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Friday, December 5, 2003
Mortal Combat: Millennium vs. the Christmas lights.
It was a cold mid-afternoon in early December. The steel-grey sky was reflected in the shiny orbs hanging from the roof. The Christmas lights. Part of them had come down fromt the roof and dangled precariously overhead, while an entire section consisting of roughly half the house was out. A blue-haired otaku viewed the sight with frustration, and a bit of fear. She took a deep breath and proclaimed into the still afternoon air: "It's time to tango!" With a flying leap, and a battle cry, the girl landed on the roof and began to battle with the twinkling bane of her existence. After five minutes of intense battling between otaku and holiday cheer, the girl was dangling from the roof, tangled in the Christmas lights. A woman emerged from the house and surveyed the terrifying outcome of the battle with utter bewilderment. "Uh...Millennium? We just had to change the fuse..." The tangled otaku looked down at the woman and blinked blankly. "What's a fuse?"
Okay, that's a glorified account of my afternoon battling the Christmas lights. Tommorrow, the tree. Dum dum dum. Anyway, thanks for all the responses! I found JadeLin's most amusing to read. ^_^ Here's the part you've all been waiting for: the answers.
[1] Here's an easy one. ~.^ What's Inuyasha's favorite food?
[2] What's the name Inu-kun's special move that he does with his claws?
Iron Reever, Soul Stealer! (at least in the English version)
[3] Here's another easy one (if you have a good memory, that is). About how old is Kagome?
[4] Why does Shippo hate boat rides so much?
He gets really seasick. @.@
[5] What's Kagome's "subduing command" (English or Japanese)?
Osuwari or Sit!
[6] About how old is Inuyasha (you can either count or omit the time he spent bound to a tree; I'll post both answers)?
I think 17 without time on the tree and 67 on the tree, but I'll double check.
And finally...
[7] Who's your favorite character (obviously not a right or wrong answer)?'s hard to pick just one, but I'd say Inuyasha, though Kagome is a close second (I had to mark her down for the annoying high-pitched scream).
[8] What's your favorite song (if you don't know the name, just tell me the pictures that go on in the background if it's an ending song and I can tell you)?
Owarinai Yume and Fukai Mori ^-^ Dearest makes me sleepy, but it's pretty. *yawns*
Well, that about covers it. I'll be back a bit later. Ja ne!
"Joey, don't cook the candy bars!" "Trust me, Yug, I know what I'm doing." -Yugi and Joey, YGO.
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Tuesday, December 2, 2003
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree...
Hey there, everyone! Thanks for all the replies, despite the kinda unfunny post. >.> Anyway, I'm ready to do a good update now. ^^
I have a few new ideas for features on the site. I was kinda thinking of a picture of the week thing (especially since Inuyasha pictures are so much more abundant that Naruto ones) or a quiz of the week or something. I was also thinking about doing a repeated offender of the day/week/whatever. The only problem with that is that I don't want to offend anyone if they're on for less time than someone else. I dunno... I do know what all these proposed site changes mean: I have far too much imagination and time on my hands. But, that's why you all love me, right? Or maybe the secret is the spiffy pictures. ^^;;
Anyway, to test your Inuyasha knowledge and keep you busy while I catch up on all that work I've been procrastinating on, here's a little quiz. The questions shouldn't exceed episode 60 or so. Yeah, that's not broad...>.> Regardless, here's the quiz. I'll post the *hopefully* correct answers on Friday. ^_^
[1] Here's an easy one. ~.^ What's Inuyasha's favorite food?
[2] What's the name Inu-kun's special move that he does with his claws?
[3] Here's another easy one (if you have a good memory, that is). About how old is Kagome?
[4] Why does Shippo hate boat rides so much?
[5] What's Kagome's "subduing command" (English or Japanese)?
[6] About how old is Inuyasha (you can either count or omit the time he spent bound to a tree; I'll post both answers)?
And finally...
[7] Who's your favorite character (obviously not a right or wrong answer)?
[8] What's your favorite song (if you don't know the name, just tell me the pictures that go on in the background if it's an ending song and I can tell you)?
Anyway, I'll post the answers Friday. Until then, enjoy the pic!
"There are two things I hate: waiting and being rushed and that's all I seem to be doing lately." -Yuske, YYH. I know how he feels...
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Saturday, November 29, 2003
Hem, mediocrity...
Sorry for the abrupt theme change. I had a lot of stuff planned for this post, but, well, I'm exhausted and my fingers are practically frozen to my keyboard. I'll come back later and fix the kinks and all, but for now, I'm turning in. I still have homework to do, so I'll see ya later. Oh, and as a note, never go outside in cotton shorts in late fall. Bad idea. *shiver* Well, ja ne!
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Friday, November 28, 2003
"Help me fluff the Christmas tree!
Well, Thanksgivings over and we all know what that means: we'll be spending the weekend putting up Christmas decorations while eating turkey sandwiches, drinking turkey smoothies, and hammering the nails in with turkey. Seriously, though, I hope you all had a nice turkey day. Even those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving should eat vast quantities of half-price turkey. ^-^
Anyway, I was wondering where everyone's been lately. Not as many people seem to be stopping over lately. I dunno. Am I boring or something? Do you hate me for not posting on your sites a lot? Are you just busy? It's just kinda worrying/depressing me. But, I won't let that get me down! *bounce*
Well, here's the next installment of my weird fanfic of death. I realized that I get a lot of inspiration from public bathrooms. Have you ever been in a completely sensor-activated bathroom? It's scary. The toilet flushes before your done, you have to practically beat the sinks in order to get some water to come out, and don't even get me started on the toilet paper. Oh, yeah, the story...
Meanwhile, our favorite demon with a boa, the sickeningly cute Rin, and the talking punching bag known as Jaken were wandering in some random forest somewhere. It may very well be teh same forest Inuyasha is wandering in. I have no clue; it's not like they put signs in the forests. Just like all the villages are identical with the middle-aged men fixing the roofs of their huts, the grandpa and the little kid, and the wizened old village pervert...uh...elder, all the forests are identical. How are authors supposed to write under these conditions?! THUNK! (and that's about when I fell off my soapbox and got on with the story.)
Anyway, lo and behold the gang stumbles upon one of the most important aspects of the Inuyasha plotline. No, not the Shikon Jewel or Inuyasha's parachute pants, but the Bone-Eater's Well. 'Big deal,' you say, 'only Inuyasha and Kagome can travel through time in that well.' True, oh shrewd one, but there's one detail you forgot: plot contrivice. You see, as Sessy and Jaken continued forward, Rin lingered near the well, curious of its contents. She leaned over the edge of the well (not a smart idea with me as author), expecting to see chocolate bunnies, more parachute pants, or, in the least, a half-eaten doughnut. Of course, in accordance to Murphy's laws, my muse fluttered over the well with my montly shipment of plot contrivices while on her way to my lair of doom, located in your closet. Ha! You looked, didn't you? Anyway, one of the contrivices happened to fall upon poor unfortunate Rin, causing her to tumble headfirst into the well. Upon hearing Rin's squeak of alarm, that inner-softie Sesshomaru sauntered over to the well and jumped in, intent upon bringing Rin back up.
"Master Sesshomaru! What are you doing?!" cried the oh-so-stompable Jaken. He was silenced by Sesshomaru grabbing him by the neck and pulling him down into the well. Hey, if you're going down, might as well bring the completely useless henchman, right?
After a couple of seconds, Sessy and Jaken began seeing all these spiffy lights and pink orb thingies and everything was glowing. Of course, Jaken was thinking exactly what any of us would think in his situation.
'I want a sandwich. Without lettuce, mayo, cheese, or jellybeans. Actually, I kinda want a jelly bean and three-day-old tuna casserole sandwich.'
Okay, maybe you weren't thinking that. I sure wasn't. Maybe Sesshomaru's ponderings reflect our thoughts more.
'What the-?'
Wow, that was a long installment. Ek, I have a wrist cramp. @.@ Oh, I didn't explain the subject thingy of my post. Yeah, in accordance to tradition, my mom randomly decides to set up the artificial Christmas tree while I'm in school and when I walk in the door, we have to "fluff" the Christmas tree so it looks more like a tree than a squished green blob that just appeared in our living room. Yup. ^^;;
And, in accordance to my tradition, here's a quiz for you! ^-^
 Otaku Level 3
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
Hah. That does sound a good deal like me. ^^
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
You ate what?!
Hey there, darlings. Sorry about the last, completely unamusing post that occured. That's what happens when I'm overworked and exhausted. Well, aside from speaking in complete gibberish and having an insatiable appetite for vast quantites of apple jelly. Uh, yeah, anyway, thanks for all the posts! I will be updating the Offenders list over my four-day weekend (woo!). More spiffy stuff shall befall the site over my winter break in late December. I have to get through exams first, though. O.o
For some reason, I had this odd urge to pinch people's cheeks today. No, not those cheeks! The ones on their face! How can you resist pinching chibi little faces? ^^;; I also got a good deal more sleep than usual, so that may have something to do with it. Yeah, I overslept more than usual today. But, for some reason I was tired all day. Weird, ne?
Bloo. Yeah, not much else is going on. People said I did good on my dialogue, but I didn't get nearly as many stares as I should have, seeing as how I was wearing an Indian costume. Like I said, it's all that reality TV...
Quiz time!!
 you like Ryou and Bakura! ^^ So I got this sweet little pic just for you!
What Bakura Shonen-ai pic would you get? ^_^ fun to take!! brought to you by Quizilla
Kawaii! I've been dying to do a shonen-ai quiz. I'll post a quiz for those of you that aren't shonen-ai fans. ^^
 <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
Kawaii! ^^
Tune in tomorrow. Same place, same lunacy, probably same post. ^^;;
"Yep. Your death was a complete waste." -Boton, YYH.
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Sunday, November 23, 2003
And the angels doth sing...
I've finished!! My history report is COMPLETE! All I have to do is survive the debate tomorrow and I'll be freee! Free I say! Can you tell I've spent the past five hours typing the bloody report? Bloo.
Well, not much is going on right now. I need to go because I still have a journal entry to write, a Spanish dialogue to memorize, and I have to get ready for school tomorrow *hiss*. Mer. Well, ja ne! I should do a better entry tomorrow and I'll be updating my repeated offenders soon! Gomen about the short post, but I stopped making logical sense hours ago. O.o

What Inuyasha Villain Are You?
Yay! Sesshomaru!
"It may look like I can't move right now, but I'm still dangerous!" -Yuske, Yu-Yu Hakusho.
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Saturday, November 22, 2003
Agh, my toe, my beautiful toe!
Friends, Romans, otaku, lend me your know what I mean. Anyway, thanks for all the posts! I decided to post today because I felt kinda bad that my last post had little anime substance. So, gomen 'bout that.
Well, yesterday I had an anime club meeting where I tried pumpkin pocky (which, incidentally, tastes like pudding pocky. I think they just dyed the frosting). And I swear if these computer nerds don't quit trying to hack me, I'm gonna strangle them with their mouse cable! *grr* Heh, sorry. -.-;; I also saw a really nifty music video of Golden Boy (which showed enough fanservice to get all of the guys in the room interested in the anime ^^;; Very Love Hina/ Chobits-esque). Mer. Then, there was the Japanese lesson where I learned some really cool words and how to say "I am" and "We are" and "you are". So, yeah, it was cool. And my little sister is annoying me. Really, really annoying me because I won't get off the computer. *grr again* AND THESE STUPID COMPUTER HACKERS WON'T STOP!! One tried to hack me 258 times in the past hour and the supid little light flashes whenever someone is hacking. So annoying...
Yeah, I'm gonna go because I don't want to spread my frustration/bad vibes. And because these hackers and my sister are annoying me. Argh. I will tell you that the site theme change will occur sometime soon, probably next week or the week after. So, ja ne for now!

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?
Yay for Aoshi! He does kind of scare me though... O.o

What Vandread Character Are You?
Umm...I haven't seen Vandread, but I think I'll be flattered. Yes.
"Hey." "Hey, what?" "Take off those clothes." *smack* "I didn't say 'Get naked'! Just get back into your own weird clothes!" -Inuyasha and Kagome, Inuyasha (manga #1, episode 1).
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Friday, November 21, 2003
*bangs head repeatedly against keyboard*
Konbanwa, minna-san! I'm finally back, tired, stressed, and ungodly busy, but I'm here. Woo, I suppose. Anyway, I made a new logo icon-y thingy because I was so depressed with the quality of my current one. Aaand I found some new little tricks with my difficult little photo-editing program. I won't be posting any more of my fanfic for today (maybe next week- gomen!) because I need your opinion on a crucial part of my history project. It's my opening speech for my debate. I'd really like some feedback (especially since I wrote it at about ten o'clock at night ^^;;).
Is it possible to discover something that had been discovered thousands of years before? Is it right to conquer a people that has never raised its hand against you? Ask the Spanish. They surely must know the answer for they did these very deeds to my people. I am Moctezuma II, the emperor of the Aztecs that allowed the Spanish into my capital of Tenochtitlan, bestowed hospitality and riches upon them...and was killed for it. The deeds the Spaniards did while in my city are unexcusalbe and sickening. For instance, after being assured by Cortes that the festival for Huitzilopoctli would go as previously planned, one of his men ordered the army to ruthlessly attack the unarmed dancers, singers, and other celebrants. Blood spattered the walls of our city during that day of celebration. Unfortunately, this isn't an isolated case. Though we bestowed gold and opulent lodging upon them, the conquistadors turned and killed my people through war and pestulance. At one time, the grief was so great and the survivors so few that agriculture ceased and the survivors began to starve. Possibly more sickening were the events that took place once the Spanish had won. They enslaved the mourning survivors, flattened the city that took generations of hard work to build, and stole from us the chimapas that our forefathers poured their souls into creating. How could men turn so fully upon the people that welcomed them with open arms and generous hears? How could the deaths of thousands upon thousands of people be just? It isn't.
Mwargh. Behold my speech. Opinions are greatly appreciated! ^^ Moo. Well, not much to say except that I learned some more Japanese languagey stuff today and took a billion tests *hiss*. I believe I'll depart for now. But before I do, remember: Spooglerbooghin. Indeed.
 Sonic the Hedgehog! Not liking boredom, this hedgehog of supersonic speed is never in one place for too long. His life is filled with exploration and adventure. Compared with rules and common sense, he follows his own rules, living life to the fullest. He always keeps his promises. He would never betray anyone. He follows his own plan, usually. When you think you're all alone in facing the wind, he'll get you through in a pinch.
Height: 100cm | 3.3 feet
Weight: 35kg | 77lb
Age: 15
Which Sonic X character are you? (Sonic the hedgehog) *****PICS INCLUDED***** brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Greetings from the dark portal of my mind...
*crickets* BONZAI!! Well, I had to do something different otherwise I'd bore you (and, frankly, myself). Anyway, thanks for all the posts of support and/or utter confusion. ^^
Well...I don't really have much to say. I'm just posting so that you know I'm alive and, uh, as random as usual (if not more so). Y'know, if you yell "I'm a marshmallow!" while running down the hall flailing your arms, everyone ignores you. I guess they see too much randomness on TV or something. O.o It's rather depressing...
Yup. I was going to rant about random people that are really getting on my nerves, but I think I'll hold that off until Friday when I have more time. Schoolwork's going okay, but I still think I have far too much of it. I'm becoming sleep deprived and walking into stuff. Oh, wait, that's normal. ^^;; Buah. Well, I think I'll go now so I can go in my room and hide from my sister. Ja ne!

What Anime Legend Are You?
Daisuke looks really cool in that suit. ^^ I want one.
"The straying dreams of men/ May bring them ghosts of joy:/ But as they drowse, the waking embers burn them." -Chorus, Antigone. I'm not entirely sure what the last bit means, but it sounded cool. ^^
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Friday, November 14, 2003
Ranting, randomness, and in a nutshell.
Wow. I leave for five days and I have all these guestbook signings and posts to reply to. Not to mention the fact that I've been neglecting that pile of e-mails lurking in my inbox. O.o But, now I'm back and crazier than ever, especially thanks to that week of pure, unadulterated terror. Tests, projects, irreversible scarring... Anyway, back to...whatever it is I'm going to rant about.
Yeah, well, earlier this week, I discovered a highly disturbing fact in the form of a live-action Yu-Gi-Oh! movie. WHY?! Y'know, I've put up with a good deal of crap: terrible dubs, overediting, poor animation, the emergence of imitation anime, and countless other injustices that have befallen anime since it started leaving Japan. But, live-action? It isn't even Japanese. They're putting Western pop-culture idols in Yu-Gi-Oh! POP CULTURE, I SAY! I can't believe it. That's one of the downsides of greater accesibility of anime, the corporations get their grubby paws on it and totally exploit it to the point of annoyance. For instance, I saw three Yu-Gi-Oh! commercials in a row for two commercial breaks. Why?! I totally understand that the production company needs to make some money, but why do they have to mangle the anime in the process? Yu-Gi-Oh! is a teenage anime in Japan (as are most others produced in the West as kids' shows) and, thus, needs editing, but can't they at least release the Japanese version for some fans who really want to see it? Wise up, stupid prodcution people! Buah.
Anyway, here's the next installment of my little fanfic. ^^
"Flatulence! Why are you blocking my way to the kitchen?!" exclaimed Nuraku.
"Nuraku, sir," replied Flatulence, bowing, "the union is dissatisfied with your recent evil schemes. They claim that you're destroying the name of evil."
"Hrumph. I am just as evil now as I was fifty years ago."
"But, sir, you haven't even attempted to stop that annoying hanyou (A/N: half-demon) Inuyasha in weeks! Even your most illustrious and well-known plan has failed. Inuyasha is still alive and Kikyo's reincarnation is wandering around Japan, not to mention the fact that she was restored into a clay body. Sir," muttered Flatulence with great concern, "they may throw you out of the union!"
"No! That means no free sake on Fridays! I shall come up with the evilest scheme known to man! Kukukukuku!" exclaimed Nuraku, striking a pose of one who holds his finger in the air, hand on hip, with the ocean splashing behind him.
"But, first, I must go get my brownies."
Ta da! Well, that's all for today. Sorry about the lack of posts. ^^;; Thanks for all the posts, though. I loveded them. ^^

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna
Sadly, it's true. T-T
 You are Umi!
Which Magic Knight Rayearth Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I guess so... I like Hikaru more, though. ^^
"Dislocated groin." "Dislocated brain!" -Kenshin and Kaoru, Rurouni Kenshin.
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