gameboy advance came out a few months later. I got my Gameboy advance, the Gameboy advance sp came out ten days later. So, something to look forward to. But, I still likes my PS2. It has nifty graphics and great games. Oh, and if you play .hack//infection, it's better to use the English subtitle things and have the Japanese voice-overs. Orca's voice started to annoy me after awhile in English, so I changed it. >.>
Well, that was longer than I expected. O.O I think I'll go challenge my dad to a game or read some more Angelic Layer (highly reccommended!).
 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
"Icchan go boom!" -Icchan, Angelic Layer.
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Friday, December 26, 2003
Squished orcs and flaming kings, anyone?
Sploosh! Well, I'm back and I had a very good Christmas. I hope you all got a lot of good stuff and may you have room to put it all. ^^ I'm having a bit of trouble with that as of late. Heh. ^^;; Anyway, thanks for all the posts. Eight in two days plus a guestbook signing? Wow. People seem to like me. Dunno why...
I acutally got mangas for Christmas. So, now I don't have to sit in the bookstore and read them all, getting annoyed glares from the store clerks because they know that I'm a poor otaku that will sit there for hours on end reading mangas without the intention of buying them. But, hey, I do buy some manga if I have money. And, of course, this ceremonial practice will continue as long as there are manga that I don't have.
Of course, with Christmas over, I have to help take down all those decorations that I worked so hard to help get up. And I will tell you that it was a bit disheartening when people ripped off the wrapping paper that took ten whole minutes of my life to put on. *sigh* But, that's how it's like every year.
Oh, and I finally saw Return of the King yesterday (hence the subject) and it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It had such pretty music and even lovelier scenes. Some of my favorites were:
when Pippin sings this really pretty song to the king of Gondor.
when Arwin receives her vision on the way to the boat.
when Aragorn receives his dream of Arwin.
when Aragorn sings.
and when the ship leaves into the sunset.
Hopefully, I didn't spoil anything for you. I tried to write them so if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about, but so that it doesn't spoil the plot for anyone else. I will tell you, though, that it was very exciting and rarely boring despite its length. I highly recommend it.
Anyway, here's a little quiz for you all. Have fun!
 Congratulations! You're Sam!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you? brought to you by Quizilla
How'd they know about the insomnia? I thought it was interesting that they put a LOTR character with a personality problem. Hah. I am amused. Now to drink some coffee...
"Time does not heal all. There are wounds too deep for time to heal." -Frodo, Return of the King (I think that's about what he said ^^;;).
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Hello kids! MillenniumClaus has arrived.
Ho ho ho. Hey there everyone! Thanks as usual for the posts. That's why I keep coming around. ^^ And I'm actually getting more guestbook signings. *throws confetti*
Anyway, not much is going on. I'm in the middle of cleaning my room, but I figured I'd drop in to wish you all a merry Christmas or a nice sixth and seventh night of Hannukah. I probably won't be on tomorrow because I have to wake up (probably really early because my mom won't let my sister start opening stuff until I'm awake ^^;;) and open gifts and stuff, then I have to go to my cousin's house for food and more gift-opening. So, m'yep, busy-ness.
Well, I don't have a gift prepared, but I'll come back with a pic or two for you all. ^^
Merry Christmas!
Here's your present!

I was gonna explode if I didn't put some D.N.Angel on here.

Ah, and here's some Shippo because he's that cute. =^-^=
Well, better get back to my cleaning. *seizes mop*
"There's a pervert in the bathroom!" -Akane, Ranma 1/2.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Mortal Combat: Millennium vs. Gift-wrapping.
A green-haired otaku stood before a giant pile of oddities, some of which were *definately* not square-shaped. She sighed to herself, wondering how she got roped into this again. She figured after last year's wrapping fiasco, she'd forcefully decline the job. Of course, that never happened. Sighing again, the girl picked up a roll of red-and-green wrapping paper and some heavy industrial tape. "BONZAI!!" she cried, lauching herself into the pile of gifts. Twenty minutes later, the green-haired otaku was strung from the ceiling fan by yards of tape and wrapping paper, rotating slowly. Looking down upon the disaster area that was her bedroom, she felt her blood pressure rise to an almost unbearable level. Bits of wrapping paper were flung everywhere, even stuck to the ceiling, the mattress to her bed was overturned, tape covered every square inch of one part of her floor, and, to top it all off, none of the gifts were wrapped. The girl continued to rotate slowly on the squeaky ceiling fan, wondering what to do next and thinking fitfully of just putting them all in bags this year or, better yet, just sticking a bow on the presents. Right about then, the ceiling gave way, sending the otaku and ceiling fan crashing onto the ground, leaving dust and dirt in their wake. Trapped beneath the rubble of holiday cheer and the ceiling fan, the girl muttered to herself.
"Yeah, most wonderful time of the year. Now get me some eggnog and a flamethrower."
Yet another...slightly embellished account of my struggles with all that holiday jazz. You'll also notice that the site is in a bit of a rut. Sorry about that. Like I said, my image upload-y site is giving me migraines. Oy... It doesn't help that my mom and sister are home all vacation long and happen to be early risers (and quite loud). Meaning, no sleep for the Millennium. Thus, I grump. >.< Aaand I have to clean my room because I think the dustbunnies are coming to life and I have to have my room relatively clean or I grump. Hence, I'm really grumpy and irritable right now. That's why I've been holding off on updating.
Well, not much is going on. Haven't had any possum sightings or anything. Though on the way to my grandma's house, we drove by a skunk on the side of the road and the smell followed us for about fifteen minutes. Eww...
Anyway, thanks if any of you all happened to read or review my fics while I was gone. There were a lot of visitors, but not as many posts, so, I dunno, maybe you wanted to read my fics again or something... You know, while I was wrapping gifts, I wondered something: what is tape made of? I have no idea. For all I know it's made of old pickles and horse hair. Oh,, that's hot dogs. ^^;;
Well, now that I've entertained you and made you wonder about certain foodstuffs, I'll depart to try to make some improvements on the site. Ja ne!

"Wow, these donuts are good!" -Vash, Trigun.
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Friday, December 19, 2003
Gone with the fruitcake...
Hey there, everyone! Thanks for all the posts! The answer to the riddle was that the stuff was on a snowman. When he melted, all the stuff was left behind. You're all too smart for me. ^^
Anyway, I won't be around for the next few days. I'm going to a birthday party tomorrow and I'll be gone from 8am to about 11pm, so, yeah. Sunday, I'll be at my grandma's house for a Christmas party thing, so I'll be gone from about 9am to about 7-8pm. So, gomen. I also had some Christmasy stuff I made today to put on the site, but my image uploady site is being a formatting pain and keeps reducing my image's size. Royal pain. I'll try to find another one on Monday and hopefully have my site up and Christmasy on Tuesday...maybe.
So how are you going to live without Millennium for a few days? Easy. Read my fanfics. ~.^ Just click on the sledge below to go to it. Enjoy! ^^

Well, that's pretty much everything. I suppose I'll leave you with a pic or something. Sorry for the short post, but I need to go to bed. ^^ Ja ne!

I'd like to apologize for being to darn lazy to upload the pic myself. Thanks!
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
Rebellion of the supermarket computers.
BONZAI!!! Yup. I'm baaaack. I've only been gone a day and I get nine, count 'em, nine posts. So thank you all for the posts! I've also been wondering if anyone knows where DES has been. She hasn't updated in almost a month. I'm a bit worried... Anyway, I want to apologize for the state my site's in now. It doesn't look the way I want it to, so I'll be changing the organization of it today, tomorrow, and probably next week. It's just not how I'd like it to look, y'know?
Well, I had a weird adventure today that rather startled me. I was at a store with my mom buying some random stuff when my mom declared that we'll use the self-checkout.
That's trouble right there.
Anyway, we walk up to it and the computer suddenly went from it's little advirtisement screensaver and said hello. 'Okay,' I thought, 'the computer must be programmed to do that every so often.' So, we scan all the stuff and it asks for payment. We placed the money in the slot thing and it knew how much we owed with each bill we put in! How does it do that? I can't do math that fast. Then, we heard the change clang and frantically began looking for the place where it comes out. I managed to find the emergency shut-off before one of the workers pointed out where it came out. We were standing right in front of it.
M'yeah. That was real and unembellished, hence the boring-ness. I found out something interesting today, though. I once took a gifted test in third grade because my teacher thought that maybe I was gifted. I was bored out of my mind in class and pretended not to pay attention so I'd be called on. So, I took it and was told that I was smart, but not gifted. Well, I brought that up today in the car in one of my random conversations and my mom told me that I acutally might be gifted. Apparently, there were severe budget cuts, so not many kids could be in the gifted program. That's why even if I were gifted, I wouldn't have been put in. Which leads me to say, I WANT MY @!##!! GIFTED EDUCATION, YOU LYING, BUDGET-CUTTING @#$@!!
*exhales* I feel better. ^^;; Well, I think I'll leave you with a quiz and another mind-bender. =^-^= Oh, yeah, the answer was that he had hiccups. How did you all know that?! I had to look at the answer because I couldn't figure it out. O.o I feel really stupid right now. -.-;;

What geek are you?
Y'know, there are a lot of hentai quiz sites out there. I accidently stumbled on one...with a lot of pop-ups. It didn't say it was hentai until I clicked on it. T-T I'm scarred for life now.
Okay, so on a lawn in, say, Greenland, there is a collection of stuff on the lawn consisting of gloves, a hat, and a scarf. If no one carried them out there and left them on the ground, then how did they get there? And, no, wind wasn't part of it. ^^
"Somebody! Catch that super-deformed general!" -Random guard, Fushigi Yugi.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2003
[Insert clever subject here]
Whew. I've finally gotten around to going to some sites and replied to my guestbook signings. Thanks for all the posts! Sorry my post isn't usual, but I just underwent a history exam a few hours ago and I'm still recovering from that amount of info. regurgitation. Yum...
Well, I suppose I'll leave you with a quiz an some song lyrics. I'm feeling really uninspired at the moment...
 You're Naota!
On the outside you may try to act tough, but we know that inside there's a softy lurking. You try so hard to seem mature, and sometimes your disdain for anything childish drives your peers away. If you stop trying so hard to seem grown up, you may just realize how great it is to be a kid. Maturity is a good thing...just not all the time.
What FLCL (a.k.a Fooly Cooly or Furi Kuri) Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
(Anime) Inu Yasha: Owari nai Yume (Unending Dream)
3rd Opening Song
kokoro no naka no JIORAMA no machi wa
kibou no hikari de kirameite iru
kagerou no hane de habataita yume wa
kimi to boku to no sagashimono
shinjitsu wa itsumo
hitomi ni hisonde iru aoku
the city in the georama of the heart
is sparkling with the light of hope
the dream that flew up with the wings of an ephemera
is something that we search for
the truth is always
hiding in the eyes bluely
bokura wa doko made yukou
futari no mirai ima sasuratte
bokura wa tabi o tsuzukeru
eien no arika owari nai yume
kono te o hanasazu oikakete ikitai
where shall we go up to
our future roams around now
and we continue with our journey
the place of eternity, and endless dream
I want to chase after it without letting go of this hand
TAAKOIZU iro no kokoro no umi de
hikari no fune no aizu ga kikoeru
hayaku ikanakya hayaru omoi ni
nani mo kotoba wa iranai ne
itsuwari wa itsumo
kotoba ni hisonde iru amaku
in the ocean in the turquoise-colored heart
the signals of the ship of light can be heard
I need to go faster, for this impatient feeling
no words are needed
a lie is always
hiding in the words sweetly
futari de hitotsu ni narou
okubyou na nami no ho mo dakishimete
bokura wa tabi o tsuzukeru
dakiau sukima
owari nai yume
niji o tsukinuketa
yakusoku no hikari o mezasu
let the two of us become one
holding on to the coward waves
we continue with our journey
the space between our hug
an endless dream
cutting through the rainbow
heading for the promised light
bokura wa doko made yukou
futari no mirai ima sasuratte
bokura wa tabi o tsuzukeru
eien no arika owari nai yume
kono te o hanasazu oikakete ikitai
where shall we go up to
our future roams around now
and we continue with our journey
the place of eternity, and endless dream
I want to chase after it without letting go of this hand
Transliterated by Aoi Housen
Translated by mink
Here's a bit of linear thinking for you: A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun. The man thanks the bartender and walks out. What just happened?
Ja ne!
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Saturday, December 13, 2003
Mortal Combat: Millennium vs. Holiday shopping
Bathed in the shadows of morning, an otaku stood, hands on hips, ready to conquer the most dangerous of the holiday activities: Christmas shopping. "I will win! I shall conquer! I am late! Wait... Agh! I'm late!" With that, the girl dashed out the door only to return a few minutes later, finding that underwear on the outside is never a good idea, despite the fact that superheroes never get laughed at. Finally, she arrived at her destination: the mall. The purple-haired otaku stood at the entrance with a giant stick, which security promptly confescated while glaring at her. She went to enter a store, only to be pushed back by the onslaught of holiday shoppers headed toward the sale on hedgeclippers. Frazzled, swirly-eyed, and bewildered, the otaku wandered the friendless halls of the mall. She looked in the shops swamped with strange, frazzled people, terrified that she may be eaten, sacrificed, or worse, beaten with a giant handbag. None of the stores had anything that the girl deemed acceptible for presents. Disappointed, tired, and scarred for life, the otaku returned home and sank into the chair. A woman walked up, surveyed the otaku with mild interest, and asked her the last question she wanted to hear at the moment:
"So, what'd you get me?"
Okay, yet another over-glorified account of my struggles with holiday preparations and the like. Needless to say, I didn't get anything today, so I'm kinda dissappointed. Then again, I don't really know what I wanted in the first place. ^^;; Thanks for all the comments, by the way. You might see some holiday cheer creep onto my site if I get around to it. Knowing me, I'll get around to it mid-July. ^^;;
Well, I had a really good day yesterday. All my projects for the quarter are done and all that's left are the semester exams. So, I might get some sleep! Maybe...hopefully... And I went to the anime club Christmas party and I actually won something. Me of all people. And it was the grand prize: the first three tapes of Orphen. I don't know much about it, but it's gotta be good. ^^ The only bad thing is that I don't have it now because they forgot to bring the grand prize, which actually kind of amuses me because whenever things are given out to a group of people or in a drawing, the prize I'm supposed to get has been left behind. Weird, ne?
I'm still recovering from my cold(s), but I'm almost all better. I just have to get over that darn cough and runny nose. Once winter break starts, I'll feel much better. ^-^ Thanks for all the well-wishes. People don't normally notice unless I'm hacking violently and bleeding from somewhere. So thanks! Likewise, sorry that you couldn't get to your Christmas present. I'll try to find another way to get it up soon.
Wai! I'm soo excited that Return of the King is coming out soon (Wednesday, I think). I saw the second one last year and it was really pretty. Of course, my friend and I made a few jokes on some of the scenes and laughed insanely as Legolas and Gimli competed to see how many bad doods they could kill. 'Twas amusing. I loves the Legolas. I loves elves in general (The Elf Swordsman aka Celtic Guardian, Legolas, Spirit of the Harp, Mystical Elf, Link...). I dunno why. So, to stem my excitement and fuel yours, I give you a few pictures from the Yahoo! Movies section for LOTR. Behold the pretty-ness o' death! Behold!!

That's Liv Tyler as Arwin. Isn't she pretty?

And, of course, I had to add some Legolas goodness to my little celebration. Both images are copyright New Line Cinema and are provided by Yahoo!Movies
And, here's the official site of the movie with all the download-y good stuff and pictures:
Well, that's about it. Ja ne!
Miroku: Ah! What kind of sorcery is that?
Kagome: I think he's just beating the crap out of them (courtesy Inuyasha@holymango
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Wednesday, December 10, 2003
What if the Egyptians were drunk?
*buried under pile of work* Help...
Yep, that's been my life for the past few days and will be my life this afternoon and tomorrow. The stress is stabbing my poor, weak brain to death. Then, I have to survive exams with the little wit I will have left. Yay... On a positive note, I feel much better. I still have a cough and a runny nose, but I stopped losing my voice and I don't have a sore throat anymore. That's always good. Thanks for all the well-wishes. They probably sped up the healing process (at least I like to think so ^^).
Anyway, at least my weekend is looking bright. The anime club is having a Christmas party on Friday with game competitions, a manga exchange, fanart (I, sadly, won't be able to submit T-T), and AMVs (anime music videos). Lots more, probably, but I have the memory of a half-eaten goldfish, so, yeah... And, my friend's letting me borrow her Inuyasha mangas because I don't know parts of the story (I missed most of the first ten or so episodes and some of fourty to fifty). I've also been invited to go to the cinema with a group of friends. So, yeah. Lots of fun, but not lots of sleep. Aw, who needs sleep anyway? *twitch twitch*
On another note, I've made you all a Christmas/Hanukkah/winter-y gift because I've found that there aren't a lot of holiday anime wallpapers. So, here you go!

It took a looong time to make, so be sure to enjoy it! Feel free to take it, even if it's your first visit (just don't say you made it or I'll send my army of monkey-demons upon you *twitch*). Well, I should go. I have to finish my physics project tonight and work on my art project since I won't have a lot of time tomorrow. Ja ne! Enjoy the lyrics!
(Anime) Inu Yasha: Dearest (N/A)
3rd Ending Song
hontou ni taisetsu na mono igai subete sutete
shimaetara ii no ni ne
genjitsu wa tada zankoku de
It would be nice if we could put away and throw out
everything except what really mattered, but
reality is just cruel.
sonna toki itsu datte
me o tojireba
waratteru kimi ga iru
In such times,
I see you laughing
whenever I close my eyes.
itsuka eien no nemuri ni tsuku hi made
dou ka sono egao ga
taema naku aru you ni
Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will
have to stay with me without fail.
hito wa minna kanashii kara
wasurete yuku ikimono dakedo
People are all sad, so
they go and forget, but--
aisubeki mono no tame
ai o kureru mono no tame dekiru koto
For that which I should love,
For that which gives me love, I will do what I can.
deatta ano koro wa
subete ga bukiyou de
toomawari shita yo ne
kizutsuke atta yo ne
Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
We got hurt, didn't we?
itsuka eien no nemuri ni tsuku hi made
dou ka sono egao ga
taema naku aru you ni
Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will
have to stay with me without fail.
deatta ano koro wa
subete ga bukiyou de
toomawari shita yo ne
tadoritsuitan da ne
Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
We got there in the end.
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Saturday, December 6, 2003
Just popping in.
 As if you were born into a world of tears, you always tend to look at the darker things in life. Inside you crave attention yet push away society, and you're a hopeless romantic. Drawn to things like the occult and mysteries, you spend your time daydreaming of
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
Enjoy the quiz! Sorry I didn't write a longer post. I'm really not in the mood right now. I happen to be a bit sick right now and am rather uncomfortable. >.> Anyway, enjoy the pretty pic! I'll pop in later. ^^
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