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Monday, November 10, 2003
Ah, to be young and insane...
Another Monday. *sigh* Another endless sea of papers, encroaching due dates, tests out the ying yang and my sanity slowly bleeding from my ears. Hence, the posts will be a bit more sparing and probably much more random than usual, especially as the due dates of doom approach. Blech. It doesn't help that today was one of those days that I was so close to creating a bloodrain, laughing manically, and running around in Montezuma's headress of death and screaming "I am your Mongol leader. OBEY ME!!". This is even more likely than usual thanks to my three tests and quiz tomorrow. I could always just wing them all as usual, but I think I'll put a bit of effort into it this time. Just a little.
Anyway, I watched the first two episodes of Fushigi Yugi last night. It was nifty, but the highly romance-y scenes made me squeal "Aghh! My eyes!". Other than that, it was rather cool. And...Shadi, I can see you.
Shadi: *dancing in the background in his undergarments to some really bad polka. I mean the kind that's labeled "Bad Polka: I'll pay you if you take it!" in a music store.*
Millennium: I can still see you.
Shadi: But, my Millennium Key shields me from your sight. *continues dancing*
Millennium: You took your Millennium Key off an hour ago. I didn't say anything until you turned on the bad polka.
Shadi: What?! *looks down* Oh crap... *blushes and departs*
Anyway, not much else to say. I should depart so I can study a bit...or sleep. Probably the second one. Y'know, I saw this girl driving in her car WRITING HER SCHEDULE DOWN! I mean, her hands weren't even on the steering wheel! O.o M'kay, enough of the randomness. Ja ne!

"It sounds like a homo being strangled in here." "It's not my fault I'm gay!" -Random, nameless people from Fushigi Yugi.
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Friday, November 7, 2003
Sugar crasssshhh...*falls over*
PUMPERNICKLE! Buah. Well, I had to get your attention somehow. If you're as tired as I am, you're probably falling asleep at your computer. It's just been one of those weeks, I guess. Thanks for your posts as usual, guys! They always keep me motivated. ^^
Anyway, today started out pretty poorly, but it did get much better, especially because of anime club. ^-^ I got a little Japanese pronunciation lesson and we had a little Q&A session about anime/game stuff. Plus, when I got home, I found that my mom had bought me Fushigi Yugi at, of all places, a grocery store. 'Twas rather inexpencive, though. ^^ The only thing about it is that the tape has epidoses 20-23 or so and I don't own nor have seen any of the other episodes. I won't tell my mom that, though. She seemed really happy that she found something I like and seemed really proud of herself. I'm not about to ruin that over a little technicality. I'm sharp and I can do some research on it if I get lost. ^^ I'm still very pleased as it is my first anime video/tape thingy (well, my sister has a Sailor Moon video, but I don't think that counts ^.^;;).
Now for another installment of the crazy, wacky, currently titless fanfic that I started awhile ago. Enjoy!
Anyway, Flatulence entered just as Nuraku began his daily torture. Of course, like all other villains, Nuraku must make a long, grandiose speech about how great it was to be victorious, how much he enjoyed his victim's screams, and how he desired to taste their blood. In short, Nuraku is an overpaid psycologist's dream. Despite the fact that he was torturing ants that probably couldn't hear him, much less understand him, he had to make a long speech about the joys of cooking...and torture. And, on occasion, he must also reveal his elaborate plans so as to give the cocky hero an opportunity to find a way to stop it. I believe those are union rules as well.
Nonetheless, Nuraku began his insane muttering to his dying victims.
"Ha! Foolish antenna-bespeckled mortals! I shall burn you all unneccesarily because of boredom! Do not try to flee, foolish ant, for I shall burn you nonetheless! Crap! He fled out of my range. Curse you!" cried Nuraku, banishing his magnifying glass and, consequentially, burning a hole in his baboon suit.
His cursing was cut short, however, from an ominous buzz.
"My brownies are done!"
Now, maybe I'm really bad at Japanese history, but I don't think they had ovens in the feudal era. Not even hot plates...or even lightbulbs...maybe brownies weren't even invented yet. Yes, dear readers, there was a dark time before brownies. Regardless, Nuraku began his journey to the kitchen to get his nonexistant brownies out of his nonexistant oven to shar with his nonexistant friend Mister Tibbles. His quest to the kitchen was cut short, however, when he walked into Flatulence, who, as I said before, has entered during Nuraku's villainous assult upon the ant community.
Hope you enjoyed it. ^^ If you missed the first two entries, they're usually on Fridays (starting about two weeks ago and omitting last Friday).
Well, that doesn't really cover much, but I'm tired and I need to sleep or this entry will make less sense than usual. Mer. But here's a quiz or two:

How random are you?
this quiz was made by alanna
You're very random! Sanity comes hard - when you're not singing to complete strangers or using made-up words in conversation, you can be normal... but hey, why bother?
*gasp* How she know about the made up words? Spuke, for instance, or toilet juice (y'know that water in the toilet...).
Now for a Gravitation quiz! Moo...I roar.
 You're the kawaii singer from Nittle Grasper, Sakuma Ryuichi! Even though you may act like a hyper three year old most of the time, you're a great friend to have. Everyone adores and loves you, even if you're not the brightest crayon in the box. You like adding "Na No Da" to the end of your sentences and carrying your stuffed pink bunny Kumagorou everywhere with you. Also, you can go from adorably cute to sexy serious in no time flat
~*~Which Gravitation Character Are You?~*~ brought to you by Quizilla
Night, night *passes out*
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Wednesday, November 5, 2003
I am emperor of the Aztecs!
Hello, poppets. M'kay I think that covers my Nikki moment of the day. ^^ Anyway, thanks for all the posts. I always love them! I just want to warn you that my posts may be a bit hectic because I have a lot of projects to do in the next few weeks- science fair, history project (worth 20% of my grade...), plus the normal nightly homework. O.o The whole "emperor of the Aztecs" thing I was talking about in my subject has to do with my project about Moctezuma (spelled wrong, probably) and his view on the Spanish conquest of the New World. M'yep. I don't mind. I get to be an emperor for a day and there's bound to be a good deal of info. on him, being the last major Aztec emperor and all. ^^ On to less scholarly subjects now, though...
I'm sooo glad it's almost the weekend, despite all the work (physical and mental) that needs to be done. At least I can get a decent amount of sleep so I can stop dozing off for the first few hours of classes and while I'm doing my homework. ^^;; And, of course, there's the spanking new (though in varying degrees of bad dubbing) anime, plus I can borrow some mangas from my friend to read over the weekend. That'll get me through the next week or so. That and all your lovely comments. ^-^
Well, my friends, my inspiration is dead. Like that roadkill I saw some time ago or that hamburger you're eating. You think I can't see you, don't you? But I can! I'm the all-seeing Motezuma! Muhahahaha... Anyway, here are some quizzes of death.

cold.. or are you?
Find out what bishonen you are.
He scares me... *tremble*

What fuzzy creature are you?
Neko! *meow*

Psycho from Akira
Find out what anime villan you are.
I've never seen Akira. He'd better be as evil as I am. Uh...maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud. *hides plans for world domination* I'm not really picked on, either.
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Monday, November 3, 2003
Ah, for a Puzzle...
Today was one of those days when I could really use some evil shadow powers of doom. Hence the fact that stealing the Millennium Puzzle seems like a good idea now since I could use a yami to whoop some butt, y'know? If you've read the first manga, you know that Yami goes on this little rampage where he he uses shadow powers of death on a ton of Yugi's rival-type people. He even forces Yugi's self-absorbed teacher to run out of the room frantically and threaten the class with referrals if they said anything about what happened. You see, she was one of those women that went out on dates just to toy with men. She also happened to take out bad days on her students. So, on a particularly bad day, Yami got ticked and forced all of her makeup (which hides her true, rather ugly, face) to fall off. Of course, I immediately began screaming "I want some!" and began my quest to become a Pokemon master...uh...wait, no...I know this...
Anyway, not much happened today besides the cramming of knowledge into my brain that is school, so I'll leave you with a quiz and quotes. ^^;;
 You are Yoh's spirit - AMIDAMARU the ghost samurai!
What Shaman King spirit are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Yay! Amidamaru!
"I don't care how crazy you long as you don't hurt anyone and you graduate." -my mom. Comforting, ne?
"Jesu is like the peanut butter you spread on your crackers, so Jesus is a cracker. That's a metaphor."- random classmate. Sure, sweetie, and Muhammad was rice.
Vash: "Stop it, you're gonna make me cry."
Kite: "Are you making fun of my singing?!"
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Saturday, November 1, 2003
New theme!
I've returned! I hope you all had a good (and bountiful ^-^) Halloween. And if you didn't, go and buy the 50% off candy and see how much you can eat without getting sick! Buah. As you may have noticed, I've changed my theme again to a more cheerful anime this month- Nauto! And I've toyed around with a bit of html to make a more interesting and space-saving Offenders table-thingy. Hope you all like it. The change did take two and a half hours of my life, y'know.
Anyway, for those of you who don't know much about Naruto here's a basic overview. Naruto was your average troublemaker: always goofing around in class, painting graffiti everywhere, and throwing kunai at defenseless bunnies (okay, so that was an accident...). Did I happen to mention that he's an outcast and parentless? Naruto also happens to live in a village of ninjas and is in training to become one himself. Despite being an outcast and totally loathed by the majority of the village, he has big dreams to become hokage of the village-the highest ninja-to finally gain respect. Wow, he seems desperate. The village really seems to hate him, but is it because he's a troublemaker...or is it something more? The show basically covers Naruto's journey to become hokage, his quest to get Sakura-chan to finally notice him, crush the competiton (and a few other ninjas along the way. ^^;;), and get that dern village to STOP WHISPERING BEHIND HIS BACK!! That's kind of a cheap summary, but I didn't want to give away the great secrets and some of the really funny scenes (check out episode 3 or manga volume 1 for a really funny scene where he tries to impersonate Sakura's crush to win her's hilarious). If you absolutely need more info., check out the site I got my images from under site stats. ^^
I went trick-or-treating last night and got a decent amount of loot and scared the fritter-berries out of my neighbors. Apparently, I make a very convincing vampire. Either that or leading my friend by a piece of thread and calling him my mortal slave freaked people out. He didn't have a costume, so he became the accesory. He got a decent amount of candy for being an accessory. And I freaked out a few little kids. Yup. All in all, a very productive night. ^-^
Now, for another random quiz o' doom!
 What anime hue are you? calming...
Well, that's it for now. ^^ Thanks for all the comments! I rather enjoyed them. ^^
Tea: Kaiba, are you sure this is virtual? It smells real.
Tristan: Sorry, that was me.
Tea: Tristan, that's gross!
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Thursday, October 30, 2003
So screwed...
I just popped in to say Happy Halloween! I don't have a lot of time since I still have a lot of work to do tonight. I'll be back tommorrow or Saturday.
Happy Halloween!
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Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Konrichi wa, minna-san! I'm back from...uh...wherever I've been all this time. ^^;; Anyway, thanks for all the responses as always! I guess you guys do care about my new socks for some odd reason. Bloo. Well, I thought up some cool stuff for the site as well as a new look for the Offenders list (it's getting so long!). Hopefully, you guys will like it. I should have it done this weekend, but, as usual, there's no guaruntee. I also know my next site theme, but that's a secret for now. ~.^
Well, no further sightings of possoms, armadillos, or demons with twinkies, so I think I'm okay. Then again, I could just be saying I'm okay because I'm really posessed by an evil possum. Hmmm...
I do happen to be a bit angry right now because I just discovered that a person (whose name shall not be mentioned) went up to our teacher and told her that the class was too easy and that she should challenge us more (this is honors physics, mind you). So, she obliged and gave us this lab WITHOUT INSTRUCTIONS! We had to determine what to do with our group members and how to calculate the thing we were trying to find. AND on top of all that, we have to do a formal lab write-up due Friday. Bleagh. And this is just for our period, no other honors physics classes had to do it. It doesn't bother me that he wanted to broaden his horizons, but did he really have to take the rest of us down with him? And I really don't need more work. Ugh.
Well, enough of the ranting. I did hang out with my friends on Monday when I stayed after school. It was a lot of fun, especially the bus ride home when two of my friends and I sat in the back of the bus and sang random songs from our childhood. 'Twas rather fun. And Monday was when I heard this really cool song from The Cranberries. Here are the lyrics from :
Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken
But You see it's not me,
It's not my family
In your head, in your
Head they are fighting
With their tanks, and their bombs
And their bombs, and their guns
In your head,
In your head they are cryin'
In your head
What's in your head, in your head
Another mother's breakin'
Heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken
It's the same old theme since 1916
In your head,
In your head they're still fightin'
With their tanks
In your head they are dying
In your head, in your head
What's in your head, in your head
And here's a little quiz of doom:
 I've come to take you. What character from a creepy anime are you?
Boogiepop is spooky...
Well, I've taken up enough space/time, so I bid you adieu.
"All of us who casually go through life will perish one day and disappear into the darkness." -Kira, Mars
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Sunday, October 26, 2003
The armadillo-possom conspiracy
I live! I just thought I'd pop in and post so you don't think I'm dead because Evangelion confused me so much my brain exploded or something. No, I'm alive, more or less. And I managed to appease my mother by finishing my Christmas list before December 23. And I got new socks. You probably didn't want to know that.
Yet another adventure involving possums and armadillos. Last night, my mom was letting our dogs outside and, lo and behold, my golden lab finds a possum and goes dashing towards it, my little beagle following. They pounced. The possum growled. My mom screamed at them. I got out the pretzel jar and lured them in. Lesson of the night: Possums are dangerous and they growl. Yesh.
We saw an armadillo crossing the street today while we were driving down the road. Of course, it crosses and stops in our lane, which caused us to stop and the person behind us to get rather annoyed. We sat there for a few seconds, wondering if the stupid thing would finish crossing, when finally it moved so we could pass. I guess we passed the test of the armadillo, huh?
Well, that's about it. I'd better go because I have to leave in ten minutes. Ja ne!
Kenshin: "Does the flavor not please you?"
Kaoru: "I just don't like it when someone cooks better than I do."
Kenshin: *falls over*
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Friday, October 24, 2003
Hand me the flamethrower!
Hah. Hi, guys. It's been awhile since I updated. ^^ Sorry. I haven't been too swamped with work, just lazy. -.-;; Anyway, I'll be updating my Offenders list to include some newcomers. And I gave in and put my music at the top of the page. I don't really like to use the html stuff because I'll forget it and all fifteen minutes I spent learning it would be wasted. Yeah. But, it looks better that way. ^^ Bloo.
Here's the next bit of my crazy little Inuyasha fic. If you missed it last week, you can catch it in my previous entries section. It was posted last Friday if that helps. Anyway, enjoy!
In a distant castle fortress in some obscure village in Japan, Nuraku was thinking up his insidious plot for the day. After all, he was a bad guy and must make an insidius plot every day, except for Sundays, Jewish holidays, and Easter by union rules. Today was Monday, so there were evil plots to be had. So, after thinking long and hard, Nuraku conjured up his most insidius plan yet- burning ants with a magnafying glass! Ahh! The horror! His reign of terror upon the ant world was cut short, however, when Random Henchman #0375123 entered and...
Editors: Wait!
What now?
Editors: You must needlessly change Random Henchman #0375123's name!
Editors:It's a swearword in gibberish.
What?! You're kidding! Gibberish isn't a language!
Editors: It is in Joetopia.
Editors: We demand that you change his name to Flatulence!
Why?! That's degrading!
Editors: Because we can sue you.
Darn you!!
Editors: And use Kilala, not Kirara.
Editors: Because you egged our cars.
Did not
Editors: Did too.
Did not
Editors: Did too! Now, meet our demands or we shall sue you until you have no money and must become our slave!
That's mean!
Editors: How do you think we get our writers? Chop chop!
Well, that's the weekly installment. Hope you enjoyed it. ^-^ Not much else to say. I think I'll squiggle around your sites a bit. Ah, but what post wouldn't be complete without a random quiz?
 You are Beef Ramen! You are well liked, and you are very socially adept and easy to talk to and to get to know. People appreciate that you are willing to pay attention to them. You normally are a hard worker, though social life will always come first for you.
What Flavor of Ramen Noodles are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Mmm....ramen. Beef ramen's pretty dern yummy. Then again, I eat all ramen. Too much Inuyasha and Naruto, I'm sure.

what flavor pocky are you?
[c] sugardew
Pocky!! I love chocolate, but I like strawberry better. Can you tell I'm hungry? Well, I'll let you go. Ja ne!
BEHOLD! Ramen is the answer for everything!!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Armadillos, possums, and panda-monkies, oh my!
It's the rare, improbable, nearly impossible TUESDAY UPDATE!! Yeah. Me brain's fried. I had a standardized test today (fairly difficult, considering) that I forgot about until yesterday. Bloo. I can't sit still for that long (it took over half the day!). Anyway, enough complaining. I have next to no homework tonight, which is a lovely change. ^-^ Thanks, as always, for the posts. I always enjoy them. You're probably right, JadeLin; I'm too lazy to let the page load fully, so there were probably more results to that neko quiz. Speaking of which, I'm gonna retake some of those quizzes that said that I'm laid back. I wanna see if it changes when I'm in school. I'll tell you guys the results of my weird and pointless experiment.
As you can probably tell from the title, I saw yet another creature lurking around the catfood dish, which I believe to be the true center of the universe. A possum this time. I was trying to go to sleep on Sunday at about 11:30 and I kept hearing this odd sound. So, assuming it was my sister, as always, I looked into her room. She was sound asleep. Baffled, I wandered toward the sound. It was coming from outside. I turn on the light, pull back the curtain, and there's a possum attempting to pick up the catfood dish so as to eat from it. My mom came out just as the possum ran away, so she didn't see it. She probably thinks I'm going insane. o.O Yep, well that's the update.
Well, not much else has happened. Wake up, fall out of bed, sleep on floor, drag self to get dressed, go to school, sit in a stupor, come home, do homework, sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Oh, about the panda-monkey. I saw this shape in my shower curtain (which has a marble-looking design in it) that looked like a panda holding a candy cane (or really thick bamboo). Then, I saw a monkey tail and ears, so I dubbed it the panda-monkey. Ah, the musings of a random and easily amused mind.
That's it for the update! Here's a quiz to keep you occupied. And I already know my next theme for the site change, but I won't say it. Finding pictures might be hard, so I won't guaruntee anything. ^^ Ja ne!

Find out what anime girl you are.
Lain's creepy. Then again, people tell me I'm creepy. I dunno. I just don't see how I'm creepy. -.-;;
Inuyasha: "Miroku, are you playing with my face?"
Miroku: "You noticed?"
(quote from
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